
❷3月30日、『舟を編む』三浦しをん 作 - "The Great Passage" by Shion Miura, 30th of March, 2016

目次 / Contents
1) 映画と原作 / Films and Originals
     A. 三浦しをん原作 / Originals by Shion Miura 
     B. 俳優と女優 / Actors and Actresses 
2) 原作 『舟を編む』 / Original "The Great Passage" : "Fune wo Amu" 
    A. 辞書 / Dictionaries
    B. 扉絵 / Title Page's Illustration 

1) 映画と原作 / Films and Originals

A. 三浦しをん原作 / Originals by 
Shion Miura

最近、『まほろ駅前多田便利軒[三浦しをん 作 ( 1976 -)  / 2011 / 文藝春秋
読み、TVドラマ : "まほろば番外地" (2013) を見て、
映画 : "まほろ駅前多田便利軒" (2011) を再び見ました。

その際に、ずいぶん前に見た映画 "舟を編む" (2013) は、

三浦しをん の『舟を編む(2011)




映画 : "まほろ駅前多田便利軒" 、監督 大森 立嗣 (オオモリ タツシ / 1970 -)
TVドラマ : まほろば番外地"  監督 大根 仁 (オオネヒトシ / 1968 -) については
328, 三浦しをん の本 - 『まほろ駅前多田便利軒』 / Shion Miura's bo...

映画 :  "舟を編む
2013 / 監督 石井 裕也 (イシイ ユウヤ / 1983 -)
原作 『舟を編む三浦しをん 作 ( 1976 -) 
 2011 / 光文社

Film : "The Great Passage"  :    
 Official Website :  only in Japanese
2013 / Director : Yuya Ishii (1983 -)
The Original : "The Great Passage"  : "Fune wo Amu" 
by Shion Miura (1976 -) 
画像は下記より / This from below

Originals by Shion Miura 

Recently I had read a book : 
"The Handymen in Mhoro Town" [by Shion Miura (1976 -) / 2006 / Bungeishunjū ], 
seen a TV drama : "No Address in Mahoro Town" (2013 ) in Internet and 
a film : "Tada's Do-It-All House" (2011 ) in Internet.

At that time I realized that I had seen a film :
 "The Great Passage" [2013 / Yuya Ishii (1983 -)],
 much earlier than them, from the original  book : 
"The Great Passage"  : "Fune wo Amu" by Shion Miura : 2011 / Koubunsha : .

The story is that most characters have worked for a long time with great determination compiling a dictionary.

The film : "The Great Passage" is very good and remains in my heart, so I wanted to read the original and I borrowed the book from Kamakura Library even though I still have my mountain of unread books.

And also I have seen the film again.

The TV drama : "No Address in Mahoro Town" ( 2013) / Director : 
                          Hitoshi Oone ( 1986 - ), from the original by Shion Miura.

The film : "Tada's Do-It-All House" : "Mahoro Ekimae Tada Benriken" :  ( 2011)
                 Director : Tatsushi Ōmori (1970 -) :  /  from the original by Shion Miura.

About  the film and the drama below

映画 "神様のカルテ
2011 / 監督 深川栄洋
原作『神様のカルテ :  夏川 草介 (ナツカワ ソウスケ / 1978 -) 
 2009 / 小学館

Film : "Kamisama no Karute" 
2011 / Director : Yoshihiro Fukagawa (1976 - ) 
 Original by Sousuke Natsukawa (1978 -) 
 2009 / Shougakukan
画像は下記より / This from below

B. 俳優と女優 / Actors and Actresses 

"まほろ駅前多田便利軒の主人公の一人を松田 龍平 (マツダ リュウヘイ/ 1983) が演じていて、"舟を編むの主人公、馬締 光也 (マジメ ミツヤも彼です。


映画 "舟を編む" (2013) では、ベテラン編集者、荒木 公平 (アラキ コウヘイ) を
小林 薫 (コバヤシ カオル / 1951 -) が、お気軽、先輩編集者、西岡 正志 (ニシオカ マサシオダギリジョー (1976 -) が演じています。

私は映画やドラマをあまり見る方ではないので、俳優や監督をあまり知らないのですが、小林 薫オダギリジョーは好きな俳優で、出ているだけで嬉しい!

宮﨑 あおい (1985 -) 演じる林 香具矢 (ハヤシ カグヤは、馬締 光也 (松田龍平) の相手役です。

林 香具矢は、名前も登場の仕方も 'かぐや姫を示唆し、浮世離れしたキャラクターになっています。

彼女の周りには澄んだ空気が漂い、静謐 (セイヒツ) な雰囲気があります。




私には、宮﨑 あおい演じる香具矢は、同じく宮﨑 あおい演じる、映画 "神様のカルテ" (2011) の栗原 榛名 (クワバラ ハルナとかぶって感じられました。

映画 "神様のカルテ"の映画と原作については下記 

これらのカップルは共通して、女性 (に凛とした姿勢があり、揺るぎがなく、落ち込む男性 (を助けています。

香具矢は料理人としての道を、栗原 榛名は山岳写真家の道を、馬締は、辞書制作の道を、榛名の夫、栗原 一止(クリハラ イチトは、医師の道を、それぞれが真摯な態度でそれぞれの道を歩む人々です。


天女のような宮﨑 あおいの役と対照的に、現実的な人間の役を演じるのは、
黒木 華 (クロキ ハル / 1990 -) です。

私が黒木 華を初めて知ったのは、彼女が、TVドラマ : "まほろば番外地"  第 8話 
(2013) に出演したときで、パワフルな演技をする女優さんだな〜と印象に残りました。


黒木 華 に興味を持ち、彼女の演技が評価された、映画 "小さいおうち" (2014) を見ました

映画 "小さいおうち" :  64回ベルリン国際映画祭のコンペティション部門に選出、黒木華が最優秀女優賞(銀熊賞)を受賞。

もともと、映画 "小さいおうち"は、そのタイトルが私が好きな絵本『ちいさいおうち(1952) と同じでしたので、気になっていた映画でした。


黒木 華は、3作品とも人間くさい役を演じています。

映画 "小さいおうち"は、ある程度はおもしろく見ましたが、私は映画 "舟を編む"の方がずっと好きです。

"舟を編む" は、俳優も女優も私が興味がある人々で固められ、一途にひとつのことを追う人々が描かれ、恋愛や仲間意識などが程よく加味され、私の好みの映画です。




映画 "小さいおうち
 2014 / 監督 山田洋次 (1931 -) 

The Little House  : 
2014 / Director :  Yoji Yamada (1931 -)
画像は下記より / This from below
中島 京子 (1964 -) 作  
2010 / 文藝春秋  

The Original "The Little House" 
2010 / Bungeishunjū
Probably I will not read the book.
画像は下記より / This from below

Actors and Actresses 

In the film : "Tada's Do-It-All House", one of main characters is 
Ryuhei Matsuda (1983 -) as Haruhiko Gyōten and he also played a main character, Majime Mitsuya in the film : "The Great Passage". 

Even though the characters are different, there are two common points, they are smart and strange and I think the actor could play these atmospheres or he has the atmosphere by nature. 

In the film, "The Great Passage", a veteran editor, Kouhei Araki, is played by 
Kaoru Kobayashi (1951 -) and Majime's senior editor, an easy-going character, Masashi Nishioka is played by Joe Odagiri (1976 ) .

I do not see films and dramas so much so I do not know about actors and directors, though I like these actors : Kaoru Kobayashi and Joe Odagiri, just having them in 
a film makes me happy!

Aoi Miyazaki (1985 -) played a character,  Kagura Hayashi who is the partner of the main character, Majime. Kagura Hayashi's name and her first appearance suggest 'Princess Kaguya' who is a character in the Japanese Fairy Tale : "The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter" or "The Tale of Princess Kaguya" and they represent her other-worldly character.

Pure air hangs around her and there is a tranquil atmosphere.In the original book, she later opens her restaurant and the name is 'Behind the Moon' : 'Tsuki-no-Ura'.

The author imagines Kaguya Tennyo : a Japanese Angel on top of the Moon.Like the moon throwing light on a ship which continues going on a voyage in the night sea, she lights him up.

For me, Aoi Miyazaki played the character who overlaps with a character, Haruna Kurihara in a film "Kamisama no Karute" [ 2011 / the original  book ( 2009) ] and the same actress played this too.

About "Kamisama no Karute", below.

The couples are similar in that the wives are dignified and more steady than their husbands and when the husbands became depressed the wives helped them. 

Kagura as a cook, Haruna as a Mountain photographer, Majime as an editor of 
a dictionary and Haruna's husband, Ichito Kurihara as a doctor, each person progresses on their way in an earnest manner.

I seem to like stories which have these types of people.

The angelic roles played by Aoi Miyazaki contrast with the practical human roles played by Haru Kuroki (1990 -) .

The first time I noticed Haru Kuroki was when she was in part 8 of the TV Drama : 
"No Address in Mahoro Town" (2013) and I was impressed by her powerful portrayal.

Later I found out that she played  'Midori Kishibe', one of the editors, in the film : 
"The Great Passage".

I became interested in her, so I watched a film : "The Little House" (2014) in which her acting was highly rated.

The film was in competition for the Golden Bear at the 64th Berlin International Film Festival, where Haru Kuroki won the Silver Bear for Best Actress.

Basically the film was on my mind because the title is the same as my favourite picture book : "The Little House" [1952 / by Virginia Lee Burton (1909 - 1968)].

Therefore I could see the film this time and my curiousity was satisfied.

Haru Kuroki played her roles in the three films which were quite human.

Though I did enjoy the film : "The Little House", I do like the film : 
"The Great Passagemuch more. 

My interest in "The Great Passage" is strengthened by the actors and the actresses and the people they depict, people who seek the world of the word and the story combines well with loves and fellow feelings, this is my favourite kind of film.

The film is good and the original book is very good too.In the book, many things are depicted more carefully and it has more digressions.

In the film, many digressions are omitted, some stories are changed and made more direct although I feel I understand the reasons, and I felt each media's good points or the differences and enjoyed the differences.

絵本 :ちいさいおうち
バージニア・リー・バートン (1909 - 1968)
英語版:1952 / 日本語版 : 1954
訳:石井桃子 (1907 - 2008) / 岩波書店

 Picture Book : "The Little House

English Edition in 1952
by Virginia Lee Burton (1909 - 1968)
Japanese Edition in 1954
Translator : Momoko Ishii  (1907 - 2008)

画像は下記より / This from below

2) 原作 『舟を編む』 

    Original "The Great Passage" : "Fune wo Amu"

A. 辞書 / Dictionaries 

物語で制作される辞書の名前は、『大渡海』(ダイトカイ) です。


この'大渡海' には、'大都会'の意味も含まれているように思います。

本のタイトルは、舟 =辞書であり、編む=編集する、制作するという意味であると私は理解しています。













原作 『舟を編む
 三浦しをん ( 1976 -) 
 2011 / 光文社
   装丁 大久保伸子 

The Original : "The Great Passage"  : "Fune wo Amu" 
by Shion Miura (1976 -) 
2011 / Koubunsha : 
Bookbinder : Nobuko Okubo


The name of the dictionary chosen in the story, "Daitokai" : Great Navigation (translated by me).

In Japanese, the word of the same sounds means 'Big City'.In this case, I think the word of "Daitokai" includes the meaning of 'Big City'.

I understand that the title includes the meanings of Ship : 'Fune' = Dictionary, and 'Amu' = Edit or Making.

I felt surprise and had a fresh impression in the sentences describing dictionaries and the selection of words for dictionaries.

So I think the author loves her occupation very much. 

The dictionaries or making the Dictionary are mentioned in the story, below (translated by me)

"A dictionary is a ship which navigates across the sea of words."
P, 27. L,1

"People get on a Ship of a dictionary and collect small lights which rise from the dark surface of the sea, because the people would tell somebody the thoughts with the most suitable or correct words."
P, 27. L, 2~3

"A well-edited Ship can best navigate the sea."
 P, 27. L, 5

"Please build a good Ship. 
Araki hoped and closed his eyes.
Many people will be able to get on the Ship safely and forever, so even if they are stricken with desolation on their journeys, the Ship could be a reliable partner. 
Since it's you, you can surely do that."
 P, 28. L, 3~5 

"The editing of a dictionary is never finished.
The Ship carries hope, across a vast expanse of ocean and the passage is endless."
P, 257. L, 3

The words, sentences, naming and the story are linked.

Even though I might feel the link myself, if I did indeed realize the link, I would be pleased.

I say the links, although I should say the woven threads : Amu in Japanese.

I read the author's two books, I think her way of writing does not attack or look down on people, and I feel the author sees the negative sides of humans with a warm heart. 

These characteristics might make her works lovable and so they can easily become films.

画 雲田はるこ (? -?)

Title Page
Illustration : Haruko Kumoda (? -?) : 

B. 扉絵 / Title Page's Illustration 

雲田はるこ (? -? ) は、BL漫画家です。

作者がBL好きなのを考慮した ("作家の読書道")、もしくは意向をくんでの起用でしょう。

雲田はるこの作品、『昭和元禄落語心中(2010~ / 講談社 は、2014年にアニメ化 され、現在私はネット(アマゾン)で見ています。








文庫版 (2015) の表紙も雲田はるこの絵です。


 2015 / 光文社
表紙絵 雲田はるこ

Paperback of "The Great Passage" : "Fune wo Amu"
2015 / Koubunsha 
Cover : Haruko Kumoda 
画像は下記より / This from below

Title Page's Illustration 

Haruko Kumoda is a BL cartoonist : Manga author.

I guess that they considered the style with the author who likes BL ( : only in Japanese) or they accepted the author's wish.

Her work : "Shōwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjū" (2010 / Kodansha / below) became an animation "Shōwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjū" :  /  in 2014 and now I am watching it in Internet (Japanese Amazon).

Before my study abroad in Britain, I for a while often went to Rakugo Play or Yose : storyteller's house and a lot of my favourite voice actors play in the animation and the pictures are lovely so I enjoy watching the animation.

By the way "Shōwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjū" is not BL.

The illustration for the hardback title page suddenly makes the atmosphere light up in contrast with the usual plain taste of a dictionary cover and the cover of this book and I felt my face automatically had a smile.

However,  I have a slight feeling of wrongness about this.

Perhaps I felt weak about the handwriting part.

The cover of the paperback (2015) is by Haruko Kumoda too, above.

This cover does not match my image of the book, although it is alright for a casual 

Moreover the style of title littering in the illustration was changed to be more steady and I also feel their consideration about the writing being changed from the upside-down sequence : 'Fune: ' to the conventional sequence : 'Mu : ''.
雲田はるこ 作
2010~ / 

Manga : "Shōwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjū
by Haruko Kumoda
2010 / Kodansha 
画像は下記より / This from below

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