目次 / Contents
1) フルーツサラダ / Fruit Salad
1) フルーツサラダ / Fruit Salad
2) 庭 / Garden
A. 鉢/ Pots
B. 地植え / Ground
3) アップルケーキ / Apple Cake
3) アップルケーキ / Apple Cake
1) フルーツサラダ / Fruit Salad
秋のフルーツサラダ 夫Rはフルーツが大好きです。 よくフルーツサラダを作ってくれます。 いつもありがとう! (11月6日) Autumn Fruit Salad My husband R loves fruits. He often make fruit salad. I always thank you! (6th of November) |
2) 庭 / Garden
A. 鉢 / Pots
The garden is mainly taken care of by R.
After being forced to stay home because of Corona, he spent more time in the garden.
I think that the care of the garden also helps his mental.
I also like taking care of the garden, but I can't spend as much time on it as he does, but I did photograph often.
However, since I started making works for next year's my exhibition, the number of photographs in the garden has decreased.
Today, unusually, I photographed the garden.
ペチュニア 切り戻しをして若芽ばかりになりました。 寒くなったので、花が咲くのかはわかりません。 Petunia I cut it back and it became only young shoots. It's getting cold, so I don't know if the flowers will bloom. |
B. 地植え / Ground
ゼラニウム このゼラニウムは比較的乾燥した土壌が好きです。 なので軒下に植えました。 Geranium These Geraniums like relatively dry soil. So they are planted under the eaves. |
I buy more seedlings than usual for R.
I don't want to increase the number of current pots, so I changed some of the plants that grew well in the pots to ground planting.
R does the work for planting the ground, but we have discussed what to plant and where to plant it.
We also discuss which pots to put the new seedlings in.
都忘れ 都忘れは、何年かぶりに複数の花を咲かせました。 ずっと病気のようでしたが、昨年、今年と治療の薬を与えたのが 功を奏したように思います。 好きな花が回復して嬉しい! Miyakowasure "Miyakowasure (Aster Savatieri)" has bloomed several flowers for the first time in several years. They had been sick for a long time, but I think it's been successful to give them a remedy last year and this year. I'm glad that my favourite flower has recovered! |
毎年、葉が品よく赤くなりますが、 木の名前がわかりません。 この木は、私達が住む前からありました。 Every year, the leaves turn red elegantly, but I don't know the name of the tree. This tree was there before we moved in. |
焼き上がりにシナモンをふりました。 I sprinkled cinnamon on the baked. |
Apple Cake
I could buy a lot of Jonathan apple, so I made an apple cake.
I've made apple cakes with several recipes so far.
This time, I used my first recipe.
The biggest difference from the apple cake so far is that the apple is sliced with a slicer.
The texture was quite different.
ほとんどがリンゴのケーキです。 The cake is mostly apple. |
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