
❷2018年4月22日 埼玉 - 白岡八幡神社 / Shiraoka Hachiman Shrine - Saitama, 22nd of April, 2018

目次 / Contents
1) オープン・ガーデン白岡 / "Open Garden Shiraoka
2) 白岡八幡神社 / Shiraoka Hachiman Shrine 

1) オープン・ガーデン白岡 / "Open Garden Shiraoka
 "カフェ&ギャラリー温々 (ヌクヌク)" の後に、白岡八幡神社 (白岡八幡宮) へ行きました。

白岡市観光協会が主催する、"オープン・ガーデン白岡" は、個人宅を期日を決めて一般公開するイベントです。

"オープン・ガーデン白岡" の冊子
Leaflet for "Open Garden Shiraoka" 

We went to Shiraoka-hachiman Shrine after "Cafe & amp; Gallery Nukunuku".

"Open Garden Shiraoka", sponsored by Shiraoka City Tourist Association, is an event when several individual's gardens are open to the public.

Shiraoka-hachiman Shrine is open to the public all the time but it was included in the event.

2) 白岡八幡神社 / Shiraoka-hachiman Shrine 
公式サイト :  / 境内マップ :

ここの庭が、"オープン・ガーデン白岡" に含まれる訳がわかりました。

Shiraoka-hachiman Shrine is more grant and its garden more lovely than I had thought.
Official Website :  / Inside Map : ★ (Both only in Japanese)

I understood the reasons that here  is included in "Open Garden Shiraoka".

白岡八幡神社、 拝殿

源 頼朝 (1147 -1199) が白岡八幡神社に参拝しています。

Shiraoka Hachiman Shrine, Worship Hall
It is said that this Shrine was founded in 849.
It is regarded that Shiraoka Hachiman Shrine is one of the three Mioka Hachimangū Shrines in Japan, along with Tsurugaoka Hachimangū in Kamakura 
and Tomioka Hachimangū in Tokyo.
 It is also said Minamoto no Yoritomo (1147 -1199) worshiped here in Shiraoka.
Nevertheless, compared with the other two shrines, here is little known.

本殿  /  Main Building

御神木が立派! / Sacred Tree is Great!


Twelve Holy Signs :  Twelve Branches
The reliefs of the Twelve Holy Signs were based on shapes of roof tiles 
and were donated to the shrine.
I saw many dedicated things which used animals and birds as motifs in this Shrine.

神馬神社 / Horse God Shrine

 Explanation and Legend of the Shrine in Japanese


Shiraoka Tenman-gū (Shrine)
In 2009, ShiraokaTenman-gū was Bunrei ; divided spirit from Yushima Tenman-gū which was established in 458, it is now devoted to Tenjin,
 the kami (god) of Learning.
天満宮菅原道真公 (845 -903)を祀り、非常に多くの天満宮が日本にはあります。
牛は天満宮において神使 (シンシとされ、多くの(もしくはすべての?)
天満宮には臥牛 (ガギュウ横たわった牛の像が置かれています。

Tenman-gū (Shrine) enshrined Sugawara-no-Michizane (845 - 903),
and there are so many Tenman-gū in Japan.
The relation between Sugawara-no-Michizane and the cow is deep.
There are many traditions related to him and the cow.
 The cow is messenger of the god in Tenman-gū,
and many (or all?) Tenman-gū have statues of cows.

天満宮の他にも、複数の祠 (下の写真) があります。





In addition to Tenman-gū, there are several shrines, below.

I feel their approach is "We accept any wishes.(complex faith)"

I did not have a disappointed feeling and it was not suspicious, I think because here has good Qi.

Has here played a role of scooping up the wishes of the local people for a long time ?

I think that it is a sacred place.

左から、猿田彦神社、稲荷神社 (稲荷信仰)日枝神社(ヒエジンジャ日吉大社)
三峰神社 [ミツミネジンジャ 御眷属(山犬: )信仰]
小さな4つの祠 (ホコラ) が並んでいます。

There are four small shrines lined up :
from the left, Sarutahiko Shrine,
 Inari Shrine (Fox is messenger of God :Inari Ōkami ),
and Mitsumine Shrine (Japanese Wolf is messenger of God).

遊歩道 / Promenade
よく手入れされています。 / It is well maintained.


It is difficult for general houses to incorporate large trees into garden making,
but here is truly a shrine's garden.

They made a small hill.

They use annual tree ring design to prevent slipping.

小山から / From Top of Hill

I felt Qi was refreshing and here is the land of a shrine.

梵鐘 (ボンショウ) は、1675年に作られました。

Bell Tower
The Bell was made in 1675.
It is in a quiet place and does not seem to be used.

神社入り口付近 / Around Shrine Entrance 

手水 舎 / Chōzuya 
According to Wiki about Chōzuya,
"Chōzuya is a Shinto water ablution pavilion for a ceremonial purification rite known as temizu."
無事かえる像 / Frog Statue for Safe Journeys

多くの場所で龍の口から水が出て、手水 舎に使用されていますが

In many shrines the water for the Chōzuya, comes out from the mouths of dragons,

but here was out-of-order.

龍の木彫 /  Dragon Wooden Carving 

駒止の杉 / Cedar for Tethering Horses 

社伝では、源 義家 (1039 -1109) が奥州平定 (1062)の折戦勝祈願に立寄り、
ちなみに、源 義家の通称は八幡太郎です。

 The shrine says that Minamoto no Yoshiie (1039 - 1109) got off his horse, 
tied the horse to the cedar which is now called "Cedar for Tethering Horses"
and prayed in the shrine before winning the Oshu War (1062).
The tree was damaged by two thunderbolts in 1914 and 1916,
it was forced to be logged, and now it is exhibited like this in two places.
Incidentally, Minamoto No Yoshiie's common name is Hachimantarō.

源 義家  : 八幡太郎 
前賢故実 (ゼンケンコジツ)』より。
画:菊池 容斎 (1788 - 1878)

Minamoto no Yoshiie : Hachimantarō
by Kikuchi Yōsai (1788 - 1878)
from "Zenken Kojitsu" which is first published 
from the late Edo period into the Meiji period)
画像は下記より / This from below

源 義家  : 八幡太郎 
  『芳年武者无類 (ホウネンムシャブルイ)』(1866出版)より 
画 : 月岡 芳年 (ツキオカヨシトシ/ 1839 -1892)

Minamoto no Yoshiie : Hachimantarō
by Tsukioka Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
from "Hounen -Mushaburui (collected Samurai)" is first published in 1866.
画像は下記より / This from  below

If we look at the photograph sideways, it can look like a dragon for me.

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