目次/ Contents
1) とても良いお天気! / Very Nice Weather!
2) 郵便局へ / To Post Office
A.急な坂 / Steep Slope
B. 七里ガ浜住宅街 / Shichirigahama Residential Area
3) 帰り道 / On Our Way Back
1) とても良いお天気! / Very Nice Weather!
Very Nice Weather!
From the weather forecast yesterday, I could predict that today would be a good day.
I and my husband R were planning to take a walk over the mountains to Enoden Gokurakuji Station.
However, I noticed that there were some mail items to be posted, and when I gave priority to them, we could not go out in the morning and changed our plan.
2) 郵便局へ / To Post Office
A.急な坂 / Steep Slope
急な坂 七里ガ浜住宅街と相模湾が見えます。 Steep Slope I can see the Shichirigahama residential area and Sagami Bay. |
Steep Slope
Head to the Shichirigahama Post Office.
I used the shortest course, so when I went from Kamakurayama to Shichirigahama residential area, I walked down a steep slope and steps.
I don't really like the route, but I can't help it because I'm late today.
This was the first time for me to use the steep slope on an outward journey aiming for the centre of the Shichirigahama residential area.
I was surprised to arrive at the centre earlier than I expected.
When R goes shopping in Shichirigahama, I could understand the feeling of using this slope.
B. 七里ガ浜住宅街
Shichirigahama Residential Area
Shichirigahama Residential Area
The gardens themselves weren't appealing to me, but it was fun to see a new house is like a museum and a front door is like a hotel.
Also, R explained each garden, so I felt like I was on a sightseeing trip with a guide, and I found it interesting.
Both of us are interested in building designs and gardens, so we can enjoy the residential area as a tourist destination.
アートを感じる紅梅 Red plum : Red Ume, I feel art 青空が紅梅を引き立てます。 The blue sky complements the Red Ume. |
七里ガ浜郵便局 私は2回目の訪問ですが、Rは何度もここへきて、 郵便に関する用事をしてくれています。 Shichirigahama Post Office This is my second visit, but R has come here many times to do postal affairs. |
3) 帰り道 / On Our Way Back
海に出てみようかとも思ったのですが、体調があまり良くなく (多分寝不足?)、食品の買い物をして帰宅することにしました。
I thought about going out to the sea, but I wasn't feeling well (maybe
I didn't get enough sleep?), So I decided to go home after shopping for food.
我が家にある同じ花、でも色違いです。 The same flowers as in our garden, but in different colours. |
生垣を乗り越えて咲く梅 Plums : Ume Bloom Over Hedge |
沈丁花? 沈丁花 (ジンチョウゲ)でしょうか? 撮影場所までは香りは届いていませんでした。 沈丁花は、春の季語と知りました。 今日は、春を告げるようなさくらんぼの開花も見ました。 春もう、来ているのかもしれません。 Daphne Odora Is it Daphne Odora? The scent did not reach the photography location. I found out that Daphne Odora is a spring Kigo which is a word or phrase associated with a particular season, used in traditional forms of Japanese poetry. Today, I also saw the blooming of cherries that herald spring. Spring may have come. 下記、Wikiより "学名の「Daphne odora」の「Daphne」は ギリシア神話の女神ダフネにちなむ。 「odora」は芳香があることを意味する。 花言葉は「栄光」「不死」「不滅」「歓楽」「永遠」。" According to Japanese Wiki about this, " 'Daphne' of the scientific name "Daphne Odora" is named after the Greek myth's Daphne. "Odora" means fragrant. The Floriography is 'Glory', 'Immortality', 'Pleasure', and 'Eternity'." |
家と木が合体! House and Tree are United! |
何の木かはわかりません。 I don't know what kind of tree it is. |
ミモザ? 私は、'ミモザ'と思いましたがRは違うといいます。 ミモザの別名はフサアカシア。 本来ミモザはオジギソウを指す言葉と知りました。 私は、'ミモザ'という語音が好き、 'カクテルのミモザ'も好きです。 Mimosa? I thought it was 'Mimosa', but R said this was different. Another name for mimosa is Acacia dealbata. Originally, I found out that Mimosa is a word that refers to Mimosa Pudica. I like the sound of 'Mimosa' and I also like 'Mimosa Cocktail'. 我が家では、小さな鉢のミモザが背丈ほどのサイズまで育ち、 喜んでいたら、おそらく塩害で枯れてしまいました。 悲しい気持ちとミモザを見つけた嬉しい気持ちを持ちつつ この木を見上げました。 In our garden, a mimosa in a small pot grew to my height, although while I was happy, it died, probably due to salt damage. I looked up at this tree with sad feelings and the joy of finding mimosa. 細長いフラワーアレンジメント このお宅では、ドアの飾りにミモザが使用されていました。 お正月のお飾りの西洋版のようなフラワーアレンジメントです。 Elongated Flower Arrangement In this house, mimosa was used to decorate the door. It is a flower arrangement like the Western version of New Year's decorations. |
登ります! 今日は比較的楽に登ることができました。 歩いた距離が大したことなかったですからね〜。 Climb! I was able to climb relatively easily today. The distance I walked wasn't a big deal. |
Anyway, today, I was relieved to be able to send out the mail which had been on my mind.
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