One by one, they are blossoming.
The flowers make people happy, don't they?
庭 / My Garden
クリスマスローズ / Christmas Rose |
フリージア / Freesia |
ブルーベリー / Blueberry |
紫蘭 (シラン) / Hyacinth Orchid |
近所 / Neighbourhood
家の前 / In Front of Our House |
早朝の光の中の桜は、ほほ紅をほどこしたようなピンク! In the early morning light, they are pink, like having cheek colour. |
老木の幹 / The Old Trunk |
甘い香りがする白い花 ジャスミンの仲間でしょうか? White Flower with Sweet Fragrance Is this a Jasmine? |
段葛 竣功 (ダンカヅラ シュンコウ)
The approach of the Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine :
"Dankazura" was completed
記念の提灯 / Commemorative Lantern |
二の鳥居 段葛は二の鳥居から始まります。 花嫁さんと花婿さんがいます (右下)。 The Second Gate 'Dankazura' starts from the Second Gate. Here is a wedding couple (on the right) |
可憐です。/ The flowers are pretty. |
鶴岡八幡宮 Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine |
Around Omachi
(On the Way to the Lithograph Studio)
ハナカイドウ / Hall Crabapple |
ミツバツツジ / Rhododendron Dilatatum |
花桃(ハナモモ) 老木が赤い花をいっぱい咲かせています。 Peach Flowers The old tree has many red flowers. |
濃淡色のボケ / Light and Shade of Japanese Quince |
ハナニラ / Springstar |
春の山 / Spring Mountain |
山桜 / Wild Cherry Trees |
リトグラフ工房 / Lithograph Studio
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