
⓰2017年10月28日- 奈良旅行 - 13) 飛鳥寺 / Nara Trip : Kashihara Shrine, 27th of October, 2017

赤い部分 奈良県 
Red Part : Nara Prefecture
画像は下記より / This from below

黄土色の部分: 明日香村
Yellow Ocher Part : Asuka Village 
画像は下記より / This from below

目次 / Contents
1) 日本最初の仏教寺院 / Japan's First Buddhist Temple
2) 創建時 / Time of Establishment
3) 庶民の中に / Among Common People
4) 五輪塔 / Gorintō
5) 新幹線こだま / Shinkansen Kodama
飛鳥寺の門 / Gate of  'Asuka-dera : Asuka Temple'

1) 日本最初の仏教寺院 / Japan's First Buddhist Temple
飛鳥寺 (アスカデラ) は、日本最初の仏教寺院で、奈良県高市郡明日香村にあります。

現在のお寺の正式名称は安居院 (アンゴイン)ですが、飛鳥寺という名の方が知られ、冊子にも'飛鳥寺'と記載されています。

588年蘇我馬子 (ソガノウマコ / ? - 626) が創立法興寺 (ホウコウジ)、元興寺(ガンゴウジ)、飛鳥寺など、寺名は複数ありました。


本尊は、飛鳥大仏 (釈迦如来像)です。

現在の宗派は真言宗豊山派 (シンゴンシュウブザンハ)、総本山は奈良の長谷寺です。
❽2017年10月27日- 奈良旅行 - 5) 長谷寺 / Nara Trip : Hase-der...

飛鳥寺は、聖徳太子霊跡 (ショウトクタイシレイセキ)、第11番霊場です。

聖徳太子霊跡は、聖徳太子 (574 - 622) にゆかりのある、合計36の寺院をまとめたものです。
冊子/ Leaflet

Japan's First Buddhist Temple
Asuka-dera : Asuka Temple is the first Buddhist temple in Japan, located in Asuka VillageTakaichi DistrictNara Prefecture.

The formal name of the current temple is Ango-in but the name of Asuka-dera : Asuka Temple is more well known and the leaflet also uses 'Asuka-dera : Asuka Temple'.

In 588, Soga-no-Umako (? - 626) was the founder, there were several temple names such as Hokoji Temple, Gangō-ji Temple Asuka Temple and others.

At that time in Japan there were only some Amadera : like a nunnery and there were no Buddhist priest temples.

The principal image of Buddha is 'Asuka Great Buddha' (Seated Gautama Buddha statue).

The current denomination is Shingon-shū Buzan-ha, the head temple is Hase-dera Temple in Nara.
About visiting Hase-dera Temple in Nara, below.

 Asuka Temple is Historical Sites of Prince Shōtoku,  No. 11 sacred place.

Historical Sites of Prince Shōtoku are a group of 36 Buddhist temples in Japan related to the life of Prince Shōtoku (574 -622).

室町時代 (1336 - 1573)

Prince Shōtoku Statue
 Muromachi Period (1336 - 1573)

2) 創建時 / Time of Establishment

馬子は排仏派の物部守屋 (モノノベノモリヤ/ ? -587) と対立していました。


587年に用明天皇 (ヨウメイテンノウ/ ? -587 / 在位: 585 -587) が崩御し、勢力争いの中、馬子 が守屋を討とうと大軍を率いて、河内国稲城物部守屋へ向かいました。

この軍兵の中には、用明天皇の息子であり、馬子 の甥である厩戸皇子 [ウマヤドノミコ 聖徳太子(574 - 622)] がいて、彼は、稲城城の前に信貴山戦勝の祈願をし、後にその場所は信貴山朝護孫寺 (シギサン チョウゴソンンジになりました。

守屋との戦いは苦戦するものの、馬子が勝利し、その後、彼は長きに渡る蘇我氏の時代 [平安(794 -1185 ~1192) 初期まで] を築きました。

飛鳥寺の造営は、崇峻天皇 (スシュンテンノウ/ 553 -592 / 在位: ? -592) が始め、推古天皇が完成しました。

推古天皇 (554 -628 / 在位 : 593 - 628)
 Empress Suiko (554 -628 / r593 - 628) 
画像は下記より/ This from below
Time of Establishment
 Soga-no-Umako  appealed for the construction of the Buddhist Asuka Temple in 587.

 Umako had a conflict about religion with Mononobe no Moriya (? - 587) who was a member of the anti Buddhism group.

Umako wished for victory during the fight with Moriya and swore to build a Buddhist temple in Asuka.

Emperor Yōmei (? -587 / r585 -587) died in 587, while there was a battle for power,  Umako made a large army for attacking Moriya, who was in Inamura Castle in Kawachi Province.

Among these army men, there was a son of Emperor Yōmei who was also the nephew of Umako, Umayadonomiko [Prince Shōtoku (574 - 622)], he prayed for victory in Mount Shigi  before attacking Inamura Castle and later there became Shigisan Chogosonshi-ji Temple in Mount Shigi.
About visit Shigisan Chogosonshi-ji Templebelow.

Although  Umako struggled hard in the fight with Moriya,  Umako won, and after that he built a long Soga clan [until the beginning of Heian Period (794 -1185 ~1192)].

The construction of Asuka Temple started with Emperor Sushun (553 -592 / r ? -592) and was completed by Empress Suiko (554 -628 / r593 - 628).


Restoration Map
According to the excavation survey in 1956, the temple at the time of construction was arranged with the three Kondo : Halls in the east, the west and the north, 
around the Five Storey Pagoda.
Furthermore, it was a magnificent precinct with cloisters 
on the outside and Kodo : Lecture Hall in the north.

旧伽藍は、887年と1197年によって焼失し、室町時代 (1336 -1573) 以降は荒廃しました。


The old precinct was burned down in 887 and 1197, and devastated after the Muromachi Period (1336 - 1573).

It was rebuilt in 1632 and 1826 and it reaches present.

3) 庶民の中に / Among Common People



内庭  / Inner Court

Are they supposed to be pagodas by collecting pieces of ruins?

道祖神のよう.... / It is like a Dōsojin...

We heard a little story in the temple.

I did not know whether the speaker was a priest or staff.

I interpreted to R with low voice.

605年に推古天皇が 鞍作止利 (クラツクリノトリ/ ? -?)に命じ、

Asuka Great Buddha
In 605 the  Empress Suiko ordered a Buddha statue from Kuratsukuri-no-tori (? -?),
and the Buddha statue was completed in 609.
The masterpiece of Tsurakobishi is Kondo: Main Hall , Horyuji Temple
 Copper Buddha Sacred Statue from 623.

法隆寺金堂本尊銅造釈迦三尊像 飛鳥時代 (592 - 710)、国宝

Shaka Triad Statue in  Kondo : Main Hall, Hōryū-ji Temple
Asuka Period (592 - 710), National Treasure
画像は下記より / This from below 


Great Buddha, over 1400 years old
It is the oldest Buddha statue in Japan.
Although he had fires, there are a lot of revisions, 
however, it is said that most of this statue is highly likely 
to be the original part of the founding.
Just being there is wonderful ....


There was a big lantern written as '飛鳥大仏' (Asuka Great Buddha) in the room,
a little surprised!





前庭 / Front Garden

In most temples, Buddha photography is forbidden, however, Asuka Temple makes us photograph well.

It seems that Asuka Great Buddha does not consider it rude to direct the camera towards Buddha statues, nor think about portrait rights, trivial considerations that other people do think important.

I think that the Temple is proud that it is the oldest temple in Japan and has survived bad luck and inconvenience and has a big heart.

And I smell a little worldly atmosphere there and because of that nowadays their Buddha lives among common people.


Red Beans Coloured Postbox
The old postboxes are also in Kamakura,
 the nearest postbox to our house is this shape, but it is vermillion.
The shape is the same, but this is the first time I have seen this colour.
Did they decide that the vermillion does not suit this garden 
and then it become this colour?


In the garden and 'Mini-Museum', the things in this temple are sweet and friendly.....
鬼瓦 / Onigawara

ミニ博物館 / Mini-Museum
Aerial view of Excavation, 1956 - 57

八雲琴 (ヤクモコト)
YakumogotoJapanese musical instrument, a two-stringed 'koto'.

西門跡 / West Gate Remains

左 飛鳥寺 手前 西門跡 

Left: Asuka Temple / Foreground : West Gate Remains 
 The mountain seems to be Mt. Gohareruzan, although unfortunately I can not be sure.
I feel this is Nara Landscape.

Asuka Temple is in such scenery.

4) 五輪塔 / Gorintō
飛鳥寺の西門跡近くに、五輪塔 (下の写真)があります。

Near the West Gate Remains of Asuka Temple, there is the Gorintōbelow.
About Gorintō 
五輪塔 / Gorintō

画像は下記より/ This from below


蘇我入鹿 (? - 645) は、蘇我馬子の孫で、聖徳太子の息子の山背大兄王 (ヤマシロノオオエノオウ / ? - 643) 一族を自殺に追い込み、聖徳太子の血筋を途絶えさせたと言われています。

入鹿は、中大兄皇子[ナカノオオエノオオジ/ 後の天智天皇(テンジテンノウ/ 626 -672 /在位:668 -672]中臣鎌足「ナカトミノカマタリ/ のちの藤原鎌足/ 614 -669)らによって、伝飛鳥板蓋宮 (デンアスカイタブキノミヤ / 飛鳥宮)で皇極天皇 [コウギョクテンノウ/ 594 -661 / 在位: 642 - 645 / 後に斉明天皇 (サイメイテンノウ/ 在位:655 - 661] の目の前で殺害されました[乙巳の変 (イッシノヘン/ 645)]。




Also on the map is 'Soga-no-Iruka Kubizuka' :
'Severed Head Pagoda of Soga-no-Irulka'.

Actually, this 
Gorintō is said to be 
'Soga-no-Iruka Kubizuka' : 'Severed Head Pagoda of Soga-no-Irulka'.

Soga-no-Iruka was the grandson of Soga-no-Umako (? - 626).

Soga-no-Iruka forced Prince Shōtoku's son, Prince Yamashiro (? -643) to commit suicide  and thus stopping Prince Shōtoku's blood line.

Soga-no-Iruka in turn was later killed under 
Empress Kōgyoku [ 594 -661 / r642 - 645 / 
 (she became Empress again, with a different name) Empress Saimei /r655 - 661
in Asuka Imperial Palace by ; 
Prince Naka-no-Ōe [ later Emperor Tenji  (626 - 672 / r 668 - 672)], 
and others in 645 [Isshi Incident].

After then  a set of doctrines, the Taika Reforms (646) were established.

In the story, 
"The neck was hit, the neck flew away, fell to this place, and this necklace was made there."

I had not known of this story at all, but it seems to be quite a famous story.

The Asuka Empress Palace remains are 500 to 600 m to the south from 'Severed Head Pagoda of Soga-no-Irulka'this Gorintō.

蘇我蝦夷 (ソガノエミシ/ ? - 645)蘇我入鹿 (ソガノイルカ/ ? - 645) の親子が
権勢を示すために甘樫丘 (アマカシノオカ)の麓に邸宅を構えていました。

Soga-no-Iruka Kubizuka and Amakashi-no-oka : Amakashi Hill
A father, Soga-no-Emishi (? - 645) and a son, Soga-no-Iruka (? - 645) had
their mansion at the foot of the hill to show their power.

甘樫丘の近く、「槻(ツキ)の木の広場」で中大兄皇子中臣鎌足蹴鞠 (ケマリを通して、出会ったと言われています。



It is said that  Prince Naka-no-Ōe and Nakatomi-no-Kamatari  
met through Kemari in "Tsuki Tree Square", close to Amakashi Hill.
( Kemari is a ball game that was popular in Japan during the Heian Period.)

In 2018, foundations of a large building were found, thought to be from the latter half of the 7th Century, in 'Asuka Temple West Remain' area within the "Tsuki Tree Square" remains.

Asuka area is the setting for a fantasy world, it also has actual history.

It was still early for autumn leaves, but I could catch this here.

5) 新幹線こだま / Shinkansen Kodama
三河安城駅 (ミカワアンジョウエキから、新幹線・こだまに乗りました。













I was happy that I could drink Ebisu beer
 with a special autumnal design for the Tokaido Line!

Shinkansen Kodama

Nara trip was over.

It was a trip last October, today is 27th of April, 2018 ... ... boohoo.

As it was a tour, I could not appreciate it slowly in most places, I also gave up the places I wanted to visit, wanted to see.

However, I think that it was good for R's first Nara visit.

I also went to Nara for the first time in a long time, and since I had not visited typical sightseeing spots since a high school trip, I could review Japanese history, (I did not have much memory, yet I say 'review') and the trip was meaningful.

More than anything, it was fun ~!

On the way back, I got off at Odawara station

I was impressed by our tour conductor who made various considerations.

She spoke to R in English and wrote notes sometimes in English which helped us.

When we have a good tour conductor, the tour would be successful. 

This trip was successful.

Thank you very much for our tour conductor.

Thank you for R!
Suntory's ale was also tasty.


I  want to go to Nara ~ ~ again!

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