
⓮2017年9月7日 - アントワープ旅行 - 3)ブリュージュへ日帰り旅行 : デュ・ハルヴ・マーン醸造所 / Antwerp Trip - One Day Trip in Bruges ; Brewery: De Halve Maan , 7th of September, 2017

目次 / Contnets
1) 450年以上の歴史 / History over 450 years
2) 地下パイプライン / Underground Pipeline
3) ビールは楽し! / Beer is Fun!

1) 450年以上の歴史 / History over 450 years
ベギン会修道院 のあと、デュ・ハルヴ・マーン/ De Halve Maan 醸造所に行きました。


デュ・ハルヴ・マーン醸造所は、1564年には町の台帳に名前が残されているとか、当時の地図に(デュ・ハルヴ・マーンの前身と考えられている) 'Die Mane’が載っているとか言われています。


1856年にマース (Maes) 家のアンリ1世が 'Die Mane’ 醸造所の所有者となり、デュ・ハルヴ・マーン醸造所を創設します。





公式サイト :   (英語)  / Belgian Beer Japan サイト: ★(日本語) / 歴史: (日本語)

'ハルヴ・マーン' / 'Halve Maan'とは

Half Moon
'Halve Maan' means half moon (half moon) in Dutch.
It is a lovely name.

History over 450 years
After the Beguinage of Bruges (Princely Beguinage Ten Wijngaerde) , we visited De Halve Maan Brewery.

In the heyday of the brewing industry, there seemed to be 32 brewers inside of the walls of Bruges, though De Halve Maan is now the only brewery left in Bruges.

They say that its name comes from the ledger of the town in 1564, or the map of former days 'Die Mane' which is thought to be the predecessor of De Halve Maan.

The Brewery is more than 450 years old.

In 1856, Henry I of the Maes family became the owner of the 'Die Mane' brewery and founded the De Halve Maan brewery.

The successors of Henry I were keen to study, learned about stouts and pale ales in the UK, began to brew English style beer after that, learned the technique of the lower fermentation lager in Germany, and in 1828 they began brewing lager beer.

In addition, the delivery service using the horse succeeded and spread throughout West Flanders.

The temperament to adopt new ideas has been around for a long time ~ ........ recently they began using an underground pipeline for beer transport [detailed next :2)].

In 1988, the brewery was bought by De Splrentel family and they changed the name to Struffe Hendrik brewery.

However,  in 2005, Xavier Vanneste (the Sixth generation of the original family) bought back the brewery,  returned to the original name, De Halve Maan and started brewing again.
Official Website :  in English 

2) 地下パイプ・ライン / Underground Pipeline
入り口 (ワル広場から)  

Entrance (From Walplein Square)





1時間に約4,000リットル (6000リットルという話も送られるそうです。
A display emphasizing the pipeline is under the floor near the entrance.

Their bottling plant opened in 2010.

Their beer was carried by truck from the brewery, but in September 2016 transport by truck ceased.

Nowadays the beer is carried to the bottling plant by a 2.8 km underground pipeline.

At its deepest the pipeline seems to be 34m.

They say that about 4,000 litres (or 6,000 litres) can be sent per hour.
Through the entrance, there is a pub.
ここで、'醸造所見学ツアー' があることを知りましたが、時間がないので参加しませんでした。

Here, we knew that there is a tour of the brewery, but we did not participate because we did not have time.
ピエロはビールのブランドの一つ、ブルッグス ゾットのトレードマーク

Around their Restaurant
Clown is one of the beer brands, Brugse Zot's trademark.

3) ビールは楽し! / Beer is Fun!
レストラン / Restaurant




あとで知ったのですが、日本でもここのビールが飲めます→ (日本語)

Though their dishes seem to be serviced for beer in the restaurant, we ordered only beer, because we were not hungry.

Here you can drink 4 kinds of beer.

The restaurant is directly under the brewery, so they should be fresh! 

Every beer was good!

Later I found out that we can drink these beers in Japan →  (in Japanese)
メニュー が新聞の形式になっています。
The menu is in the form of a newspaper.

ストラッフェル・ヘンドリック クアドルペル ()
左 ブルッグス ゾット ダブル (

 Right : Straffe Hendrik Quadryppel ()
Left : Brugse Zot Dubbel
(The leftmost bottle is used as a vase, not a bottle of our beer)

ストラッフェル・ヘンドリック / Straffe Hendril 


ブルッグス ゾット / Brugse Zot 
6代目が醸造を再開したときに造られたのが、ブルッグス ゾット(Brugse Zot)で、これがビール業界で高い評価を得、これまでに幾つもの国際的なビール品評会などで賞を獲得しています。(World Beer Cup 2006及び2008年の'Belgian and French Style Ale'カテゴリーでのゴールドメダル受賞等)

Straffe Hendril 
In 1988, De Halve Maan was bought by the De Splrentel family and from the name of the brewery became a Straffe Hendrik brewery.

Later,  Xavier Vanneste (the Sixth) bought back the brewery, they have carried on Straffe Hendril's name (brand) and its recipe.

Brugse Zot 
Brugse Zot was created when the 6th generation resumed brewing, which gained a high reputation in the beer industry and has earned prizes at several international beer competition groups etc. (Gold medal prize won at World Beer Cup 2006 and 'Belgian and French Style Ale' category in 2008)

右: ストラッフェ・ヘンドリック トリプル  / Right : Straffe Hendrik Tripel
左 ブルッグス ゾット ブロンド / Left : Brugse Zot Blond
ストラッフェ・ヘンドリック / Straffe Hendrik
1981年、このビールは、ブルージュに聖アルノー (St. Arnou)の銅像が建てられたのを記念して造られ、他のビールよりも強く、"ストラッフェ・ヘンドリック(強いアンリ)" と呼ばれました。


このビールの由来になった聖アルノー は、実際どの人なのかは、わかりません。


Straffe Hendrik
In 1981, this beer was made to commemorate the building of the statue of St. Arnou in Bruges, its taste was stronger than the other beers and was called "Straffe Hendrik (Strong Henry)".

I knew for the first time that St. Arnou is the guardian of Belgian beer.

However, it seems that there are several different St. Arnou spoken of in the beer world, I could not find out who St. Arnou actually was.

In Belgium there is also "St. Arnou's Holiday", after the holiday, an event called "Beer Weekend" is held and various beer brewers gather at the Grand Place and decide on the best brewery.

We bought them as souvenirs.
They were for friends in Britain.


とにかく、 "マルクト広場" / "Markt Square"には行こう!と思い、歩き出しました。

From the beginning, I had no intention of going around many sightseeing spots, but when we left here I felt completely good and completely forgot about sightseeing information.

Anyway I thought let's go to "Markt Square"! we started walking.

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