豊島屋菓寮 八十小路
(トシマヤカリョウ ハトコウジ)
Toshimaya Karyo Hatokouji : Japanese Cafe
Toshimaya Karyo Hatokouji : Japanese Cafe
There is a Japanese Cafe : Toshimaya Karyo Hatokoji which is managed by Toshimaya.
Toshimaya's Hatosabure ; pigeon-shaped biscuit is the most famous Kamakura souvenir.
I often pass here in front of the cafe, although I haven't yet had a chance to visit.
Today was the first time I could visit.
お庭の手入れが行き届いている感じ。 I felt they look after the garden carefully. |
大きなあじさいです。 明月院のあじさいとは種類が違う? This is a big hydrangea. It might be a different family from Meigetsuin ones? |
釣り糸のような透明な糸 (見えますか?) が張られています。
Beautiful Moss!
Above the moss are stretched transparent strings like fishing line.
Can you see them in the photograph?Is the moss protected
from birds or cats?
店内から庭を見る To the garden from inside. |
メニュー/ Menu やっぱり鳩のマーク Pigeon Symbol. |
おてふきとナプキン Wet paper towel and Napkin
源平しるこ / Genpei Shiruko 左、あずきが平家、右、白あんが源氏。 塩こぶがついています。 Left: Azuki (red colour) symbol of Heike Right: White sweet beans symbol of Genji. It is common in Japan to have Japanese sweets with salty seaweed. |
カフェオレは地元の作家さんの抹茶茶碗で出されています。 甘いものよりこちらが好きな私の注文です。 Cafe au lait served in a Macha-chawan which a local potter made. This is my order, because I like it more than sweets. |
みつまめ 真ん中に鳩の形の落雁 Mitsumame In the center is a Rakugan : Hard sweet. |
こちらから出ると本店の豊島屋さんのすぐ近くです。 If you go out here, it could be very close to the main Toshimaya Shop. |
本店豊島屋、正面入り口 母と姉の買い物をしている間、若宮大路のベンチに座ってました。 Main Entrance of the mainToshimaya shop I sat down on a bench in Wakamiya Oji, while my mother and sister went shopping. |
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