ウィンブルドン / Wimbledon
最近、ビクトリア アンド アルバート博物館 (V&A) の新しい建物がオープンしたばかりと聞いたので、出かけました。
Nowadays I heard of a new building just opened in V&A Museum and went.
When I go to central London from our house, I usually use the closest station, Earlsfield Station, though we had planned to go shopping in Wimbledon after the V&A so we drove close to Wimbledon station.
'2017 Wimbledon Championships' were still being played and I would see Wimbledon Town a little.
2004年に私が通った英語学校もウィンブルドンにあります。 I went to this English language school in Wimbledon, 2004. |
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