1) 日本で唯一 / Only One in Japan
2) 消えゆく/ Disappearing
3) 渡り鳥 / Migratory Birds
千里浜 (チリハマ) なぎさロード
Chirihama Beach Road
1) 日本で唯一 / Only One in Japan
条件が整わないと危険なので、 交通規制があります。
以前は世界で車が走れる砂浜は、3箇所で、そのうちの一つがここであると言われていましたが、ほかにもあるという新情報があり、現在では、 '珍しい'と表現を
関連Website: 観光ガイド: ★ : / Wikipedia:★ / 羽咋市:★
ライブ映像 :★
Only One in Japan
Chirihama Coast is the only beach in Japan on which cars can be driven, 8km in total.
Chirihama’s grains of sand are finer than others.
The sand includes some seawater becomes firm and cars can run.
If the conditions are not suitable, there could be dangerous, so they have traffic control.
In winter, cars cannot be driven most of the time, we could not.
The old information was that cars can only be driven on three beaches all over the world, here was one of them, however, they found another one, so nowadays they say this is rare.
It is also called "Chirihama Beach Drive Way".
顕微鏡で見ると砂粒の違いはわかるようです。 It seems we need a microscope to see the differences in this sand. |
2) 消えゆく/ Disappearing
20年で1m侵食されるのでも、これは相当なもの...と思うのに、1年で1m とは、
石川県は"千里浜再生プロジェクト" を設置し、保護を始めています。→★
The beach has been eroding for some years at about 1m each year.
I feel this problem is considerable even if the beach is eroded by 1m in 20 years, in fact, it is eroding at 1m per year! which is extremely bad.
Even though I say that, I can only worry about it.
Ishikawa Prefecture has "Chrihama Regenerate Project" nowadays. →★ only in Japanese.
Website about here only in Japanese :
Sightseeing Guide: ★ / Japanese Wikipedia :★ / Hakui City :★ & ★
Live Camera :★
3) 渡り鳥 / Migratory Birds
ハマシギ/ Common Sandpiper
カモメだと思って撮影しましたがアップにすると 顔に獰猛さがないのであれっ?と思いました。 I thought they were seagulls and I photographed, however, when I zoomed in , I saw they do not have fierce faces, I wonder... あとで調べてみると"浜鷸 /ハマシギ"のようです。 古語 (平安時代中期) では"浜千鳥 /ハマチドリ"と呼ばれていました。 渡り鳥で日本に渡ってくる種は大部分がアラスカ北部で 生まれ育ったと言われています。 シベリアから来る白鳥もアラスカから来るハマシギも その飛行を思うと、尊敬してしまいます..... Later I researched about them, I found they are one of the Dunlins. It was called "Hamachidori" in Early Middle Japanese (794-1185, Heian Period).
They are migratory birds, if they come to Japan,
most of them could be born and grow up in the North of Alaska.
I marvel....
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