目次 / Contents
1) KAMU Kanazawa
2) KAMU tatami
3) KAMU Black Black
4) 総合して/ Overall
1) KAMU Kanazawa
2020年に私設の現代美術館 "カムカナザワ / KAMU Kanazawa" : ★ が開館しました。
この日、金沢在住の友人SちゃんとKAMU Centreで、チケットを買い、5つのスペースを見てまわりました(下記)。
昨日、カムカナザワ の企画と知らずに、二人ですでに見ていました(下記)。
このセクションは、'KAMU tatami' と 'KAMU Black Black' についてです。
地図及びパンフレット Map as well as Leaflet 私は英国英語の表記でKAMU Centreとしますが、 美術館では米国英語表記のKAMU Centerを用いています。 I use a spelling KAMU Centre in English English, but the museum use KAMU Center in American English. |
KAMU Kanazawa
In 2020, the private contemporary art museum KAMU Kanazawa
: ★opened.
There are 6 exhibition spaces in Kanazawa city.
On this day, I bought a ticket at KAMU Centre with my friend
S Chan who lives in Kanazawa and we went to see 5 spaces, below.
The sixth one is on display in Honda Park, which is free.
Yesterday, without knowing that it was planned by KAMU Kanazawa we had already looked at it, below.
This section is about 'KAMU tatami' and 'KAMU Black Black'.
2) KAMU tatami
'KAMU tatami' 靴を脱いで畳の部屋で、映像作品を見ました。 なるほど、だから、'KAMU tatami' なのです。 We took off our shoes and watched a video work in a tatami room. Indeed, so that's why it's 'KAMU tatami'. |
渡辺 豪 (1975) / Go Watanabe (1975) |
'食器の静物画' がゆっくりと変化し、もとに戻る映像です。
いまどきの現代美術には珍しく、写真撮影も動画撮影も 禁止されていました。 それは、静かな作品が故に、撮影行為が鑑賞の妨げに なるからだと思います。 Unusually for contemporary art these days, photography and filming were prohibited.I think it's because the act of filming is a hindrance to appreciation because of the quietness of the work. |
" 'one landscape' a journey"
This is a video of a still life of tableware slowly changing and returning to its original state.
Generally video works are passive, but this work requires concentration, and while watching it, I was forced to think.
I also liked the fact that there was no sound or music, and I thought it was a suitable decision for the video.
It was really interesting work and I really enjoyed it.
S Chan also said "I enjoyed it!"
3) KAMU Black Black
"Lithi" もしくはこれとよく似た作品を以前、ロンドンの
2007年に黒川良一は、テートでライブパフォーマンス (Live audio-visual ) を行なっていて、私も2007年にテートを訪れていたので、
"Lithi"は、KAMU tatami で見た <ひとつの景色>をめぐる旅"と両極にある作品です。
写真・動画撮影が許可されていました。 Photographs and videos were allowed. |
I remember seeing "Lithi" or something very similar to this before at the Tate Modern : ★ in London.
In 2007, Ryoichi Kurokawa did a live performance (Live audio-visual) in the Tate, and I visited Tate in 2007, so I guess I saw his work.
"Lithi" is a work that is at the opposite end of the spectrum from
" 'one landscape' a journey", in KAMU tatami.
This is a work that is received with the eyes, ears, and the whole body rather than just with the eyes.
This gives an impression that we can forget all our worldly cares by new stimulus from outside.
" 'one landscape' a journey" was a journey into myself, a bit like a Buddhist journey into space.
Visually, "Lithi" also has an image of space.
They were both fun and I liked them.
I was worried about the battery of my i-phone,
so I couldn't video for a long time,
and I couldn't catch the quality of the work.
It may be frustrating videos, but if you are interested,
please watch them.
Sorry all videos are too short.
4) 総合して/ Overall
館長は、林田 堅太郎 (ハヤシダ ケンタロウ / 1987 ~)氏で、オーナーでもあります。
KAMU Kanazawaもその街に貢献する形で、発展してゆくように感じますし、そうなるように願っています。
KAMU Kanazawaをとても楽しませていただきました。
Overall, I was impressed beyond my expectations.
I felt that the exhibitions were created in ways that would suit the viewers, taking into consideration the selection of artists, the appropriate display for each work, and the enjoyment and understanding of the viewers.
It is a course that we can enjoy while feeling the art, and the present and history of Kanazawa.
The idea was new and inspired me.
The director is Kentaro Hayashida (1987 ~), who is also the owner.
He's still young.
He tried to create the private art museum, made it a reality, succeeded (I think), and I heard he has plans to increase the exhibition space in the future.
Amazing ~~~!
Kanazawa is a lovely and charming city with history and contemporary art.
I feel that KAMU Kanazawa will also develop in a way that contributes to the city, and I hope so.
I enjoyed KAMU Kanazawa very much.
Thank you very much.
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