
❾2017年10月28日- 奈良旅行 - 6) 三笠山 / Nara Trip : Mt. Mikasa, 27th of October, 2017

目次/ Contents
1) 朝食 / Breakfast
2) 今朝も霧 / Morning Mist Again
3) 阿倍仲麻呂と 鑑真 / Abe-no- Nakamaro and Jianzhen

1) 朝食 / Breakfast
My breakfast was Japanese food. This was included in our tour.

R's breakfast was Western food. He asked to change from Japanese food.

2) 今朝も霧 / Morning Mist Again
春日山(カスガヤマ) に霧がかかっています。
西隣の標高283mの御蓋山(三笠山 ミカサヤマ)の通称。
阿倍仲麻呂 (698 -770) が中国から日本を想い詠み、
'百人一首' の中にもある歌 (下参照) のあの山です。

 Morning Mist Again
Mist is hanging on Mt. Kasuga (Kasugayama).
Mt. Kasuga is a nick name for Mt. Hana, 497 m and 
Mt. Mikasa, 283 m close by.
Abe-no- Nakaro (698 - 770) made a poem : waka and 
thought of Japan from China, 
that mountain is in the poem which is one of 
'Ogura Hyakunin Isshu' : 'One Hundred Poems'.

According to Wiki about 'Ogura Hyakunin Isshu',
"Ogura Hyakunin Isshu is a classical Japanese anthology of one hundred Japanese waka by one hundred poets. 
Hyakunin isshu can be translated to "one hundred people, one poem [each]"; it can also refer to the card game of uta-garuta, which uses a deck composed of cards based on the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu.
~~The Ogura Hyakunin Isshu has been translated into many languages and into English many times~~~"

"天の原 ふりさけみれば 春日なる 三笠の山に 出でし月かも"
月岡芳年 (1839 -1892) 

Kasuga Moon
"Amanohara Furisakemireba Kasuganaru
Mikasa-no-yama ni Ideshi Tsukikamo"
Picture by Tsukioka Yoshitoshi (1839 -1892) 
画像は下記より / This from below

下記、百人一首のサイト / を参考にしました。
a)  天の原をはるかに見渡したときに見える月、

 b) 大空を仰いで見ると、こうこうと月が照り輝いている。

I refer to 'Hyakuni Isshu' site:  /  in Japanese, below.
Modern translation of poetry in English
"Looking up at the sky I see the moon shining brightly in all its glory. 
It strikes a nostalgic chord in me as I remember that moon over 
Mt. Mikasa at Kasuga of Nara."

There is a different version in Wiki, below.

According to Wiki, about the Poet and Poem,
"From his literary work he is most famous for a poem filled with intense longing for his home in Nara
One of his poems was included in the anthology Hyakunin Isshu and in the Kokin Wakashū.

Romanized Japanese       English translation
ama-no-hara                      When I look up
furisake mireba                 into the vast sky tonight,
kasuga naru                      is it the same moon
mikasa no yama ni           that I saw rising
ideshi tsuki kamo             from behind Mt. Mikasa
                                           at Kasuga Shrine
                                           all those years ago?
Abe's place in Japanese cultural history is confirmed in Hokusai's Hyakunin Isshu series of ukiyo-e woodblock prints,"

"百人一首シリーズ:阿倍仲麻呂" の部分

This is a part of
"Ogura Hyakunin Isshu" series ; Abe-no-Nakamaro
The poem is in top right.
画像は下記より/ This from below

3)  阿倍仲麻呂と鑑真 

    Abe-no-Nakamaro and Jianzhen
玄宗 (ゲンソウ / 685- 762 / 在位:712 -756) に仕え、高官になりました。
[ちなみに、楊貴妃 (719 -756) を寵愛した皇帝が、玄宗です]


752年、遣唐大使の藤原清河 (フジワラキヨカワ/? -?) 率いる、12遣唐使一行が来唐し、玄宗 からも許しがでて、在唐35年の阿倍仲麻呂はようやく帰国の途につきます。




その同じ帰国船団に鑑真和上 (688 -763) が、6回目の渡航に挑戦していて、鑑真和上は日本への到着を果たします。



百人一首 ;  阿倍仲麻呂
One of 'Ogura Hyakunin Isshu

Abe-no- Nakamaro was one of 'Japanese missions to Tang China' in 717, passed the examination, served Emperor Xuanzong of Tang( 685 - 762 / r 712 - 756) and became a senior official.
(By the way, the Emperor who loved Yang Yuhuan (719 - 756) is Xuanzong of Tang)

Abe-no- Nakamaro hoped to return to Japan, although it was not allowed by Emperor Xuanzong of Tang for a long time.

In 752, Ambassador Tang Dynasty, Fujiwara no Kiyohawa, (? - ?) visited China with the 12th Japanese missions to Tang China and set out at sea to return to Japan with Abe-no- Nakamaro who had stayed in China for 35 years.

When Abe-no- Nakamaro had permission for the back from Emperor Xuanzong of Tang
 he made the poem which would be in 'Ogura Hyakunin Isshu'.

The poem means that he looked at the moon on the sea as well as thought of his home country.

After all, their returning ship was wrecked, Abe-no- Nakamaro and Fujiwara no Kiyohawa survived but could not go to Japan and both passed away in China.

Ganjin Wajo (688 -763) had been hoping to reach Japan in the same fleet, which was his sixth attempt and he did succeed.

There are things that are deeply emotive in that Abe-no- Nakamaro and Ganjin Wajo were in the same fleet.

And our tour's first visit that misty day was Toshodaiji Temple which was founded by Ganjin Wajo in 759.
Toshodaiji Temple, World Heritage Memorial

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