
❷夏目漱石作品 - 『こころ』 / Souseki Natsume's Work- "Kokoro" : Heart

1) 表紙 / Cover
2) 多くの情報 / Many Information
A. あらすじ / Outline
B. 高等遊民 / Educated Idlers
C. BL (ボーイズラブ) か? / It this Boy's Love?
3) 私の感想  / My Impression
A. 明治の精神 / Spirit of Meiji Period 
B. '明治の精神'の女性 / Women in 'Spirit of Meiji Period'
C. 死という結末 / Dead inThe End

1) 表紙 / Cover

坊ちゃん』『文鳥』のあとに、『こころ』(新潮社, 2004) も読みました。
❶夏目漱石作品-『坊ちゃん』『文鳥』 / Souseki Natsume's Works - "Botchan" and "Buncho"












下の本こころを手にした時は、『坊ちゃん』(講談社、ポケット日本文学館、1995) の時とは違い、しっくりと作品に馴染む印象を持ちました。



After "Botchan" and "Buncho", I read "Kokoro : Heart".
About the two works below:

For me, "Botchan" and "Kokoro" are the opposite poles in Souseki Natsume's work, I felt only "Botchan" is inconsistent. 

I am ignorant about culture currently, so I hadn't noticed until recently about the change of covers of some paperbacks.

Basically I borrow books from libraries, I am naturally weaker about sales area. 

This time, I realized the changes made by publishers by my chance rereading of Souseki's works. 

For me, they do not care about the content of stories and the design, sometimes there is a design for a series but the stories are quite different and not a series.

Covers have priority rather than the stories, and I feel this is a mistake, putting the cart before the horse.

And they call the covers 'Special Cover'. 

I guess they would sell more old paperbacks, so they show the paperbacks as new books with 'Topical gimmick'.

I think it is good that good works appear again by the chance of new covers. 

Only I thought if my favoutite book or story has wrong new cover, 
I would be disappointed. 

When we think the existence of a book is a work of art, it would be sad if the cover shows equally for individuality story, even though they are not part of a book collection.

I settle for a paperback with a 'Special Cover', however, I really hope that when a hard cover book is given a new look, publisher considers the story more than the trend, please!

When I had below book:"Kokoro", I had an impression to adjust to a work nicely which was different from when I had "Botchan"(Koudan-Sha, Pocket Nihon Bungakukan, 1995).

The design or illustration shows heart which has various feelings, and gives me the impression of Kamakura, and includes Japanese apricot : UME which makes me think of the awakening of love. 

This cover is attractive, isn't it?
(初版, 岩波書店1941)
夏目漱石 (1867-1916) : 作
新潮社, 2004 
安野光雅 (1926 - ): 表紙

(Japanese First Publisher, 1941)
Souseki Natsume (1867-1916) : author
Shincho-sha, Japanese published, 2004
Mitsumasa Anno (1926 - ) : Cover
画像は下記より/ The picture from below

2) 多くの情報 / Many Information 

A. あらすじ / Outline


私だけでなく、他の人々も、'名作' は情報が多い故に、読んだ気になってしまうことが多いのかもしれません。







I thought I already had read "Kokoro", in fact,  I realized that I only had read some parts of the story in text books or somewhere.

I guess that it is not only me, but also some other people are like that, we feel we have read 'popular stories', because there are many references. 

So we knew the summary of the books and some 
criticisms by reputation : below, they are part of general knowledge. 

'I' is a main character who visited a beach in Kamakura on his holiday, and met a man : 'Sensei / Teacher'.

Later 'I' often visited Sensei's house in Tokyo. 

While 'I' returned to his home for his father who was seriously ill,  
'I' got Sensei 's testamentary letter and 'I' knew of Sensei' suicide .

The letter tells of a shadowy past with one of Sensei' relatives, and separately of Sensei' distress about the relationship between Sensei and Sensei 's friend K who love the same woman.

The work represents that the conflict between friendship and their love, and the discord between egoism and ethical perspective.

B. 高等遊民 / Educated Idlers 

(三省堂 大辞林より)




ウィキペディア: 夏目漱石の項では、

Educated Idlers
I understand that Sensei can live in a state of Moratorium in this book.
The intellectual period when accomplishment of duty and the responsibility as the member of society is still reprieved while reaching to an adult physically. 
Or the period when I remain in such a psychological condition.

Sensei 's uncle took most of the inheritance of  Sensei 's father as a plot, although Sensei could get some.

So it was possible that Sensei and his wife could live with an employee, and Sensei does not work.

Sensei is an educated idler : Koutou Yumin which was Souseki's onomatopia, although today, it might be explained that a person is in Moratorium. 

C. BL (ボーイズラブ) か? / It this Boy's Love?

こころは、BL (ボーイズラブ) の世界であるという見解をどこかで最近目にしました。

そう言われれば、そう見えなくもなく、なるほどね〜と思いますが、 漱石こころを書いたのは、乃木将軍( 乃木希典/ノギマレスケ、1849-1912) の明治天皇(1852 - 1912)崩御の殉死をきっかけにしているというのが一般的な見方なので、それを踏まえるとBL的な思惑は作家本人にはなかったのでしょう





It this Boy's Love?

Recently I read  somewhere an opinion about "Kokoro" that the world of "Kokoro" is Boy's Love : BL: Yaoi.

If it was said so, I could look at it, indeed...., although it is commonly understood that General  Nogi: Maresuke Nogi (1849-1912) immolated himself to attend on Meiji Tenno (1852 - 1912) beyond the grave, this was started the writing of "Kokoro" by Souseki, so the author did not think of BL that was not based on the common view.

However, the scene was 'I' met Sensei in the beach in Kamakura which represents  'I' was attracted to Sensei in the love. 

In summary 'I' fell in love with Sensei at first sight.

 In the end of the story, 'I' made priority to the death of Sensei more than his father towards the death.

What did Souseki really mean about them?

3) 私の感想  / My Impression

A. 明治の精神 / Spirit of 
Meiji Period 

「明治の精神」は 漱石こころ』を書いた主な執筆理由でした



Weblio  辞書の「殉死」の項こころの内容が用例として使用されています。

『こころ』夏目漱石)下「先生遺書5556  明治四十五年。夏の盛り明治天皇崩御する。先生」は、「明治精神天皇とともに終わりその後生き残っているのは時勢遅れだ」と奥さんに言う。奥さんは笑って、「では殉死でもなさったら」とからかう。






Spirit of Meiji Period 

'Spirit of Meiji Period' was a major motivation for writing this book for  Souseki.

Sensei 's testamentary letter said that " I will follow Spirit of Meiji Period to the grave."

Genaral Nogi immolated himself to attend on Meiji Tenno beyond the grave, so Sensei would do as Nogi .

I am ignorant so I do not know about Spirit of Meiji Period. 

However, I can understand that if General Nogi was symbolic of Spirit of Meiji Period,  Moratorium personality, Sensei should be to be far apart from the Spirit of Meiji Period. 

And also I think the letter did not explain about it and when he was alive, he did not talk. 

It is impossible for me to understand about General Nogi, or his thoughts, at least, I know that General Nogi let many his soldiers die in Russia- Japanese War (1904-1905), and only he himself having survived, but his face was saved by his two sons's deathes, although he must live, because Meiji Tennou said to him that he mustn't die....etc..... so, I am sure General Nogi and Sensei's sufferings were very different.

I think Sensei held onto Spirit of Meiji Period and he could be to depart his life or escape from his life. 

B. '明治の精神'の女性
  Women in 'Spirit of Meiji Period'





Kの思想 ('向上心のないやつはばかだ) は、恋愛によって 簡単に揺らぎ、そのことで足掻きます。








女性を個とした人間として扱っていないのは、先生、 K乃木将軍ともに共通しています。




Women in 'Spirit of Meiji Period'

Sensei and K lived in lodgings and they fell in love with a young lady who is the owner's daughter. 

They loved the young lady, although I feel that they felt about her only as a female, and they did not think about her as an individual person. 

Souseki wrote about her that she trifled with them a little bit.

Souseki describes her instinctive cruelty of a woman which the two men felt was charning, and the writings of Souseki is wonderful.

K's idea is that 'if a person does not have ambition, the person must be an idiot', but ambition is wavered easily by the love and he was struggles.  

He lost hope by Sensei's act in which Sensei outwitted K for the love of the daughter and he was driven to suicide.

I wonder that if K died in the house and left a room with splashes of blood, could he imagine  how the family of the lady would feel?

If he did not imagine, he would concentrate his own agony too much, and if he can imagine and he carried on, his personality must be selfish and very wicked. 

On the other hand, after Sensei lost KSensei's anguish is too pure for me, so I feel painful.

Even though Sensei could meet who Sensei could trust, at last he killed himself and I am afraid by his decision.

Sensei and K both did not care about the lady's feelings and they just put their heart and soul into their own problems.

Though Sensei's letter referred continuously to his shadowy past and troubles, there is not any content about hesitation of his suicide for his wife's sake, and there is no comment worrying about the wife after he passed away. 

SenseiK and  General Nogi were common in not treating a woman as an independent human being.

Because this was a characteristic problem of the time, there was no help for it.

After all they should have disappeared with "Spirit of Meiji Period".

And now new age woman appears!

C. 死という結末 / Dead inThe End








Dead in The End

"Kokoro" is finished with the death of Sensei. (To be exact, 'I' is leaving his home town.)

I had the impression that the story finished suddenly, rather than a way of ending leaving a lingering sound. 

The modern authors make various problems and complicated human relations in a story into which the readers are drawn, although often most of characters are killed before the end, whether accidents or suicide or murder. 

Even though the authors make unforeseeable or very strange stories in which they use new ways of telling from the view point of the dead and others, in the end they are dead.

They use the old way for the endings : they are dead, which has been since Souseki or even before him, so they do not have solutions about the problems of society and mental problems and also the authors's ideology. 

Well, I think the authors write as  they like.

However, I wonder that when an author thinks the character who came to have a difficult situation in the story, still the author bumps off them one by one. 

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