I wrote about this section and next section, however, close to finishing, I lost all photographs and writing.
I was so shocked, I could not make improve my blog.
I do not make the same content as before, although I think it is better than nothing, so I would try this again, today.
真っ白になったら成人で、とても獰猛、貪欲になりますが、 灰色のまだらのこの子には、まだあどけなさがあるように思います。 同じような事、以前も書いたかも? Seagull Child It will be snow white and then become an adult which is very fierce and greedy. However, I feel that this grey speckled child still looks innocent. Maybe I wrote something similar to this before? |
1) 密輸 / Smuggling
ライ/ Rye の町の歴史で特筆すべきものに、密輸があります。
'ホークハースト ギャング / Hawkhurst Gang' という悪名高い密輸団が、1735年から1749年まで暗躍し、そのひとつの舞台となったのが、ライの町でした。
とくに 'ザ•マーメイド•イン/ 'The Mermaid Inn' は彼らの巣窟であり、'ザ•オールド•イン / The Old Inn (Ye Olde bell Inn)' の間に秘密のトンネルが作られてもいました。
'ザ•マーメイド•イン / The Mermaid Inn' の看板 'マーメイド•イン'は、マーメイド•ストリート / Mermaid Streetにあり、 12世紀に創業しました。 密輸のシンボルとして人魚というのは、 なるほどあっているな〜と思います。 The Sign of 'The Mermaid Inn' It is on Mermaid Street, established in the 12th century. Indeed, a Mermaid suits as a symbol of smuggling. |
The 'Hawkhurst Gang' was a notorious criminal organization involved in smuggling,
Especially 'The Mermaid Inn' was a hotbed for them and there is a secret tunnel between The Mermaid Inn' and The Old Inn (Ye Olde bell Inn)'.
Even now the tunnel is exists, although I do not know if we can see it.
At least we did not see it in this trip.
And also they say there are other tunnels under the town.
2) マーメイド•ストリート / MERMAID STREET
まずは、この道、'マーメイド•ストリート / MERMAID STREET' (地図 ⑤) から町を歩くべきでしょう!
Anyway, firstly we should walk up this street: 'MERMAID STREET' (Map ⑤ ).
This is a tough hill!
'小石の道 / cobbled' は '古き良き時代' という印象が私にはあります。 家々も魅力的で、急な坂の大変さが減らされました。 I have an impression of a cobbled path or street which is from the 'Good Old Days'. The houses are attractive for me which reduced the hard work of this hill. 地図には'今でも小石の道を幽霊が徘徊する'と書かれています。 The map says there is 'a ghost which still drifts through the cobbled streets'. |
TRADERS PASSAGE マーメイド•ストリートをのぼりはじめすぐの脇道 この道を行きたい衝動がおきたけれども、 とにかく、 'ザ•マーメイド•イン / The Mermaid Inn' を目指します。 I found this side path just as I began climbing up the hill. I had an impulse to go up here, however, anyway I would see T'he Mermaid Inn', so I stayed on Mermaid Street. |
中世の雰囲気の中に... こんなひょうきんな鳥のディスプレイが! Medieval atmosphere... There is a droll bird as a display!? |
左側の家 / On left house : HARTSHORN HOUSE 16世紀の貿易商人の家として良い見本です。 This is a fine example of a 16th century merchant house. |
坂の頂上近くに'ザ•マーメイド•イン / The Mermaid Inn' はあります。
'The Mermaid Inn' is near the top of the hill.
LAMB HOUSE is on WEST STREET (Map close to ⑥) and is managed by National Trust.
Their open days are very few, that's too bad.
When we visited there, it was closed, too.
B. 映画 :"鳩の翼"
"鳩の翼" : 余命短いアメリカの富豪の娘、ミリー (アリソン•エリオット)の財産を獲得するために画策するケイトとそれに協力するBFのマートン (ライナス•ローチ) の人間模様の話。
I haven't read any Henry James book, although I watched a film : "The Wings of the Dove" (1997, director : Iain Softley) based on the original "The Wings of the Dove"(1902) by Henry James.
『ねじの回転』(初版, 1989 / 日本語版, 1936, 岩波文庫, 他5訳)で、
この作品は 'ラム•ハウス/ LAMB HOUSE' を購入した年に、その家で書かれた作品、そして彼の代表作のひとつでもあります。
'二、二六事件' (1936) をベースにしたSFらしいです。
兄のウィリアム•ジェームズ (1842 - 1910) はアメリカの高名な哲学者
(ウィキペディア; '夏目漱石も、影響を受けていることが知られている')です。
松岡正剛 (1944 - ) 先生の千夜千冊 :『ねじの回転』[ 蕗沢忠枝(1912 - )訳版, 新潮文庫, 1969] → ★
Book : The Turn of the Screw
4) 家々 / Houses
ザ•マーメイド•イン / The Mermaid Inn' 魅力的な建物に思えました。 ここがその昔、犯罪者の巣窟だったのですよね〜〜。 ちょっとすぐには信じられない..... I feel the building is attractive. Here, a long time ago was a criminals nest....really? I found it hard to believe |
3) ラム•ハウス/ LAMB HOUSE
A. 家 / House
'ウエスト•ストリート/ WEST STREET'は、 'マーメイド•ストリート/ MERMAID STREET' を登ったつきあたりにあります。(Map ⑥) 'WEST STREET' meets 'MERMAID STREET' at the top of the hill. (Map ⑥) |
LAMB HOUSE is on WEST STREET (Map close to ⑥) and is managed by National Trust.
Their open days are very few, that's too bad.
When we visited there, it was closed, too.
アメリカの小説家、ヘンリー•ジェームズ (1843 - 1916) が
This house does not look so attractive, does it?
But it seems that the garden is lovely.
Henry James(1843 - 1916) had moved and settled in the house since 1898.
Here was a place for a literary circle and they included
Joseph Rudyard Kipling (1865 - 1936)
Herbert George Wells / H.G.Wells (1866 - 1946).
B. 映画 :"鳩の翼"
Film : "The Wings of the Dove"
彼の作品『鳩の翼』(初版,1902/ 日本語版,1997, 講談社)が
映画化された "鳩の翼" (1997, 監督: イアン•ソフトリー)は見ました。
彼の作品『鳩の翼』(初版,1902/ 日本語版,1997, 講談社)が
映画化された "鳩の翼" (1997, 監督: イアン•ソフトリー)は見ました。
その映画には"ハリー•ポッター"の映画 (2007, 2009, 2010, 2011)でベラトリック•レストレンジ役をしたヘレナ•ボナム=カーター (1966 - )が出てました(ケイト役)。
"鳩の翼" : 余命短いアメリカの富豪の娘、ミリー (アリソン•エリオット)の財産を獲得するために画策するケイトとそれに協力するBFのマートン (ライナス•ローチ) の人間模様の話。
"鳩の翼" (1997)
"The Wing of the Dove" (1997)
Story →★
画像は下記より / This from below Wikipedia : ★ |
Film : "The Wings of the Dove"
I haven't read any Henry James book, although I watched a film : "The Wings of the Dove" (1997, director : Iain Softley) based on the original "The Wings of the Dove"(1902) by Henry James.
Helena Bonham Carter (1966 - ) played Kate Croy in the film and she played Bellatrix Lestrange in Harry Potter series films (2007, 2009, 2010, 2011).
the story is the fabric of human relationships among of Kate Croy, BF: Melton Densher (Linus William Roache, 1964 - ) and Milly Theale (Alison Elliott, 1970 - ),
who is an American wealthy heiress and is not expected to live much longer.
who is an American wealthy heiress and is not expected to live much longer.
Kate had a plan with Melton that they take Milly's inheritance.
I just write only summery of the film, I cannot tell you its true value.
C. 本 : 『ねじの回転』
Book : The Turn of the Screw
『ねじの回転』(初版, 1989 / 日本語版, 1936, 岩波文庫, 他5訳)で、
この作品は 'ラム•ハウス/ LAMB HOUSE' を購入した年に、その家で書かれた作品、そして彼の代表作のひとつでもあります。
'二、二六事件' (1936) をベースにしたSFらしいです。
(ウィキペディア; '夏目漱石も、影響を受けていることが知られている')です。
松岡正剛 (1944 - ) 先生の千夜千冊 :『ねじの回転』[ 蕗沢忠枝(1912 - )訳版, 新潮文庫, 1969] → ★
Book : The Turn of the Screw
I knew only the title of this : "The Turn of the Screw"(1898), which James wrote there just after buying 'LAMB HOUSE', and it became one of his masterpieces.
I knew the title, because one of Riku Onda (1964 - )'s book of the same title "Neji no Kaiten / The Turn of the Screw" (2002, Shueisha).
I like her works, although I haven't read this one yet, which is the SF, based on 'February 26 Incident' (1936).
James's "The Turn of the Screw" has five Japanese editions.
His father James Henry Sr. (1811 - 1882) was an American theologian and his brother, William James (1842 - 1910) was a famous American philosopher.
He was well known as a novelist of a pioneer of Psychologism in Britain and America.
I accessed the WEB site of Seigou Matsuoka (1944 ); "One thousand nights and one thousand books": "The Turn of the Screw" [Japanese Edition, 1969, translator: Tadae Fukizawa (1912 - ), Shinchobunko) in Japanese.
Matsuoka wrote :
"The Turn of the Screw" is the root of today's horror literature such as Dean Koontz's works or Stephen Edwin Kings'. "
He means literature based on people's mental state made crazy by their dread, doesn't he?
Maybe I would not like "The Turn of the Screw" or I am weak about it, however,
I might feel I would like to read it one day.
Is this rubbernecking which is human's strange curiosity?
I should say this author, Henry James suited Rye, today's Rye map says there is 'a ghost which still drifts through the cobbled streets', or Rye has long had an atmosphere like that so the author lived in this town.....
Rye is interesting!
4) 家々 / Houses
Green Hall or Custom House (Map ⑳) エリザベス1世 (1533 - 1603) がライを訪問したおりに、 ここに泊まりました。 そのときは、'グリーンホール / Green Hall'と呼ばれていましたが、 現在では'古い税務局の家 / The Old Custom House'と呼ばれています。 煙突が崩れそうで崩れない.... 故意にこのように維持しているのでしょうか? When Queen Elizabeth Ⅰ (1533 - 1603) visited Rye, she stayed in this house : Green Hall. Now it is called The Old Custom House The chimney looks like it will nearly collapse, but it is not... Do they deliberately keep it like this? |
I shall start writing about the surroundings of the church in next section.
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