目次 / Contents
1) コジュケイの家族 / Chinese Bamboo Partridge Family
A. 午前中 / In the Morning
B. 午後 / Afternoon
2) 妖精の森 / Fairy Forest
1) コジュケイの家族
Chinese Bamboo Partridge Family
A. 午前中 / In the Morning
コジュケイ 今の家に住み始めてコジュケイという鳥を知りました。 初めて見た時は、山鳩 (ヤマバト: 雉鳩 / キジバト) と勘違いしました。 Chinese Bamboo Partridge I started living in our current house and found out about a bird called Chinese Bamboo Partridge. When I first saw it, I misunderstood it as Oriental Turtle Dove (Rufous Turtle Dove). |
In the Morning
For a few years, I've felt that a Chinese Bamboo Partridge family lives nearby.
When I first saw them in the garden, they were some birds as a family, and since then I haven't seen them much as a family, though
I see a couple every year.
I saw the couple after 7 o'clock in this morning.
I tried to photograph with my i-phone that was nearby, but they immediately noticed and escaped.
Through the window, I was able to take only a few out-of-focus photographs.
B. 午後 / Afternoon
In the evening, around 4:30, I saw bamboo partridges again in the garden.
It was a family!
However, they again noticed and ran away, one after another.
2) 妖精の森 / Fairy Forest
キノコ ペチュニアの鉢にキノコが育ち始めました。 見るたびにとっているのですが、また生えて来ます。 Mushroom Mushrooms have begun to grow in a petunia pot. We have taken them out every time we see them, but they will grow again and again. |
妖精の森 私達はキノコは望んでいません。 (特に夫R はキノコを見るのも食べるのも大嫌いなのです) ですがキノコがあるとかわいい印象になり、 私は、妖精の世界がそこにあるように感じます。 ちなみにこのキノコは食べられるのでしょうか? Fairy Forest We don't want mushrooms. (Especially my husband R hates seeing and eating mushrooms) However, the mushrooms give a pretty impression, and I feel like the fairy world is there. By the way, are these mushrooms edible? |
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