
❺10月27日、九州旅行 - 'グラバー園'と'平和公園' / Kyushu Trip - 'Glover Garden' and 'Peace Park', 27th of October, 2015

目次 / Contents
1) 'グラバー園' /''Glover Garden' 
     A. グラバー商会  / Glover firm : Glover and Co.  : Guraba-Shokai 
     B. 援助 / Support 
        a. 長州五傑 / Chōshū Five
        b. 薩摩藩と三菱 / Satsuma Domain and Mitsubishi
2) 写真 / Photographs
3) '平和公園' / 'Peace Park'

1) 'グラバー園' / 'Glover Garden' 
イギリス人商人のトーマス・ブレーク・グラバー (1838 - 1911) 
グラバー邸 (1863年築) と、リンガー邸 (1865年築)
オルト邸 (1865年築) があります。

'Glover Garden' Map
'GloverGarden' is a park in Nagasaki, a tourist site.  
Their feature is the Former Glover House which was built in 1863 for 
Thomas Blake Glovera Scottish merchant (1838 - 1911). 
The House is listed as a World Heritage Site and
 is the oldest wooden Western-style residence  in Japan.
There are also the Ringer House which was built in 1865 for 
 Frederick Ringer (1838 -1907) see below 
and the Alt House built for William Alt (1840- 1905) see below.
There are some other historic houses of Nagasaki which have been moved there.

隣の大浦天主堂 (オオウラテンシュドウ)
Ōura Church is a Neighborour

A . グラバー商会 
     Glover firm : Glover and Co.  : Guraba-Shokai




グラバー園のお隣には、大浦天主堂 (オオウラテンシュドウ)がありますが、そこは全く見られませんでした。


今回の旅で、坂本龍馬 (1836 -1867) とグラバー商会 (1861 - 1870) の関係を初めて知りました。
❹10月27日、九州旅行 - '龍馬通り' / Kyushu Trip - 'Ryōma Str...

グラバー商会 は、'ジャーディン・マセソン商会' / Jardine Matheson Holdings Limited, (1872 - ) から派遣されたトーマス・ブレーク・グラバー / Thomas Blake Glover (1838 - 1911) によって1859年に設立されました。





イギリス東インド会社 / East India Company(EIC ) (1600 -1874)

We looked around there in heavy rain.
This explanation board is wet, and also we and
our guide map were very wet.

Glover firm : Glover and Co.  : Guraba-Shokai

The Glover's house was shown as Glover Garden, and we went there.

We were very busy here again and we were running to see things.

Ringer House and Alt House were not seen at all.

Ōura Church is next -door to the Glover Garden, but we did not visit at all.

Surely if it were a personal trip for me and R, we could spend a day  in Glover Garden and Ōura Church.

On this trip, it was the first time that I knew of the relations between Sakamoto Ryōma (1836-1867) and the Glover firm  /  Glover and Co. (Guraba-Shokai / 1861-1870).
About the relations, below.
❹10月27日、九州旅行 - '龍馬通り' / Kyushu Trip - 'Ryōma Str...

In 1859, The Glover firm was established by Thomas Blake Glover (1838-1911) who was  dispatched from Jardine Matheson Holdings Limited.

Initially the firm ostensibly exported Japanese green tea and raw silk, but, actually, they also sold weapons to Japan.

Thomas Blake Glover was a weapons merchant.

He had a big effect in Japanese history or it may be said that he had control through weapons.

Glover firm went bankrupt in 1870, although the senior company, Jardine Matheson Holdings Limited is still managed today.

By the way, East India Company(EIC ) (1600 -1874) was the predecessor of Jardine Matheson Holdings Limited.

Our pamphlet got wet with rain and now it is wrinkled.

B. 援助 / Support

a. 長州五傑 / Chōshū Five

グラバー'ジャーディン・マセソン商会' は、
長州五傑 / Chōshū Five (1863 - ) のイギリス渡航 (密航) を助けています。

井上聞多(井上馨 / イノウエ カオル/ 1836 - 1915)
遠藤謹助 (エンドウ キンスケ/ 1836 - 1893)、
山尾庸三(ヤマオ ヨウゾウ/ 1837 -1917)、
伊藤俊輔(伊藤博文 / イトウヒロブミ / 1841 -1909)
野村弥吉(井上勝  / イノウエマサル / 1843 - 1910)


そういえば、映画;長州ファイヴ (2006) は、面白かったです。


Chōshū Five

Glover and Jardine Matheson supported a voyage of  the Chōshū Five (1863 - 1864 ~1868) to Britain which was secret at that time.

It was still illegal to leave Japan when they left, as the maritime seclusion policy (sakoku or as it was known at the time kaikin ) was still enforced until 1866.

Chōshū means Chōshū Domain which was a feudal domain of Japan during the Edo Period (1603–1867).

It occupied the whole of modern-day Yamaguchi Prefecture

The capital city was Hagi

The members of Chōshū Five were 
Inoue Kaoru (1836-1915)
Endō Kinsuke (1836-1893)
Yamao Yōzō (1837 -1917)
Itō Hirobumi (1841-1909)
Inoue Masaru (1843-1910)
and their purpose was study.

After returning to Japan, the work of the Five was so wonderful, I feel the secret study was very successful.

By the way I enjoyed a film, 'Chōshū Five' (2006 / director : Shou Igarashi, 1958 - / official website :  which was got the grand prize of World Fest Houston International Film Festival :  in 2007.

b. 薩摩藩と三菱 / Satsuma Domain and Mitsubishi

薩摩藩遣英使節団 (サツマハン ケンエイ シセツダン/ 1865 -) の渡英も手助けしています。

五代友厚 (ゴダイ トモアツ / 1836 - 1885) 
寺島宗則 (テラシマ ムネノリ / 1832 - 1893)
新納中三 (ニイロ チュウゾウ / 1832 -1889)
森有礼 (モリ アリノリ/ 1847 -1889)
長澤鼎 (ナガサワ カナエ / 1852 - 1934) 

またグラバーは、坂本龍馬だけでなく、三菱財閥の創業者、岩崎弥太郎 (1835 -1885) も支援しました。

岩崎弥太郎は、龍馬 同様、土佐藩出身です




Satsuma Domain and Mitsubishi

Glover helped with the first visit to Britain of the Satsuma Domain Mission (1865 ).

Three people were in charge :
Godai Tomoatsu (1836 - 1885) 
Terashima Munenori (1832 - 1893)
Niro Chuzo (1832 -1889)
and there were 15 students : 'First Satsuma Student Mission' along with an interpreter, in total 19 people.

Among the students were  
Mori Arinori (1847 -1889)
Nagasawa Kanaye (1852 - 1934) .
The Details →

In addition, Glover supported not only Sakamoto Ryōma but also the founder of the Mitsubishi Zaibatsu : Mitsubishi  financial combine, Iwasaki Yataro (1835-1885).

wasaki Yataro came from Tosa Domain as did Ryōma .

Glover helped found Kirin Company, Limited part of Mitsubishi Group, too.

Mitsubishi Zaibatsu is one of three Zaibatsu in Japan, the other two are Mitsui and Sumitomo.

Mitsui and Sumitomo are long-Established family business groups, whereas Mitsubishi was established by Iwasaki Yataro who accumulated vast money as a businessperson, as a political entrepreneur, in the upheaval of the Meiji period (1868 - 1912).

I feel a little of Ryōma in Iwasaki Yataro.
岩崎弥之助 (1851 -1908) は、弥太郎の弟で、三菱財閥の二代目です。
Iwasaki Yanosuke 
(1851 -1908), second President of the Mitsubishi financial combine was a younger brother of the founder, Iwasaki Yataro.
He made efforts for the diversification of Mitsubishi.
He was the fourth of the Bank of Japan.

2) 写真 / Photographs

大雨〜!/ Heavy Rain~!

明治時代の水道 / Public Water Tap from Meiji Period

3) 平和公園' /  'Peace Park'


Here, we just prayed for the victims, that their souls may rest in peace and that there will be peace in the world.
北村 西望 (キタムラ セイボウ/ 1884 -1987)

Peace Statue
By Seibo Kitamura (1884 -1987)
It is located in the North of Nagasaki Peace Park.
Height of Statue : 9.7m / Height of Stand : 3.9 m /Weight  : 30 tons
A lightning rod is installed in the forefinger of the right hand.


As we looked at this statue, there came a heavy downpour and we returned to our coach at once.

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