目次 / Contents
1) 料理用 / For Cooking
2) ビートルズ とグラニースミス / The Beatles and a Granny Smith
3) グラニースミス / Granny Smith
1) 料理用 / For Cooking
Cox's Orange Pippin : ★ / ★ と似ています。
[今回、西洋圏では、紅玉はジョナサン: Jonathanと呼ばれている
グラニー・スミス グラニー・スミスはクッキング・アップルの1つです。 生協さんのクッキング・アップルを撮影し忘れたので Wikiの写真を使用しています。 Granny Smith Granny Smith is one of the cooking apples. I forgot to take a picture of our co-op's cooking apples, so I'm using the Wiki photo. 画像は下記より / This from below ★ グラニー・スミス / Granny Smith 画像は下記より / This from below ★ |
For Cooking
For the first time, I found 'Cooking Apple' in the Co-op catalog and ordered it.
Now I know that cooking apples have become so popular in Japan so much so that I can buy them from the co-op.
It was in Britain that I came across 'Cooking Apple'.
When I returned from Britain in 2009, there weren't many cooking apples in Japan, and I had never seen them in supermarkets or greengrocers.
I have used Kougyoku (紅玉) : Jonathan for cooking and making sweets, so I thought Japanese cooking apples were Jonathan.
In addition, Jonathan is similar in size to Cox's Orange Pippin : ★ / ★ in Britain.
Also, in Britain, speaking of apple, Cox's Orange Pippin is very popular.
While I studied abroad that I found how small British apples were and how big Japanese apples were.
I was looking forward to the arrival of the co-op's cooking apples, and five cooking apples arrived.
My British husband R taught me that they were a type of Granny Smith.
2) ビートルズ とグラニースミス
The Beatles and Granny Smith
「ビートルズ」のアップルレコードのシンボルマークです It is the symbol mark of Apple Records of "The Beatles" 画像は下記より / This from below ★ |
The Beatles and Granny Smith
Granny Smith is known around the world for being the symbol of the Beatles' Apple Records.
This was the first time I knew it, but the Britsih R wasn't even aware of it.
Of course he knew the Beatles and Apple Records, but he didn't realize that the apple variety was Granny Smith.
(Translated by me)
"There are various theories such as the theory that
British children first remember the letter A for Apple (The Zapple label is named to cover everything from A to Z.),
it was named after Adam and Eve, and
it was named because Ringo Star, and Ringo: apple in Japanese, have the same sound.
Apple Record's Apple mark was inspired by the green apple in a painting which Paul McCartney owns, with a green apple by Belgian painter, René Magritte"
"人の子", 1964 画:ルネ・マグリット (1898 - 1967) これがポール・マッカートニーが所有する絵なのか わかりませんが、'ルネ・マグリットとりんご' と言えば、 この絵が最も有名なのではないかと思います。 左目が見えていて、ちょっと怖いです...。 また、左腕が捻れている感じで絵全体的に不穏な印象があります。 "The Son of Man",1964 By René Magritte (1898 - 1967) I don't know if this is a painting owned by Paul McCartney, but when it comes to 'Rene Magritte and Apples', I think this painting is the most famous. I can see his left eye and I'm a little scared ... More over, his left arm is twisted, so the whole picture has a disturbing impression. 画像は下記より / This from below ★ |
3) グラニースミス / Granny Smith
グラニースミスは、1868年にオーストラリアで、名前の由来ともなったマリア・アン・スミス (1799 – 1870) により、偶発実生 (グウハツミショウ)で開発されました。
私の祖母はトマトソース (ケチャップではなく) をポークチョップに使用していたり、塩胡椒、すり生姜で味付けし、りんごと一緒にソテーしていました。
Rにとっては、”おふくろの味" ということでしょうか?
Granny Smith was developed in Australia in 1868 by
Maria Ann "Granny" Smith (1799 – 1870), wh propagated the cultivar from a chance seedling and is named after her.
Chance seedling feels like a gift from God.
In Britain, Granny Smith is common as a cooking apple, but R used some for fruit salad because it is sometimes eaten as a fresh apple.
About R's Fruit Salad, below,
In fact, I ate raw cooking apples for the first time.
The taste of the apple was a little pale, but I ate it with other fruits, so
I didn't really care about the paleness.
By the time I noticed, there were three cooking apples.
I used one for pork chops and two for apple cake.
My grandmother used tomato sauce (not ketchup) for pork chops, seasoned with salt and pepper, grated ginger, and sautéed with apples.
So speaking of pork chops, I used to cook either way.
However, after R's mother J taught me how to cook a marinade in Britain, most of the time I sauté apples after marinades.
Does it mean "the taste of Mom’s cooking" for R?
However, the marinade recipe is coonie-style.
I haven't photographed all my meal, so I don't have a photograph of pork chops.
The apple cake was photographed when R started eating.
蜂蜜と一緒に 焼き上がりにレモンジュースをかけました。 かけすぎたので蜂蜜を添えました。 Rは美味しいと言ってました。 With Honey I sprinkled lemon juice on the hot cake. I sprinkled too much, so I added honey. R said it was delicious. |
おまけ / Extra
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