家の裏の木に、"緑啄木鳥 / アオゲラ" がいました。
鎌倉山に引っ越してから、"小啄木鳥 /コゲラ" は時々見かけますし、我家の庭にも
来るのですが、"緑啄木鳥 / アオゲラ" は、あまり見かけません。
アオゲラについて→★ ★ ★
Green Woodpecker : AOGERA"
This is a species endemic to Japan. |
頭 赤い部分が頭部から嘴までのびているので、これはオスです。 メスは後頭部のみ赤。 Head The red part is from the head to the beak, so this is male. Female's red part is just the back of the head. |
Since I moved to Kamakurayama, I have seen some "Japanese Pygmy Woodpeckers" and they have come into our garden, although I have not seen a "Japanese Green Woodpecker" many times.
It was the first time I could photograph one.
I was not close to the window and I used my camera's zoom, eventually I could get the photographs above.
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