1) 坊ちゃん / Botchan
『氷菓』(米澤 穂信 作/ 角川書店 /2001)を読んだ時に、何故か
夏目漱石 (1867-1916) の『 坊ちゃん』(1906) を思い出したので、読んでみました。
When I read "Hyouka"(Honobu Yonezawa, Kadokawa-Shoten,2001),
it reminded me of "Botchan", by Natsume Souseki, (1867-1916), (First Japanese Edition 1906), so I read it.
'Boychan' in Japanese means ; young master, a boy, your son and so on.
In this story, it means a boy or young master.
『氷菓』については下記。/ About "Hyouka": below:
『坊っちゃん』 (初版、1906) 講談社、ポケット日本文学館、1995 "Botchan" (First published Japanese,1906) Koudan-Sha, Pocket Nihon Bungakukan, 1995 |
A.現代風 / Modern Style
Modern Style
I did not think carefully about my reservation of "Botchan" in Kamakura Library, and I have got this. (It is out of print now.)
I was a little bit surprised by the sweet cover for Soseki's work, and then I realized this book is for children.
When I first read it, the book was in an anthology for children, and
I felt it was quite close to the original. (But it is a strange feeling, because I haven't read the original.)
So well, it is alright, I thought it was not so different from the original and it could not have changed so much.
In fact, I turned pages
Oh! No! Different!
I felt every Kanji / 漢字: complicated Japanese character, has ruby (guides to pronunciation).
Moreover, there are descriptions about many words, sometimes with pictures, on the same page.
They are kind for the new generation, aren't they?
This kindness disturbed the story for me, so I was irritated when
I started reading.
However, gradually I used the descriptions and I realized I did not know about many things and I am ignorant, boo-hoo.
After I read it, I found out the book has been rewritten.
I could not even realize this.
Still I would read a style close to the original, if I have a next time, this is because I expect that being close to the original, the book would have the fragrance of the time of Souseki's work or when he was alive, that the modern children's book tends to lose.
(But could I read it?)
B. それでもすごいぞ! / However, it is wonderful!
Modern Style
I did not think carefully about my reservation of "Botchan" in Kamakura Library, and I have got this. (It is out of print now.)
I was a little bit surprised by the sweet cover for Soseki's work, and then I realized this book is for children.
When I first read it, the book was in an anthology for children, and
I felt it was quite close to the original. (But it is a strange feeling, because I haven't read the original.)
So well, it is alright, I thought it was not so different from the original and it could not have changed so much.
In fact, I turned pages
Oh! No! Different!
I felt every Kanji / 漢字: complicated Japanese character, has ruby (guides to pronunciation).
Moreover, there are descriptions about many words, sometimes with pictures, on the same page.
They are kind for the new generation, aren't they?
This kindness disturbed the story for me, so I was irritated when
I started reading.
However, gradually I used the descriptions and I realized I did not know about many things and I am ignorant, boo-hoo.
After I read it, I found out the book has been rewritten.
I could not even realize this.
Still I would read a style close to the original, if I have a next time, this is because I expect that being close to the original, the book would have the fragrance of the time of Souseki's work or when he was alive, that the modern children's book tends to lose.
(But could I read it?)
B. それでもすごいぞ! / However, it is wonderful!
a. コメディというコーティング
Comedy as a Coating
Comedy as a Coating
This book is different from the original, although I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.
b.'精 : せい(きよ)' / 'Sei(Kiyo)'
『坊ちゃん』を書き上げた頃 (1906年) の漱石は、作家として生きて行く事を決めた頃でした。
'精: Sei / Kiyo'
I was unaware of becoming much older than 'Botchan', so I feel his behavior is sweet.
'精: Sei (Kiyo) ' who is the old housekeeper lady in Botchan's house.
My parents worked and my grandmother looked after me and she brought me up, so I was a 'Grandmother Child'.
So I understand something of Sei's feelings about Botchan and why she spoils him.
I felt comfortable with my grandmother's spoiling, although Botchan thinks Sei over estimated him, so he feels uncomfortable.
I think he is a good boy.
Moreover, I feel glad that he became an adult and sometimes he thinks about Sei, he borrowed (or got?) money from her shrewdly, although I could not hate him, and I was relieved that when he returned to Tokyo, Sei would live with him again, so they did.
I think the Kanji character of the name '精: Sei' hints that in the story, it shows her personality and role.
[ Personality]
'精: Sei' wo dasu' in Japanese means ; to work diligently and step-by-step. (Probably this is part of Souseki 's thoughts.)
Sei acted as a support for a lonely Botchan's mind.
精神 / seishin in Japanese means ; mind.
If a child feel solitude, Sei's being must be a big support.
Undoubtedly Botchan knew other places and had experiences about awful society and he thinks of Sei more than before.
In addition, he realized that it is unusual to find a person who could believe and trust about anything and is always beside you.
On! Indeed! Sei called him 'Botchan', so the narrative is from the point of view of Sei's eyes, and Sousekis' too.....
Souseki hoped that wherever Botchan went in the world and when he was old that he would not lose his purity. (At least that is what I think.)
So Souseki carried on writing of 'Botchan' even though he became adult.
Comedy as a Coating
Comedy as a Coating
This book is different from the original, although I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.
After a wanton student life in Tokyo, Botchan went to his new post as a teacher in Matsuyama in Shikoku.
Shikoku is the smallest of the four main islands of Japan, located south of Hounshu, Matsuyama is the capital city of Ehime Prefecture on the island of Shikoku, and Souseki had experience there as a teacher.
Souseki comically wrote about Botchan's environment there.
Shikoku is the smallest of the four main islands of Japan, located south of Hounshu, Matsuyama is the capital city of Ehime Prefecture on the island of Shikoku, and Souseki had experience there as a teacher.
Souseki comically wrote about Botchan's environment there.
When I was a child, I did not realize that Botchan's environment is societies of absurd and two-faced, and Souseki did not directly criticize human disagreeableness, weakness, wily dealing, and the sometimes coarse behavior of country people, he wrote with comedy.
He let readers swallow the bad tasting with a coating of cheerfulness and slapstick humour.
Later the coating melts and some readers will realize his criticism like a sugar-coated pill.
I think Souseki sensei hoped for this. (Souseki sensei, you are right, aren't you?)
Later the coating melts and some readers will realize his criticism like a sugar-coated pill.
I think Souseki sensei hoped for this. (Souseki sensei, you are right, aren't you?)
b.'精 : せい(きよ)' / 'Sei(Kiyo)'
坊ちゃんを思うばあや役の’精’(セイ/ キヨ)の気持ちや、甘やかす態度が十分に理解できました。
という慣用句の意味 (おそらく漱石の思想の中にあるのでしょう)
という慣用句の意味 (おそらく漱石の思想の中にあるのでしょう)
『坊ちゃん』を書き上げた頃 (1906年) の漱石は、作家として生きて行く事を決めた頃でした。
'精: Sei / Kiyo'
I was unaware of becoming much older than 'Botchan', so I feel his behavior is sweet.
'精: Sei (Kiyo) ' who is the old housekeeper lady in Botchan's house.
My parents worked and my grandmother looked after me and she brought me up, so I was a 'Grandmother Child'.
So I understand something of Sei's feelings about Botchan and why she spoils him.
I felt comfortable with my grandmother's spoiling, although Botchan thinks Sei over estimated him, so he feels uncomfortable.
I think he is a good boy.
Moreover, I feel glad that he became an adult and sometimes he thinks about Sei, he borrowed (or got?) money from her shrewdly, although I could not hate him, and I was relieved that when he returned to Tokyo, Sei would live with him again, so they did.
I think the Kanji character of the name '精: Sei' hints that in the story, it shows her personality and role.
[ Personality]
'精: Sei' wo dasu' in Japanese means ; to work diligently and step-by-step. (Probably this is part of Souseki 's thoughts.)
Sei acted as a support for a lonely Botchan's mind.
精神 / seishin in Japanese means ; mind.
If a child feel solitude, Sei's being must be a big support.
Undoubtedly Botchan knew other places and had experiences about awful society and he thinks of Sei more than before.
In addition, he realized that it is unusual to find a person who could believe and trust about anything and is always beside you.
On! Indeed! Sei called him 'Botchan', so the narrative is from the point of view of Sei's eyes, and Sousekis' too.....
Souseki hoped that wherever Botchan went in the world and when he was old that he would not lose his purity. (At least that is what I think.)
So Souseki carried on writing of 'Botchan' even though he became adult.
Also, adults who have lost their purity, hope boldly (laugh) that children keep it as long as possible, and so may recommend this book.
It was about the time when Souseki finished writing "Botchan", in 1906, that he decided he would live his life as a novelist.
I think based on this wish and I think Souseki crossed his fingers for "Botchan" that even though the world is harsh, you should carry on working diligently and step-by-step throughout your life.
It was about the time when Souseki finished writing "Botchan", in 1906, that he decided he would live his life as a novelist.
I think based on this wish and I think Souseki crossed his fingers for "Botchan" that even though the world is harsh, you should carry on working diligently and step-by-step throughout your life.
C. 『氷菓』と『坊ちゃん』
"Hyouka" and "Botchan"
"Hyouka" and "Botchan"
"Hyouka" and "Botchan"
In "Botchan", there is an attractive main character, his friend, timid friend, 'Madonna' ; heroine, a pair of enemies ; a group, whose leader loves timid friend's fiancée.
That is a typical set of characters for a story.
This might be an old-fashioned today.
"HYOUKA" also has an old-fashioned atmosphere, so perhaps "Houka" reminds me of "Botchan".
I still do not know the reason why "Houka" reminded me of "Botchan".
2) 『文鳥』 / "Bunchou : Java Sparrow"
この本には『坊ちゃん』だけでなく、『文鳥』("大阪朝日",初版, 1908 ) という作品も載っていていました。
ここで読めます→1) ★
ここで読めます→1) ★
→2) ★: 近代デジタルライブラリー
The book: 坊ちゃん / Botchan also has another story : "Bunchou"(First published,1908).
Buncho is a small bird ; Java Sparrow : Padda oryzivora; Estrildid finches....
The book: 坊ちゃん / Botchan also has another story : "Bunchou"(First published,1908).
Buncho is a small bird ; Java Sparrow : Padda oryzivora; Estrildid finches....
文鳥 / Buncho ; Java Sparrow : Padda oryzivora; Estrildid finches 画像は下記より/ This picture from below http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/ブンチョウ 文鳥 ; カエデチョウ Bunchou; Estrildid Finches 画像は下記より/ This picture from below |
"Bunchou : Java Sparrow"
"Buncho" is marvellous!
I feel really it 'Literature' !
I do not know 'Literature' so much, although I thought
'On! Ye~s! This is literature'.
The world in the story is delicate, the air is pure and clean and gives me the feeling that a grain of tiny lights dance, although they do not interfere with the scene.
It has skills and techniques in representation and selection of words, the sentences take me into the world, 'Into the spaces between the lines' which give me a lot of feelings.
There was my sense that a heart and myself were purified by sentences.
Art is like that and people call someone artist who could make work like that....... I think like that.
It is hardly necessary to say, but Souseki sensei is great!
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