Thank you !
K さん へ お菓子も読みたかった本もありがとう!
To K San Thank you for 'Sweets' and 'Books' which I would read.
本 読みたいと思って鎌倉図書館で予約しては、借りては読めずに返却し、 結局購入という道をたどった本が10冊以上.... 個展の後片付けが終わったら、誕生日の本を含めて、 それらをゆっくり読みたい..... そんな時間が持てるでしょうか? 今夏は英国滞在するつもりなので、それに向けての準備で あたふたし始めました。
Books I have wanted to read a book and then reserved it from Kamakura Library,
I borrowed the book,
but I could not read it, returned it, and after all I bought the book. I have done that more than ten times in a year. After tidying up my exhibition's things, I would like to be read these books slowly as well as birthday present books... Am I able to make the time for? I am staying in Britain this summer, now I am prepareing for it, so I have started being in a hurry. |
キュート! これは帽子でなくティーコージーです。 友人Mがロンドンで見つけて、自分の分と私の分を買ったそうです。 どうも、どうも、ありがとう!
Cute! This is not a hat, this is a tea-cosy. My friend, M found this in London, M bought two ; for herself and me. One of them is here, Thank you, thank you! |
個展のためのロゼスパークリングワインとお花達ですが、 お誕生日も華やかにしてくれました。 Rと二人で飲み始めましたが、 ギャラリーオーナーのWさんが偶然いらしてくださったので、 一緒に乾杯して楽しいおしゃべりをさせていただきました。
The sparkling wine and flowers were for my exhibition, although they made my birthday gorgeous, too. On my birthday I started the wine with R, coincidentally the gallery owner, W San visited us, so we did cheers and had chatting, it was fun!
To K Chan
This wine was stylish and delicious
and carried your warm heart.
Thank you very much!
My family did many things for me, thank you!
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