
❷熊谷守一;はじまるよ/ Morikazu Kumagai: Hajimaruyo: It Will Be Started!

大好きな熊谷 守一氏の絵が使用された本。

The Picture Book by my favourite painter, 
Morikazu Kumagai.
熊谷 守一 :絵 
ぱくきょんみ : 文
福音館書店, 2009

Kodomo no Tomo "Hajimaruyo"
Kumagai Morikazu : painter 
Kyonmi Paku : writer 
Fukuinkan-Shoten, 2009





410円 !




The Picture Book by my favourite painter, Morikazu Kumagai.

Kyonmi Paku's writing is warm, gentle and it gives us imagination, and I think it suits the pictures.

The prints are beautiful, too !

However, I understand that with a picture book for children we should want to turn the pages and there be a story and then a world is made by the book, so I think this book is Kumagai's picture book, at least for me. (Even though it is not bad as a picture book for children)

It is ¥410 !

If I had bought this picture book at this cost, I would be glad!

If I had known about  this picture book, I would have bought it. 

It is already out of print, so I think it's alright that l show a few inside pages : 5 pictures.

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