
5月10日、本 : 水の家族 / Book : Water Family, 10th of May, 2016

目次 / Contents
1) 購入動機 / Purchase Reason
2) 感想 / Review

1) 購入動機 / Purchase Reason

三浦しをん (1976 -)さんが丸山 健二 (1943 -) 作品を好きになったきっかけの本が
『水の家族』と知り、また、私の作品制作のテーマが "なので、この本を

鎌倉図書館から、この本と丸山 健二 作
『雨のドラゴン』(1973 / 河出書房新社 →1979 / 角川文庫) を借りました。
丸山 健二 氏と『雨のドラゴン』については下記

(P.26 - 32) を読んだ段階で、私の心に、ピタッとくるものがあり、装丁も好きでしたので、この本は買おう!と決めました。



私には、ファンタジーについて一つの考えがあり、それは黄泉の国の水を通して(経験して) 再生するというものです。


結果としては、期待と違うイメージ (内容) でしたが、本は買って正解でした。
丸山 健二 (1943 -) 
1989 / 
文藝春秋→ 2006 / 求龍堂


この本は丸山 健二 作家活動40周年を記念して、
[2冊は『三角の山』(1972 / 文藝春秋→ 2006 / 求龍堂)
『赤い眼』(1974 / 文藝春秋→ 2006 / 求龍堂)]

"Water Family"
By  Kenji Maruyama (1943 -)
1989 /Bungeishunjū  → 2006 / Kyuryudo 
I took this on my Birthday Trip, so it is worn‐out.
I am sad and I regret my rough personality.... 

This was republished to celebrate the 40th anniversary of 
Maruyama being a novelist, along with two other books.
"Water Family" was not just reprinted but also revised by Maruyama.
The other two were 
"Triangular Mountain", 1982 / Bungeishunjū→ 2006 / Kyuryudo 
 and "Red Eye", 1974 / Bungeishunjū  → 2006 / Kyuryudo.

After removing the dark colour dust-jacket,
we can see the bright colour body.
The page marker is an azure colour.

Purchase Reason

 I found out that a popular Japanese author Shion Miura (1976 -) came to like the works  of Kenji Maruyama (1943 -) by a chance reading of "Water Family": "Mizu-no-Kazoku" and the theme of my work is "Water", so my curiosity became suddenly excited.
About Shion Miura' s works below.

I borrowed "Water Family" and another of Maruyama's works, "Rain Dragon" : "Ame-no-Dragon" (1973 / Kaowaideshobo- Shinsha→1979 / Kadokawa), from Kamakura library.
About Kenji Maruyama and "Rain Dragon", below.

However, when I read opening part of "Water Family"(P.26~32), I felt something click with me and I like the binder so I decided to buy it.

A phrase on page 27, 
"I did not finish, I just started" (translated by myself),
so I guessed this would be a story of recovery.

My home page says, 
"My ideas usually come from water. 
I am interested in water. Different forms of water are ice, snow, cloud, rain and I would add streams, rivers, lakes and sea. 
I do believe water has powers of healing and recovery."

A thought I have is about a fantasy world in which a character goes through or experiences water in the 'Nether World'.

So I imagined the story has this.

Consequently the story is not as I had expected, although I think my buying was correct.


Title Page
This is a full coloured version of the cover.
The text of the book has a few lovely photographs.
Unfortunately the names of binder and photographer are not in the book.
I guess the photographs are by the novelist.

2) 感想 / Review



また、真名鶴(マナヅル)は女性の肢体を、忍冬 (スイカズラ) は女性の香りを、竜は男性の凶暴性を、亀は黄泉の国への使者を、私には象徴してるように思え、そこからファンタジー文学が匂ってきます。


リンドレーン Astrid Anna Emilia Lindgren (1907 - 2002) 
(原書、1954 / 日本語版、1967/岩波書店→2001岩波少年文庫
(原書、1973 / 日本語版、1976→2001岩波少年文庫) を思い出し、
(原書、1863  / 日本語版、1996 / 偕成社文庫)を思い出しました。








私が読んだ、死人が語る話は、乙一 (オツイチ / 1981 -) 氏の
(1996 / ジャンプジェイ ブックス 集英社 →2000 / 集英社文庫があり、それを読んだときは衝撃的な手法に思い、乙一 氏のアイディアを新鮮に感じました。


『水の家族』で、主人公の魂が体をぬけて、自然界に融合する初期部分 (P.26~32) が、私はとても好きで、彼と一緒になって自然界に、水に、溶け込んでゆく気持ち良さを感じました。



浮遊する魂は、'草葉町'と'餓鬼岳' (ガキダケ) の水の領域に限られています。


餓鬼という言葉は、主人公の生前の罪、妹との姦淫 (カンイン) を示唆しているのでしょう


固有名詞を厳選して使用したり、特有の構成をしたり、同様の言い回しや同じ数字を続けて三回使用したり、作家の形式美 (または様式美)を感じます。












この作品は、主人公の死が全体に流れてはいますが、八重子の赤ちゃん(主人公との子供ではない) が生の象徴として描かれています。





先に '私が感受する世界が淀んでくる' と書きましたが、その原因は作者のこの、人間嫌いに由来するものではないかと私は考えます。





私にとって、丸山 健二氏の作品は、不思議な魅力があります。

Whole Cover 
It reminds me of my lithograph work 'Fern', below


From the beginning to the end, the structure repeats one sentence, like a subtitle and followed by some text. 

This structure, the selection of the words, the representations and the story's view of the world give us the feeing of poetry and the main character had experiences of the world and he became healed and recovered, which made my idea that this is a fantasy literature.

And also for me  'White-naped Crane' is a smbol of women limbs, 'Peach' and 
 'Japanese Honeysuckle : Suikazura' are symbol of women's fragrance, 'Dragon' is 
a symbol of men's savagery and a symbol of a messenger from the nether world so there is something fishy about the fantasy literature.

The Crane is a migratory bird which flies to a distance place so I imagine a journey to a different world, or death in this particular story.

While I read the book, it reminded me of another the books :
"Mio, My Son"(1954) and "The Brothers Lion heart" (1973) 
by Astrid Anna Emilia Lindgren (1907 - 2002) from the image of the land of the deceased, anda book : "Water Babies" (1863) by Charles Kingsley (1819 -1875).
About "Water babies" below,

All these books are in fantasy literature, so "Water Family" should have elements of fantasy literature. (This might be because I tend to read fantasy literature.)

However, I would class this as 'illusion literature' rather than 'fantasy literature'.
(I am not sure even 'illusion literature' is.) 

Some people think they are the same, although for me, they are different.

I would not write here about how they are different and I might not be able to write clearly about the differences.

It might not matter which category it is placed in, anyway I feel the unique world of the novelist.

The novel is written in the first‐person who is the main character, however, he passed away in the beginning of the story, his spirit was floating, after then the novel is narrated by the floating spirit.

Thereafter the story carries on from the view point which are mixture of the first‐person with the omniscience about each person in the family.

I had read a book, "Summer, Fireworks, and My Corpse" (only in Japanese, 1996 / JUMP j-BOOKS of Shueisha→2000 / Shueishabunkoby Otsuichi (1978 - ) which is narrated by a dead person and when I read it I felt  the shocking style and the idea was new.

However, the style had already been done in the book, "Water Family" (1989), hadn't it?

In the "Water Family",  I do like the part of the beginning  (P.26~32) when his spirt moved out from his body, I felt comfortable with the spirt which unites the natural world and water after the floating.

However, unfortunately the feeling didn't last until the end.

While I read, I picked up that the world was stagnating.

The spirit inly floated in 'Kusaba Town' (
草葉町') and 'Gaki-mountain'('餓鬼岳).

For me 'Kusaba Town' is associated with graves and the afterlife.

The word : 'Kusaba'  (
草葉) often expresses something figuratively in Japanese.

I feel that 'Gaki-mountain' ('
餓鬼岳') suggests to the readers that the main character has the sin of 
fornication with his younger sister.

 'Gaki' (
餓鬼) means a Preta : a Hungry Ghost in Japanese.

The narrater only tells us the sister's name 'Yaeko', other family members are described, his grandfather, father, mother, elder brother, a elder sister in law, younger brother, even the narrater does not show his name, so I understand for main character the younger sister was a woman rather than his sister.

In the book, it makes a strict selection of proper noun, a characteristic structure, repeats three times similar sentences or the same number then I feel the novelist's beauty of form.

The main character views about his grandfather and his father included respect and admiration, although about his mother and sister in law he narrates through cold eyes and he looked down on them.

I do most like the depiction of his grandfather.

I love a dragon, so I have a good feeling about a 'dragon kite ' which agrees with the grandfather's inside.

The depiction of the family made me disquieting, so I felt at ease with the grandfather who lives at quite a distance from the family.

And also I like his personality in that he tried to solve his brutality with a calm approach by his effort.

Yaeko could depend on him with her baby and I think she distinguished instinctively that she could depend most on this person in her family.

Yaeko seems to be a little an intellectually weak, of course the writing is not to outspoken, the representations about her are warm although the reader could understand. 

For the main character, she is childlike , sweet, sexy and vigorous and I feel she is an ideal woman for the novelist.

I feel like this, so I can guess the novelist's thoughts about women are prejudiced so 
I cannot stop my feeling of dislike about part of him.

The floating spirit found out that the aspects of his family are quite human, he confirms his own negative parts which are not bad and for him or for the aim of the novelist, the main character is purified or healed and then he attains Buddhahood.

He was purified by his feeling so I do not feel inconsistency, though I feel he is still immature and self-absorbed.

Yeako's baby, who was not with not her brother,  represents a symbol of life, on the other hand the story surrounds the death of the main character.

Moreover, living things in the natural world, even tiny things like a pollen, are depicted vigorously.

Overall, the shadow of death in the story is weak, the life force is much stronger.

At least I feel like that.

In my view the novelist does not like  humans so much, however, he loves nature!

Formerly I wrote 'I picked up the world which was stagnating', I think this came from the novelist being a misanthrope.

The skill of the novelist makes the sentences for the five senses as well as his inspiration and his sense in selection of the words are wonderful!

I think he is a great novelist.

However, some parts of the novelist and me do not match, so I often felt aversion while I read the book.

Therefore I would not read so much of his work, although I am still interested.

For me, Kenji Maruyama's works have mysterious appeals.

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