1) 相変わらずおそい私達 / We are slowly as usual.
二階堂にあるお気に入りの家 通るたびに、素敵なだな〜と思います。 木々が色づき始めています。 My Favourite House in NIkaido Every time I pass I think it is lovely. The trees have started autumn colour. |
We are slowly as usual.
Usually I and R are unable to do things promptly, so everything is delayed.
I would have lunch outside, although we had it in the house, we got ready close to 4 o'clock.
However, I thought it is better go out for my rehabilitation, so we went out.
2) かえるカフェ / Cafe Kaeru
とてもひさしぶりの 'かえるカフェ' 私も久しぶりでしたが、Rはもっと久しぶり! 友人Yともここを訪ねたいと思いつつ、なかなか実現しません。 We hadn't visited 'Cafe Kaeru' for so long. I hadn't visited here for a long time, R even longer. I would come here with a friend Y, too, although it has been difficult. |
かなり日が陰ってしまっていますね。 It is nearly sunset, isn't it? |
最初はキッチュに思えたカエルくんも、 今ではほっとする存在に。 When I first visited I felt the frogs were kitsch, but now they make me relax. |
ここの庭の薔薇でしょうか? Did the rose come from their garden? |
Rはカフェオレ、私はブレンド R has a cup of cafe au lait, I have a cup of blended coffee. |
英国よりも日本の食事は美味しい証拠か彼が食いしん坊なのか? 時間が遅く、Rが食べられるものはすでに売り切れでした。 特別にチーズトーストを作ってもらいました。 ありがとうございました。 それにしても彼は、朝食もランチもしっかり食べたのに、 よく食べる.....と、大食漢の私が関心しますよ。 Is this evidence that Japanese food is better than British, or is he just greedy? It was late and they had sold out of food which R can eat. They made cheese toast specially for him. Thank you very much. Anyway he eats so well, he had big breakfast and lunch and this.... I am a great eater, although I am amazed at his appetite. |
カフェの裏 この実は何でしょうか? 鎌倉の他の場所でも良く見かけます At the Back of the Cafe What is this fruit? I have seen a few trees in Kamakura. |
3) 日暮れ時の鎌倉宮
Kamakura-gu in The Evening
通常、人々は日暮れ時に参拝はしません。 私は、いつも参拝というよりも、訪問という感じですね。 今日もそうです。 信じていないというよりも、 神様もそんなにお願いされてもお困りでしょうという思いです。 それでも、ごあいさつとして頭をさげるくらいはします。 Normally people do not pray at shrines in the evening. I always come here to visit rather than to pray, today as well. I think God has difficulty listening to many prayers from many people, rather than I do not believe this God. However, I do bow in greeting. |
社の中央の獅子頭が見えますか? 近距離の撮影は禁止なので、 私のカメラでは大きくお見せすることができません。 Can you see a Lion's head in the centre of the shrine? Here, they do not forgive us taking photographs from close distance, so I cannot show you a big photograph of it by my camera. |
以前は撮影禁止でしたが現在はOKです。 You should wash your hands and gargle here, so you are clean before greeting God. Previously they did not forgive taking photographs here, although now it is OK. |
灯籠に灯が! Welcoming Lantern! |
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