
❿2017年10月28日- 奈良旅行 - 7) 唐招提寺-A / Nara Trip : Toshodaiji Temple -A, 27th of October, 2017

目次 / Contents
1) 奈良時代より / From Nara Period 
2) 金堂 / Golden Hall : Main Hall
3) 鑑真和上 Ganjin Wajo 
     A. 開山御廟 / Kaizan Gobyo : Founder Shrine
     B. 渡航 / Voyages
4) 戒壇 / Kaidan : ordination platform

1) 奈良時代より / From Nara Period 

唐招提寺は、759年、鑑真 (688 -763) が仏教の戒律を伝えるために建立しました。

鑑真和上 [鑑真のみですと、申し訳ないような気がして....]は、聖武天皇 (701 -756 / 在位:724 - 749) の招聘 (ショウヘイ)に応えて5度の渡海の失敗と度重なる艱難辛苦のすえ、失明しながらも、753年に来日しました。

金堂講堂宝蔵経蔵の4つの建造物が、奈良時代 (710 -794) からの姿をとどめています。

サイトの伽藍マップ / Website Map→  (only in Japanese)

We, the tour group entered at the same time as Tōshōdai-ji Temple opened.

Tōshōdai-ji Temple () was founded to convey Buddhist precepts by Ganjin (688 -763) in 759.
Official Website : 

Ganjin Wajo [if it is only Ganjin, I feel sorry...] had responded to the invitation from Emperor Shōmu (701 - 756 / r 724 - 749) and he came to Japan in 753 after going through all sorts of hardships : losing the sight of both eyes, 5 failed crossings of the sea from China and other repeated troubles.

In the precincts, the four buildings of
Golden Hall : Main Hall,  
Kodo : Lecture Hall, 
Hozo: Storehouse of treasure, 
Kyozo :  Storehouse of sutras 
have been from the Nara Period (710 -794).

Tōshōdai-ji Temple is a part of UNESCO World Heritage Site, Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara since 1998.

"勅額" の複製
正門の南大門 : にあります。

孝謙天皇 (コウケンテンノウ/ 718770 / 在位 : 749 - 758) (下の絵)
孝謙天皇 は、女帝です!

Copy of "Imperial Scroll" (Chokugaku)
This is on Nandaimon : Southern Great Gate which is a main entrance.
The Gate was rebuilt in 1960. The material is Japanese Cypress.

"Imperial Scroll" was the autograph of 
Empress Kōken (718 – 770 /r 749-758), below
 and it was given, when the temple was founded.
Nowadays the real one is iKōdō : Lecture Hall.
She was a daughter of Emperor Shōmu.

孝謙天皇は、重祚 (チョウショ)して
48代、称徳天皇 (ショウトクテンノウ在位: 764 -770)

109代 明正天皇 (メイショウテンノウ/ 1624 -1696/ 在位: 1929 -1643)

The 46th Empress Kōken 
Empress Kōken (718 – 770) was Empress twice. 
Firstly named Kōken (r749 - 758) and later as 
the 48th Empress Shotoku (r764 – 770).
She was the sixth Empress in history, the last Emperor from the Tenmu Family.
It was about 850 years before Japan had the next female Emperor,
 the 109th Empress Meishō (1624 -1696 / r1629 -1643).

2) 金堂 / Golden Hall : Main Hall
左と中:日本語版 ; モノクロ
右:英語、中国語、韓国語 ; Colour 

Left and Centre : Japanese version ; Monochrome
Right : English, Chinese and Korean version ; Colour.

金堂、国宝 :
南大門を通ると真正面に奈良時代 (710 -794) からの木造建築の金堂があります。
金堂の '平成の大修理は、2000年から2009年まで行われました。
寄棟造 (ヨセムネヅクリ)、本瓦葺き、大棟に左右に鴟尾 (シビ / 下を参照)

 Golden Hall : Main Hall, National Treasure
After passing through Nandaimon : Southern Gate, there is Golden Hall  
which is a wooden building from the Nara Period (710 -794).
It is said that it was completed in 783, 20 years after Ganjin passed away.
The 'Great Repair in Heisei' of the Golden Hall took place from 2000 to 2009.
The Hip roof uses formal tiles and the main ridge has 'shibi'
below both sides.

鴟尾 (シビは屋根瓦の装飾です。

井上靖(1907 -1991)作『天平の甍(1957/ 中央公論社)
リーフレットの表紙 (上に写真) もこの屋根が使用されています。

Shibi on Golden Hall
A 'shibi' is an ornamental tile set on both ends of the ridgepole that tops a shingled roof.
Until 'Great Repair in Heisei', the left Shibi had been decorated from its founding and the right Shibi had been decorated from the Kamakura Period, however, after the 'Great Heisei repair',
 those old Shibi are in Shin-hozo : New Storehouse of Treasure.
The current Shibi is of Heisei.
The title name of a novel, "The Roof Tile of Tempyo"
(Japanese Edit :1957, Chuokobun-sha / English Edit : 1982, Columbia University Press
by Yasushi Inoue (1907 - 1991) comes from this roof.
This roof is used in the cover design of the leaflet, above.

鴟尾とすずめ / Shibi and Sparrows



Onigawara and Onisumi
At the four corners under the eaves have wooden carvings of 
 demons (Oni) called 'Onisumi'.
Unfortunately 'Onisumi' are not visible from the ground.
 'Onigawara' are set at each corner.
They say that 'Onigawara' drive away evil spirits from the sky,
and 'Onisumi' glare at those with malicious or ulterior motive around the building.

金堂 正面吹き放し部分
正面7間、側面4間 ("は柱間の数を表す)で、手前の7×1間を吹き放し

Front Space of Golden Hall
The design of this Hall has unusual features.
The open space does not have walls and joiners.
Looking at the front there are 8 big pillars giving 7 intervals 
and from the side there are 4 intervals.
画像は下記より/ This from below

金堂の西側 / Golden Hall West Side

金堂の東側 / Golden Hall East Side

金堂内部の諸仏 ; 各像とも国宝 :
左: 千手観音立像 (センジュカンノンリュウゾウ/ 8世紀) 
 中央 : 本尊、盧舎那仏坐像 (ルシャナブツザゾウ/ 8世紀) 
 右: 薬師如来立像 (ヤクシニョライリュウゾウ/ 9世紀)
手前左:帝釈天立像 (タイシャクテンリュウゾウ / 8世紀)
手前 右:梵天立像 (ボンテンリュウゾウ / 8世紀)

Statues inside Golden Hall ; Every Statue is a National Treasure 
Left : Standing Thousand-Armed Kannon statue, C8th
 Centre : Seated Rushana Buddha statue, C8th 
Right : Standing Yakushi Nyorai statue, C9th
Front left : Standing Śakra statue, C8th / right: Standing Brahmā statue, C8th
画像は下記より / This from below

金堂の四隅には四天王立像 (シテンノウリュゾウ / 8世紀) :
In the four corners of Golden Hall, the Four Heavenly Kings statues, C8th.
英語版の冊子の写真 / This from Leaflet in English 

3) 鑑真和上 / Ganjin Wajo 
A .開山御廟 / Kaizan Gobyo: Founder Shrine
実際に、私が最初に訪れたのは、門からもっとも遠い場所にある、鑑真和上 (688 -763) の墓所である、"開山御廟 (カイザンゴビョウ)" : でした。


In fact, firstly I visited "Kaizan Gobyo" : "Founder Shrine" which is the graveyard of Ganjin Wajo (688 - 763), it is the place farthest from the Southern Gate.

The simple reason  was that I wanted to avoid the crowd.
"開山御廟" の門から / From gate of "Founder Shrine"
開山御廟  / Founder Shrine
わびさび系の手水(舎) / Chōzu(ya), Wabisabi Style 

B. 渡航 / Voyages
The voyage of Ganjin Wajo is drawn on "東征伝絵巻": Tousei-picture scroll.
聖武天皇 (701 -756 / 在位:724 - 749) の時代、日本は疫病がはやったり、政治が不安定だったりと、世の中が乱れていたので、聖武天皇は仏教により、国を安定させたいと思いました。



これらのことから、聖武天皇は、733年に、栄叡 (ヨウエイ / ? - 794)普照 (フショウ / ? - ?) を含む、第10遣唐使を送りました。





回目航海では、鑑真和上の4万人の弟子の中で、最優秀弟子の祥彦 (ショウゲン / 34,5が死去し、和上は目の手術に失敗し、失明します。

752年、遣唐大使の藤原清河 (フジワラキヨカワ/? -?) 率いる、第12遣唐使一行が来唐し、藤原清河は、


これを見かねた、副官の大伴 古麻呂 (オオトモノコマロ / ? - ?) が、秘密裏に自分の船に和上を乗せ、和上は、に日本へやってきました。


67歳の和上は、東大寺で5年間、戒壇 (僧である免許を授与し、72歳で唐招提寺に入りました。

上記の内容は "唐招提寺バーチャルツアー " を参考にしました。
静かで美しい空間 / Quiet and Beautiful Space

In the era of Emperor Shōmu (701 - 756 / r 724 - 749), the Japanese world was in disorder as the epidemic faded and the politics were unstable, so the Emperor Shōmu wished to  stabilize the country by Buddhism.

At that time in Japan, there was no formal Buddhist precepts : ordination platforms, so there were many people who, without training or knowledge, appeared as priests, so it was necessary to invite a high priest from China to train Japanese Priests.

For these reasons,  Emperor Shōmu sent the 10th Japanese missions to Tang China in 733, including priests : Yōway (? - 794) and Fusho (? -?).

After Yōway and Fusho had studied in a Chinese temple in Tang China for 10 years, finally they were  able to see Ganjin Wajo in Daming Temple and asked "We do not have formal teacher priests in Japan, so would you recommend us suitable priests?"

At this time, Ganjin Wajo was 55 years old, it is said that there were 40,000 of his disciples in China.

Ganjin Wajo asked the 40,000 disciples "Will any of you go to Japan?" however, no one wanted to go, because at that time crossing the sea to Japan was at the risk of their life.

Ganjin Wajo who knew the result, 
"If there is no one, let me go!"
He  decided to go to Japan.

In the 5th attempt to sail to Japan, among the 40,000 disciples of Ganjin, the best disciple, Shogen (about 35 years old) passed away and Ganjin had an operation to save his eyesight which unfortunately was not successful and he became blind.

In 752, Ambassador to Tang Dynasty, Fujiwara no Kiyohawa (? - ?) visited China with the 12th Japanese missions to Tang China and Fujiwara no Kiyokawa invited Ganjin Wajo 
"Please come to Japan using our ship."

However, the Tang court was against this, so Fujiwara no Kiyohawa let Ganjin Wajo get off the ship. (Oh! Dear!)

The adjutant, Otomo-no-Komaro (? -?) was unable to just watch, secretly invited Ganjin Wajo onto his ship and Ganjin Wajo came to Japan.

Ganjin Wajo finally came to Japan in the sixth attempt at crossing the sea, 12 years after he was willing to travel.
(Fujiwara no Kiyohawa's ship was wrecked of the coast of Vietnam, after that he travelled overland back to China and later died in China.)

Ganjin Wajo had given ordination platforms (licenses to be a Buddhist priest) at Tōdai-ji Temple for 5 years, and then when he was 72 years old, he entered the Tōshōdai-ji Temple.

It is said that he stayed in Tōshōdai-ji Temple until 76 years old and then passed away.

The above contents referred to "Toshodaiji Temple Virtual Tour" : in Japanese.
From Inside of  Founder Shrine to the gate

The graveyard is in the island which is surrounded by a Moat.

開山御廟 は、唐招提寺の他の場所を違う空気がありました。
"Founder Shrine" had a different air from the other places in Tōshōdai-ji Temple.

4) 戒壇 / Kaidan : ordination platform

サーンチーの塔 (下の写真) を模した宝塔が築かれました。

Kaidan : ordination platform
Kaidan is North of Golden Hall, it is the place where
 ceremonies are held to become priests.
It was built at the time of foundation, but later repeatedly collapsed, rebuilt and destroyed.
Currently, only three levels of stone remain and 
in 1980 a copy of Sanchi Stupa, below was built.

サーンチーの塔/ Sanchi Stupa
画像は下記より / This from below

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