
雪だ〜! /Snow! 29th. Feb.2012

1) 雪が降っている!/ It is snowing!
I went out for a walk this morning, because I would take photographs of snow.

宝石のよう?/ It looks like宝石のよう?/ It looks like a Jewel.

The sThe snow magic. Even thought it is dirty, it is beautiful, isn't it?

TheThey are私のタイルの作品、ドラゴンは、雪に隠れてます。
They They are my dragon tile works and they hide under the snow.

They are滑りそうなので、杖をとりに一度家に戻りました。
They areI felt slippery, so I returned home once for my stick.

2) 二階堂の雪景色 / Snow View in Nikaido

3) 覚園寺 / Kakuonj i-Temple

4) 帰宅 / Got Home

家の中から / From I家の中から / From Inside

散歩の前 / Before Walking散歩の前 / Before Walking

散歩の前 / Before Walking散歩の後 / After Walking

散歩の前 / Before Walking
Walking雪の帽子 / Snow Hat

Here こっちは雪の掛け布団?つめた〜い!かわいそうな植物たち!
Here Here are snow duvets. It must be freezing! Poor Plants!

何に見えますか?/ What is it?
何に見えますか?/ What is it?

雪の玉を雪の玉を持つ少年 / The Boy has a Snowball.

すみれは強い! / Violetすみれは強い! / Violet is strong!

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