"マザーズ カフェ/ Mother's Cafe" は、"ギャラリー招山、由比ヶ浜" のすぐ近くに
私が "ギャラリー招山、由比ヶ浜" で個展をした時 (2015年4月10日〜19日 / 下記) "Mother's Cafe" のオーナーさんにすごく気に入っていただけて、カフェのお客さんに薦めていただき、たくさんのお客様が個展にいらしてくださりました。
個展 :
❶個展 / My Exhibition: Coonie's Space Quest in Kamak...
⓴個展 / My Exhibition: Coonie's Space Quest in Kamak...
カフェはギャラリーの前を通り、袋小路にあります。 今の言葉で表現すると、'隠れ家カフェ'。 由比ヶ浜にとても近いのに、浜からは直接アクセスできません。 由比ヶ浜そのものよりも、一層海辺のゆったりした雰囲気があると私は感じます。 The Cafe is beyond the Gallery and in a cul-de-sac. Nowadays people might describe there as a 'Hidden Cafe: Kakurega Cafe' in Japanese. There is very close to Yuigahama which is a beach in Sagami Bay in Kamakura, although it cannot be accessed directly from the beach. I feel the cafe has the free and easy atmosphere of a beach, rather than the more commercial Yuigahama. |
Mother's Cafe
"Mother's Cafe" is very close to the Shouzan Gallery, Yuigahama, I could almost say next-door to the Gallery.
When I had my exhibition in the Gallery (10th ~19th of April in 2015: below), it was loved by the cafe owner who recommended my exhibition to his customers, so a few of his customers visited. Thank you very much.
My Exhibition :
❶個展 / My Exhibition: Coonie's Space Quest in Kamak...
⓴個展 / My Exhibition: Coonie's Space Quest in Kamak...
While I had my exhibition, I always stayed there, so I could not visit the cafe.
My sister, Y's cooking teacher recommended the cafe, so I really did want to visit.
Today I visited there as a thank you.
After my exhibition, somehow I was absent minded and was relieved, I forgot to take photographs of the cafe's building and dishes.
This cafe is comfortable although my photographs do not convey it so well, I feel very disappointed with my photographs.
住所: 神奈川県鎌倉市由比ガ浜 4 - 3 - 17 - A102
Address : A102, 4 - 3 - 17 Yuigahama Kamakura, Kanagawa Open: 11:00~17:00
(予約すれば夜もOK / If you book, you could go at night)
They offer lunch and open on Sunday.
Closed days : Tues. and Wed. ( Except National Holidays )
Phone: 0467-67-6150
デザート カフェのお客様が、個展会場にいらしたときに薦められていたサヴァランです。 サヴァランは、いろいろな味がありますが、 このサヴァランは私が好きな味でした。 この形のサヴァランは、初めてです。 Dessert One of the cafe's customers recommended this : Savarin : Rum baba. Rum baba has various tastes in Japan, I do like this one. For me, this is a new shape. |
2) Weekend Cafe
A. もうひとつの隠れ家カフェ
Another Hidden Cafe
"Weekend Cafe" は、"マザーズ カフェ/ Mother's Cafe" よりも、一層 '隠れ家カフェ' です。
以前もブログに書きました (下記)
❷鎌倉散策 - "Weekend Cafe" / Walking in Kamakura - "We...
Weekend Cafe |
Another Hidden Cafe
"Weekend Cafe" is even more of a 'Hidden Cafe' than "Mother's Cafe",
because they open just at weekends as their name implies,
and opening times are only 13:00 ~ 17:00.
because they open just at weekends as their name implies,
and opening times are only 13:00 ~ 17:00.
I wrote about the cafe in my blog below :
The owner couple visited my exhibition even though it was raining and they bought some of my small plates.
Thank you very much.
B. 服飾作品 / Her Work
Her Work
On this day, the lady owner had her exhibition of her fashion clothes in their cafe.
I wanted to look at them and visited as a thank you.
The works are blouses and aprons which this time were based on ideas in relation with Kamakura's architecture.
I do not know about dresses and their ornaments, I thought each of her pieces were made very carefully with their detail and I felt her enthusiasm and her love for her works.
Firstly I wanted to get an apron, which somebody had reserved.
Secondly I wanted to get a white blouse, I tried it on, however, I am not thin and the blouses make me less, so I gave up.
That's too bad, even though I would buy her work, I could not choose one.
以前制作された作品を自費出版されていて、 その本を前回伺った際にいただいていました。 楽しいアイディア満載の、遊び心あるお洋服が載っています。 が、現在手元になく(これを書いているのは実は英国です)、 ご紹介できないのが残念です。 次に、またここを訪れた際に、ブログでご紹介したいと思います。 She has published a book of her past work privately, she gave us the book when we had visited previously. The book is full of her enjoyable ideas and playful clothes. However, I do not have it now (I am in Britain), I could not introduce or show you yet, which is a shame. The next time I visit the cafe, I will introduce the book in my blog. |
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