
❽2017年10月27日- 奈良旅行 - 5) 長谷寺 / Nara Trip : Hase-dera Temple -, 27th of October, 2017

伽藍は、初瀬山 (ハツセヤマの山麓から中腹にかけて広がっています。

The buildings of the temple are dotted up from the foot of Mount Hatsuse.


Mount Hatsune is a Peony sightseeing spot, 
the peony is in full bloom in late April - early May, 
Hase-dera Temple has been called "Flower's Temple" for a long time.

目次 / Contents
1) 伝承 / Oral tradition
     A. 同じ木から / From the Same Tree
     B. 西国三十三所 Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage 
2) 登廊 / Noborirō (Staircase)
3) 本堂 / Main Hall
4) 二つの塔 / Two Pagaodas
    A. 三重塔 / Three Storey Pagoda
    B. 五重塔 / Five Storey pagoda
5) その他 / Others

1) 伝承 / Oral tradition
A.同じ木から / From the Same Tree
長谷寺 (ハセデラは、奈良県桜井市初瀬にある真言宗豊山派 (シンゴンシュウブザンハ総本山のおで、本尊は十一面観音、創立者は道明 (ドウミョウ/ ?- ? )
奈良の長谷寺、公式サイト :

開山は僧の徳道 (トクドウ / ? -?) (徳道上人)と言われています。
鎌倉の長谷寺の公式サイト :





お寺の創設時については、両方のお寺とも史実の証拠がなく、バスガイドさんのお話だけでなく、伝わっているお話 (が他にもあります。


ちなみに、源氏物語』[紫式部 (? - ?) 作 /1008年 ] にある玉鬘 (タマカズラ) の巻のエピソード中に登場する二本 (フタモト) の杉は、境内の地図に載っているので、確実に存在するようです。


枕草子』[清少納言 (966 -1025) 作 / 996頃]
更級日記』[菅原孝標女 (スガワラ ノ タカスエ ノ ムスメ / 1008 - 1059) 作/ 1059]
蜻蛉日記』[藤原道綱母 (936頃 - 995) 作 / 975頃

赤い部分 奈良県 
Red Part : Nara Prefecture
画像は下記より / This from below

奈良県 / Nara Prefecture
濃いピンク部分 :  桜井市 Dark Pink Part : Sakurai City
画像は下記より/ This from below
From the Same Tree
In Sakurai CityNara PrefectureHase-dera Temple is a main temple of Shingon-shu Buzan-ha school, their principal image is a statue of the Eleven-Faced Kannon : one of Guanyin's figures and it is said that the founder was a priest, Dōmyo (? -?).
Nara, Hase-dera Temple's Official Website :  (in English)

There is a Hase-dera Temple in Kamakura CityKanagawa Prefecture, this is an 
independent temple within Jōdo-shū school, their main image is a statue of the eleven-faced Kannon and it is said that the founder was a priest, Tokudō (656 -?) (Holy Priest Tokudō). 
Kamakura, Hase-dera Temple's Official Website :  (in English)

Dōmyo was a master of Tokudō.

Our bus-guide described that 
"Dōmyo found the huge Cinnamomum Camphora spirit tree in a mountain and two Kannon statues were created from the tree. 
One was the Kannon statue of Hase-dera Temple in Nara, and the other one was sent out sea with a wish to save other people and it reached 
the Miura Peninsula where this Kannon statue was enshrined, and Hase-dera Temple was built for it in Kamakura.
It is said that the same  Cinnamomum Camphora tree from which Kannon statues were cut is still in Hase-dera Temple in Nara. "

We couldn't find the tree there, however, I feel that story is very interesting.

Because Dōmyo was the master of Tokudō, I think that relationship has given rise to such a story.

There is no evidence of historical facts about the founding of either temple, there is not only the story from the bus guide but also other stories.

In Japan it is said that there are 260 to 300 temples named Hase-dera Temple.

By the way, "Two Cedar Trees (Futamoto-no-Sugi)" referred to in an episode of Tamakazura's volume in "The Tale of Genji" [by Murasaki Shikibu (? - ?) / 1008] is shown on the map of the precinct, so the trees must exist.

And unfortunately I could not see the trees.

Hase-dera Temple is mentioned not only in "The Tale of Genji" but also appears in many classical literatures, examples below.
"The Pillow Book" [by Sei Shōnagon (966 - 1025) / around 996] 
"Sarashina Diary" [ by Lady Sarashina (1008 - 1059) / 1059] 
 "Kagerō Nikki" [by Michitsuna no Haha (c.935 - 995) / around 975].

赤い部分 神奈川県 
Red Part : Kanagawa Prefecture
画像は下記より / This from below

神奈川県 / Kanagawa Prefecture
濃いピンク部分 :  鎌倉市 Dark Pink Part : Kamakura City
画像は下記より/ This from below

⭕️: 三浦半島 / Miura Peninsula

境内ガイド:  / Guide :  (only in Japanese)

Kindly enough, the English version explains how to visit.

B. 西国三十三所 / Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage 
長谷寺は、西国三十三所 (サイゴクサンジュウサンショ) の一つになっています。


718年、閻魔大王から、徳道が宣託を受け、起請文 (キショウモン)と三十三の宝印を授かり、その宝印によって、三十三所の霊場を定めたとされています。


そこで、徳道は、宝印を摂津国中山寺の石櫃 (セキヒツ) に納めました。

花山天皇 (968 -1008 / 在位 : 984-986) 紀州国那智 (那智神社で参籠していた際に、熊野権現が姿を現し、徳道が定めた三十三の観音霊場を再興するように託宣を授けました。

そして中山寺で宝印を探し出し、仏眼上人 (ブツゲンショウニン / ? -?) を先達として三十三所霊場を巡礼したことから、やがて人々に広まっていきました。


月岡芳年 (1839 -1892) 

Emperor Kazan
by Tsukioka Yoshitoshi  (1839 -1892) 
画像は下記より / This from below
Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage 

"Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage" is a generic name of the 33 sanctuary places of the Kannon 
faith in 6 Prefectures in Kinki region and Gifu Prefecture and which is said to be the oldest pilgrimage road in Japan with a history of about 1300 years .

In 718, Holy Priest Tokudō was entrusted with a document and 33 'Hoin' (a seal used in Temples) by a Death God, Yama, and it is said that the Priest set the 33 sanctuary  by 'Hoin'.

However, at that time, public credibility was not obtained and 
"Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimagedid not spread.

Therefore, the Priest dedicated the 'Hoin' to a stone cist (coffin box) of 
Nakayama-dera Temple in Settsu Province which today comprises a part of Hyōgo Prefecture and a part of Osaka Prefecture.

After approximately 270 years, when Emperor Kazan (968 - 1008 / r 984 - 986) was staying and praying in the Nachi Shrine Kumano Nachi TaishaKishū (Kii Province) which today is in Wakayama Prefecture and a part of Mie PrefectureKumano God appeared and told the Emperor to revive the 33 sanctuary places by the 'Hoin'.

The Emperor Kazan found the 33 'Hoin' in Nakayama-dera Temple and a Holy Priest 
Bustugan (?-?) and in turn ordered him to be a leader in making a pilgrimage and establishing the "Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage".

Although each sacred place is not uniform in sect, they are enshrined with Kannon as the main image, and the pilgrimage of the "Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimageis considered to be the way of the Kannon more than the sect.

2) 登廊 / Noborirō (Staircase)
仁王門、登廊5棟  下登廊、繋屋 (ツナギヤ)、中登廊、蔵王堂、上登廊)、三百余社(サンビャクヨシャ)、鐘楼、繋廊 (ツナギロウ) が重要文化財です。

Important Cultural Properties, below.
Nio Gate, 
Five Noborirō :  Lower Noborirō, Tsunagiya (Connect-Cabin), Middle Noborirō, Zao Hall, Upper Noborirō,
Sanbyakuyosha (Main Hall's Veranda), 
Bell Tower, 
Tsunagi-rō (connecting corridor).

一条天皇 (980 -1011/ 在位 : 986 -1011) の時代頃に創建。

 Nio Gate
Nio statues, my photography failed ! (Tears)
This is the main gate of Hase-dera Temple.
Its architecture is 'East Asian hip-and-gable roof'.
The original gate was built around the era of 
the Emperoe Ichijō (980 -1011/ r 986 -1011) .
After that, it was destroyed by repeated fires, 
and the current gate was rebuilt in 1885.

登廊  / Noborirō
入口の仁王門から本堂までは、399段の登廊 (ノボリロウ) があります。

There are 399 steps : Noborirō between the Nio Gate and the Main Hall.
It is built along the slope of the mountain.

登廊は、1039年に春日大社の社司(シャシ)、中臣信清 (ナカトミノブキヨが息子の病気全快の御礼に寄進したものと言われています()が、下登廊、中登廊1894年の再建です。




It is said that in 1039 a shinto Priest, Nakatomi Nobukiyo of Kasuga Grand Shrine, donated Noborirō in thanks for his son's complete recovery from illness, however, the Lower Noborirō and Middle Noborirō were reconstructed in 1894.

Here, I wondered why Nakatomi Nobukiyo, who served Kasuga Grand Shrine, prayed instead at Hase-dera Temple.

According to Temple's history on their Website: only in Japanese,
(Translation by me)
"Nakatomi Nobukiyo as a father worried about his son very much, and then he visited to the Main Hall of Kasuga Grand Shrine and asked
'Why do you make your one of parishioners die ?'
Then the shrine spirit possessed a shrine maiden (Kannagi) who then said to him.
'My thinking about my parishioners is beyond your thinking about your son, although your son's reward from his previous life is beyond my power.
However, you should take this and go to Hase-dera Temple and ask there.'
Then, the shrine maiden took out  from her mouth a branch of Cleyera japonica (Sakaki), about 12 cm long with two leaves and gave it to him."

Indeed! Therefore he visited and he was successful.

This temple has many fascinating stories, I feel that the temple had been loved by the authors of classical literature and it has been popular among people.


I like Noborirō!
Although I am not a pilgrim, I feel as though I am on a pilgrimage,
and while climbing I feel I am being purified.

Looking at the roof of Noborirō  from the Main Hall

3) 本堂 / Main Hall
本堂は奈良時代 (710 -794)の創建後、1536までに計7回焼失しました。


本堂は豊臣秀長 (1540 -1592) の援助で再建に着手し、1588に新しい堂が竣工しました。

その後さらに、徳川家光 (1604 -1651 / 在職 :1623 -1651) の寄進を得て、1650年に完成し、それが現在の本堂です。

The Main Hall has colorful curtains.
本堂、国宝 / Main Hall, National Treasure

After the founding of the Nara Period (710 -794), the Main Hall was destroyed by fires 7 times in total by 1536.

After the seventh burning, the Eleven-Faced Kannon Statue was remade in 1538 and still here, 8th generation.

The Main Hall rebuilding began with the assistance of Toyotomi Hidenaga (1540 -1592) and in 1588 the new building was completed.

After that, they received donations from Tokugawa Iemitsu (1604 -1651 / r1623 -1651)  and the rebuilding was completed in 1650. 
西側 / West Side

鬼瓦 が好きです。
I like Onigawra which is roof ornamentation.

Main Hall from North-west

左が "礼堂 (ライドウ)" (下の写真)、右が本尊、十一面観音を安置する、"正堂"

"Ai-no-Ma" : Corridor in the Main Hall
On the left is "Raido", below and on the right is "Shodo" which is 
where the Eleven-Faced Kannon is located.
Kannon is forbidden to photograph.

十一面観音 / Eleven-Faced Kannon画像は下記より / This from below

礼堂 / Raido


Our tour was late on arrival, so could not enter the "Raido", though we were able to see it.

人がいるところが舞台 (
下の写真) です。

Looking outside through "Raido" from "Ai-no-Ma".
The place where there are people is a large veranda,

清水寺と同様に、懸造 (カケヅクリまたは舞台造になっています。
メインホールには大きい舞台があり、背の高い柱 (下の写真に支えられています。

Large Veranda 
Like the Kiyomizu-dera Temple
it uses 'Kake-zukuri' : overhanging method of construction.
The main hall has a large veranda, supported by tall pillars, below.
画像は下記より / This from below

右手にちらっと見える建物が 重要文化財の '三百余社' です。

Main Hall from South-east 
I was surprised that cherry blossoms were blooming alongside the main hall.
The building glimpsed on the right is "Sanbyakuyosha", Important Cultural Property.
桜ですよね?/ It is a Cherry Blossom, isn't it?


View from Veranda
Autumn colour and cherry blossom are together!
It is mysterious.

4) 二つの塔 / Two Pagaodas
A.三重塔 / Three Storey Pagoda

豊臣秀頼 (1593 -1615) は、秀吉(1537 -1593) の三男です。


三重塔跡地 / Three Storey Pagoda Site

Three Storey Pagoda
It is said that Dōmyo made a three storey pagoda when founding this temple, which was lost at some time, because the notice board says
'The pagoda was rebuilt by Toyotomi Hideyori (1593 -1615)'.

The rebuilt pagoda was burnt down by a lightning strike in 1876, now there are only foundation stones.

B. 五重塔 / Five Storey pagoda

'三重塔の跡地' の北に、五重塔はあります。

Five Storey Pagoda
This Five Storey Pagoda is to the North of 'Three Storey Pagoda Site'. 
It was built in 1954

5) その他 / Others

We were thinking of walking back down via the perimeter road leading to 'Oku-no-In',
however, they were still repairing the road after rain damage of 

a few days before and we could not pass.
We went down the west approach which is almost parallel to Noborirō.


Stairs to the Five Storey Pagoda

The trees are beautiful...

本坊 / Honbō
Looking at  Honbō from close to the Five Storey Pagoda

桐紋 (キリモン) も組み込まれているのはなぜでしょう?

 Temple Gate Curtain 
The pattern of the Temple crest is 
'Wachigai', it is designed into the curtain.   
Why are Paulownia Seals (Kirimon) also included in the design?

輪違い紋 / Wachigai Crest 
The pattern of the kamon (family crest) is 'Wachigai' 
(a pattern with two or more rings hanging together).
画像は下記より / This from below

桐紋 / Paulownia Seals (Kirimon)
画像は下記より / This from below

立派な松です。/ It is a gorgeous pine tree.

おまけ/ Extra
あっ、これは登廊の '長谷型灯籠を摸しているのかもしれません。

Interesting Object
On the road in front of the temple, I saw objects (?) like these.
They are made from cans. 
Oh, maybe these are modelled on 'Hase style lanterns' in Noborirō (Staircase).

冊子『祈りの回廊』秋冬版: 2017年9月〜2018年3月/ P.6P.6 of Pamphlet "Inori-no-Kairo" ; Cloister for Prayer, Sep.2017~Mar.2018The same scene as in the picture above this page.

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