ジョゼフ•ラドヤード•キップリング (1865 - 1936) の癒しの地 : ベイトマンズ/ Bateman's |
ナショナル•トラストのパンフレット ベイトマンズ / Bateman'sは、東サセックスにある ジョゼフ•ラドヤード•キップリング (1865 - 1936) の屋敷と庭で、 現在ナショナルトラストに管理されています。 Pamphlet by National Trust Bateman's is in East Sussex which was Joseph Rudyard Kipling (1865 - 1936)'s house and gardens, and is now managed by the National Trust. |
パンフレットより この'モーグリー/ Mowgli'のレリーフ作品は、 キップリングの父親のジョン•ルックウッド•キップリング/ John Lockwood Kipling (1837 - 1911) が『ジャングルブック 』/ "The Jungle Book"(1894) のために 制作したもので、屋敷のホールに展示されています。 |
パンフレットの扉 Title Page of Pamphlet |
1) ジャングルブック / The Jungle Books
『プークが丘の妖精パック』("Puck of Pook's Hill", 1906)
(金原瑞人, 1954 - •三辺律子 訳、2007, 光文社) も キップリングの作品であることに気がつきました。
『プークが丘の妖精パック』("Puck of Pook's Hill", 1906)
(金原瑞人, 1954 - •三辺律子 訳、2007, 光文社) も キップリングの作品であることに気がつきました。
この本は『ジャングルブック / The Jungle Book』(1894) と
『続ジャンブルグック / The Second Jungle Book』(1895) の中から
'モーグリー/ Mowgli' が主人公のお話のみを選んでいます。
The Jungle Books
Probably they are Joseph Rudyard Kipling 's work most famous works :
"The Jungle Book" (1894), and "The Second Jungle Book" (1895) and they were his only works which I knew about, as being by him, before my visit.
"The Jungle Book" (1894), and "The Second Jungle Book" (1895) and they were his only works which I knew about, as being by him, before my visit.
Later, I realized that I had enjoyed reading a Japanese edition
"Puck of Pook's Hill" (2007, translators; Mizuto Kanabara / Ritsuko Mizube : Original Edition, 1906)" which a friend had given me.
"Puck of Pook's Hill" (2007, translators; Mizuto Kanabara / Ritsuko Mizube : Original Edition, 1906)" which a friend had given me.
In Japan, there are a few translations of ,"The Jungle Book" and " The Second Jungle Book".
I show you one of them below: 1979, Fukuinkan-Shoten, here.
The Japanese Book (below photographs,1979) of "The Jungle Book"(1894) and " The Second Jungle Book"(1895) only included stories with Mowgli.
The Japanese Book (below photographs,1979) of "The Jungle Book"(1894) and " The Second Jungle Book"(1895) only included stories with Mowgli.
"The Jungle Book", Japanese Edition
翻訳: 木島 始 (1928 - 2004)
画: 石川 勇 (1922 - 1989)
Japanese Edition, Fukuinkan-Shoten, 1979
Book Cover Design : Masuo Tsujimura
Illustration: Isamu Ishikawa (1922 - 1989)
This picture style reminds me of
Kouji Suzuki's illustrations which I love.
John Lockwood Kipling (1837 - 1911) (下の写真)によるものです。
The original books (below photographs, 1984 - 5) used art by John Lockwood Kipling (1837 - 1911) who was the father of Joseph Rudyard Kipling.
John Lockwood Kipling (1837 - 1911) (下の写真)によるものです。
The original books (below photographs, 1984 - 5) used art by John Lockwood Kipling (1837 - 1911) who was the father of Joseph Rudyard Kipling.
『ジャングルブック』 "The Jungle Book"(1894) 『続ジャングルブック』 "The Second Jungle Book"(1895) They are based on art by John Lockwood Kipling 画像は下記より / They form below Wikipedia : ★ |
池のそばに蛇 ベイトマンズ / Bateman'sの庭で Snake Beside Pond in Bateman's |
Illustration of "The Second Jungle Book" by John Lockwood Kipling 画像は下記より / This from below File:T2JB423 - Jungle Book capital R.jpg |
'モーグリー/ Mowgli' Illustration of "The Second Jungle Book" by John Lockwood Kipling 画像は下記より / This from below Wikipedia : ★ |
2) キップリング / Kipling
ジョゼフ•ラドヤード•キップリングは、1865年に、ボンベイ / ムンバイで生まれます。
一般サラリーマンが年収86ポンドの当時、彼の年収は、5600ポンドもありましたので、ベイトマンズ/ Bateman'sを、躊躇なく購入できたのです(1902)。
ベイトマンズ/ Bateman'sは、1634年に建てられた家で、購入時には電気も通っておらず、バスルームもなく、二階に水回りの設備もない状態でしたが、キップリングは大変気に入って、1936年に亡くなるまで 住み続けました。
翻訳された『ジャングル•ブック』には出て来ませんし、私も読んではいないのですが、'モーグリー/ Mowgli' が森を離れ、'森林監督官'の職を得て政府から給料をもらい結婚してこどもを持つところまでが『ルクで』(1893) / In the Rukh ; All the Mowgli stories (1893 - 95) に、書かれているそうです。
キップリングは20歳の時以来から、フリーメイソン / Freemasonryという秘密結社のメンバーであり、それを通じてボーイスカウトの生みの親、ロバート•ベーデン=パウエル (1857 - 1941)と知り合い、友人となります。
ジョン•コリア (1850 - 1934) 画
Joseph Rudyard Kipling was born in Bombay / Mumbai.
In 1892, he married and moved to America.
While he was in the country, "The Jungle Book"(1894) and " The Second Jungle Book"(1895) were written.
In 1896, they moved to England.
He was successful in reputation and economy at that time.
When a secretary might have an annual salary of £80, Kipling was earning £5,000, so he could buy Bateman's without hesitation.
Bateman's was built in 1634, when he bought it the conditions were not great.
It had no bathroom, no electricity and no running water upstairs.
However, he really loved there, so he had lived there until he died in 1936.
In 1907, he was awarded the Nobel Prize of Literature and it was first time a British person was awarded it, as well as at 41 the youngest in history.
Then critics were, and still are, divided about him.
My personal understanding is that he stood up with the government as a Nationalist, and looked down on Asian people whom he tried to give Western education or culture.
The Japanese editions do not include the story : "In the Rukh (1893) ; All the Mowgli stories" (1893 - 95) in which Mowgli became a Forest Inspector, gets a salary from the government, marries and has children.
I have not yet read this story.
Somehow the story seems to be strange, doesn't it~~~???
Moreover, the story was written before the normal story "The Jungle Book"(1894).
Kipling visited Japan twice and he wrote about the country favourably, so sometimes he may have discovered things to respect in Asia.
And also he wrote a poem about the Daibutsu of Kamakura, although I do not know the content.
He had been a member of the Freemasons since he was 20 years old.
B P asked Kipling if "The Jungle Book" could be the theme of the handbook for Cub Scouts and he agreed.
3) キップリングの一人息子
Kipling's Only Son
ジャックは、一度は海軍 / Royal Navyに、二度陸軍/ British Armyに入隊を希望しましたが、弱視であったために入れませんでした。
ですが、キップリングには社会的な力があったので、その力によってジャックは近衛連隊のひとつ、アイリッシュ•ガード / Irish Guardsに入隊し、18歳の若さで亡くなるのです。
キップリングは、『My Boy Jack』(1915)という詩を作り、それは舞台(1997)にもなり、ハリー•ポッター役のダニエル•ラドクリフ/ Daniel Radcliffe (1989 - ) が 'Jack' 役を演じたテレビドラマ "My Boy Jack" (BBC 制作、2007) (和名タイトル:
『ダニエル・ラドクリフの マイ・ボーイ・ジャック』) にもなりました。
ベイトマンズ / Bateman's の屋敷は、キップリング関係のミニ博物館にもなっていて、展示品には興味を魅かれるものが多かったです。
お土産売り場に行くと、『ダニエル・ラドクリフの マイ・ボーイ・ジャック/ My Boy Jack』のDVDが売られていて、ラドクリフがジャックを演じていることを知り、わ〜、みんなもそう思うのだな〜とちょっと感動しました。
一人息子のジャック アイリッシュ•ガードの軍服を着用 John 'Jack' Kipling in his uniform of the Irish Guards |
Kipling's Only Son
Kipling only had one son, John 'Jack' Kipling (1897 - 1915) and the son died in 'World War I'.
'Jack' applied to join the Royal Navy once, and then he applied to join the British Army twice, although he was rejected each time, because of poor eyesight.
However, Kipling had power in society and then 'Jack' could join the Irish Guards, and when he was only 18 years old, he died in the war.
Kipling wrote a poem : "My Boy Jack", it became a play(1997), and a drama (BBC, 2007) in which Daniel Radcliffe (1989 - ), well known as Harry Potter, plays 'Jack'.
I feel that Kipling felt the boy's death was a source of pride for him rather than about his sadness and that he did not regret helping the boy go to the war.
Elsie was the only one of Kipling's daughters to grow up to be an adult and she did not have any children and she died in 1976.
The house Bateman's is a mini-Museum, the displays are quite interesting.
One of the displays is a photograph of Kipling when he was a boy, I thought he looks similar to Harry Potter played by Radcliffe and then I told R like this in the house.
We went to their shop, I found the DVD : "My Boy Jack"(2007) and Radcliffe plays Jack, Oh! everybody feels like me, I was impressed a little bit.
I put a photographs of Jack above, although I think when a boy Joseph Rudyard Kipling was more similar to Radcliffe than Jack.
画像は下記より/ This from below Wikipedia : ★ |
4) 彼の車 / His Car
Kipling was a pioneer motorist, so there is a display of his car.
However, he had his own driver.
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