
⓱ - F 2019年8月11日 目に留まった作品 - セントラル博物館 - オランダ旅行 / Works, Caught My Eye -Centraal Museum - Netherlands Trip, 11th of August, 2019

セントラル博物館 /  Centraal Museum
公式サイト / Official Website :  (英語 / in English)
目次/ Contents
1) 工藤 哲巳  Kudo Tetsumi
2) 17世紀のドール・ハウス / The 17th Century Doll House
3) 詳細不明 / Details Unknown
    A. 階段 / Staircases
    B. 2階? / First  Floor?

パンフレット/ Leaflet

目に留まった作品 / Works, Caught My Eye 

1) 工藤 哲巳  Kudo Tetsumi
ユトレヒトのセントラル博物館 Centraal Museumで、日本人の作品 :
"Bottled Human" 工藤 哲巳 (クドウテツミ / 1935 -1990) 


工藤 哲巳を初めて知りました。

工藤 哲巳は大阪生まれ、日本での芸術活動、"反芸術" (Anti -artの代表格でした。

工藤 哲巳1958年、東京藝術大学油画科を卒業、1962年、渡欧、パリを中心にヨーロッパ各地で活動、1987年、帰国、東京芸術大学教授に就任しました。

1960年、美術評論家東野 芳明 (トウノヨシアキ / 1930 - 2005) が、読売アンデパンダン展(第12回展)に工藤が出展していた作品を評し"反芸術"の語を使用し、日本の若手美術家に反芸術ブームを起こしました。

201311- 20141月、国立国際美術館 で、
"あなたの肖像 工藤 哲巳回顧展": 
下記国立国際美術館 サイトより。




"Bottled Human" は、その中では、感情が抑えられた作品に感じます。

私は、パワフルさ溢れる彼の作品よりも、"Bottled Human" の方が好きです。


例えば、この工藤 哲巳の場合は、ジェシカ ・ストックホールダー展への導入です。
ジェシカ ・ストックホールダー 展については下記



その流れは、ジェシカ ・ストックホールダー Jessica Stockholder (1959 ~) の思想にも繋がっていると思います。

ジェシカ ・ストックホールダー の場合は、既成概念への反抗と言うよりも、既成概念への問いかけであり、その先の答えまでも形として見せてくれているように思います。


"Bottled Human" も、ジェシカ ・ストックホールダー の作品群も、私の好きな '' があるので好きです。

I'm sorry for the photograph, part of the work has been cut.
It is owned by an individual and is lent to the museum.
ある程度規制 (自制) がある方が美しい人もいるかな?<苦笑>

It's unpleasant ... But that unpleasantness is the personality of this work.
Perhaps they are visualizing humanity and spirituality 
that are distorted by regulations.
The work may be saying
'Let's regain our beautiful self and our true self! '
Are some people more beautiful with small restrictions (self control) ? <Wry Smile>

Kudo Tetsumi
I found a Japanese artist's work : "Bottled Humanism" by Tetsumi Kudo (1935 - 1990) in the  Centraal Museum in Utrecht.

I think it was guide map ❶.

I knew of Tetsumi Kudo for the first time.

Tetsumi Kudo graduated from the Department of Oil Painting at Tokyo University of the Arts in 1958, moved to Europe and worked in various parts of Europe mainly in Paris and returned to Japan in 1987 to become a professor at Tokyo University of the Arts.

In 1960, art critic Yoshiaki Tono (1930 - 2005) used the word "Anti-art" to describe the work Kudo exhibited at 'the 12th Yomiuri Independent Exhibition' which led to an Anti-arts boom among young Japanese artists.

Kudo was born in Osaka, was a representative of the art activity "Anti -art" in Japan.

According to National Museum of Art, Osaka in English,
"After first receiving attention as a champion of Anti-Art,
Osaka-born Tetsumi Kudo (1935 - 1990) established a base in Paris in 1962
and while working throughout Europe, evolved a unique world of art
by fusing a critical perspective of civilization with scientific reasoning.
Known for boldly incisive and provocative works and happenings
that dealt with issues such as sex, pollution, atomic power, and genetics,
Kudo's practice has recently prompted renewed interest internationally.
In this retrospective, we trace the artist's spiritual trajectory over a period of some 30 years through approximately 200 important works from both Japan and abroad."

The National Museum of Art, Osaka held,
"Your Portrait : A Tetsumi Kudo Retrospective" :
(November 2013 - January 2014)

According to the website of the National Museum of Art, Osaka in Japanese,
(Translate by me)
" 'Your Portrait' is one of the titles Tetsumi Kudo liked most.
'You' is you who see the work, and we are bound by established values ​​and conventions.
At the same time, it refers to Kudo himself, the first audience of his own creation.
But it is also a portrait of mankind who cannot escape the environmental pollution of radioactivity, which is still out of control."

I saw some of his work online.

Powerful! They are bursting with energy.

For me, it's an interesting group of works.

I feel that "Bottled Humanism" is a work in which emotions are suppressed, I like it more than his powerful works.

The map ❶ might be an introduction to Exhibitions held in this museum.

For example, in the case of Tetsumi Kudo, this was an introduction to the Jessica Stockholder Exhibition.
About the Jessica Stockholder Exhibition, below.

Kudo was the standard‐bearer of Anti-arts, and Anti-arts has its roots in Dadaism.

Dadaism works are a rebellion against preconceived concepts, there are some works that use waste materials.

I think that trend is connected to the idea of ​​Jessica Stockholder (1959 ~).

In the case of Jessica Stockholder, it is more about questioning preconceived ideas rather than pure rebellion against conventions.

Furthermore she offers visual answers...I think.

In other words, you do not only complain about problems, you suggest possible answers, this way makes me feel her approach is quite sophisticated.

I like "Bottled Humanism" and Stockholder's works because they have my favourite 'beauty'.

The total ability of art, such as in the composition and colour sense of these people, are in my preferred direction.

2) 17世紀のドール・ハウス / The 17th Century Doll House
Leaflet Map

I like dollhouses.

In this dollhouse, I can see the state of the noble mansion at the time.

3) 詳細不明 / Details Unknown
A. 階段 / Staircases

It's creepy, how it grows. 
It feels like animation.

They look like spores.

階段を上がると... / When you go up the stairs ...


I like bottles.
Above all, I like the glass containers used for experiments.


Old Monastery Stairs and Picture Frame
I like here.

B. 2階? / First  Floor?
.... この作品はずっと女性が好き!
私はあなたが好きじゃない...だから座りません ()

 "Only Women Can Sit" 
(written in Dutch)
... This work likes women all the time!
I don't like you ... so I don't sit down (Laugh)

絵の中の絵 / Picture in Picture

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