1) 2016年12月10日 / 10th of December 2016
2) 2016年12月12日 / 12th of December 2016
1) 2016年12月10日 / 10th of December 2016
個展会場 : 'ギャラリー412 : Galerie412' も決まり、リトグラフの作品選びの段階です。
10th of December 2016
Already I had finished making lithograph works and from then I concentrated on making porcelain works.
The exhibition gallery was selected, ’Galerie412', now was the time for selecting lithograph works.
Basically I selected from each series the ones I love most, although in the end they may or may not be on display.
If consideration of the exhibition space is of the utmost importance, I should be cool enough to cut out individual works which I love.
Always many works are laid out with my tears and I feel this is the most difficult time, selecting those to display and their arrangement in the spaces.
ここではまだ赤系を入れるか迷っています。 Here, I still could not decide on using the red colour works. |
3枚まで選びはしましたが.... I choose three, but..... |
"上下でセット" 作品が複数あり、それらの全てを出すことも、 セットで出すことも難しい.... There are a few sets of "Upside Down". It is difficult to show all the sets, even both of a pairing. |
おおよそを決めて、頭を冷やす時間をとります。 I had mostly decided about them and then should allow time for my brain to cool down. |
2) 2016年12月12日 / 12th of December 2016
会場をイメージし、作品の展示順も決めます。 I imagine and then I decided on the sequence of the works in the gallery. |
縦長作品を全部並べて考え直します。 These are all the long works and then I thought again about selection. |
磁器の配置を考えます。 Considering arrangements of the porcelain pieces on each lithograph. |
会場の壁面を考えます。 Consideration of the walls in the Gallery. |
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