1) 散歩 / Walking
A. 道ばたの草花 / Roadside Plants
Roadside Plants
After my operation, it was the first time I went out on foot.
I feel everything is fresh!
B.Nさんの薔薇 / N san's Roses
Nsan always looks after her garden well.
上品なピンクの薔薇 Elegant Pink Rose |
絵画的? Oil Painting? |
C. 鎌倉宮 / Kamakura-Gu
七五三の看板 そんな季節なんですね〜。 The Sign for 'Shichi-Go-San'(七五三) Indeed, it is the season. 'Shichi-Go-San' is traditional Celebration for Children's Health. Families visit Shrines to pray, around 15th November. |
D. アトリエキカ / Atelier Kika
The craft shop and cafe in front of Kamakura-Gu.
いいな〜! I Adore Them! |
E. 花の道 / Path of Flowers
F. 垣根の花 / Flower Fences
お花には境界線はないですね。 Overhanging Flowers |
垣根のランタン Lantern Hedge |
2)カフェランチ / Cafe Lunch
久しぶりの外食、久しぶりのベルグドカフェ / 'Bergfeld'。
I heven't had a meal outside for a long time, and hadn't visited 'Bergfeld' for even longer.
We bought some bread at Bergfeld Bakery which is next door.
Rはランチセット 私はウバティーとBLTのサンドイッチ R has Lunch Set I have BLT sandwich and a pot of 'Uva Tea' . |
飾り棚 Decoration Shelf 版画も Print, too. |
3) 紅葉/ Autumn Colour
紅葉はまだ? Not Autumn Colour Yet? |
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