I wrote about The Volume of Cadfael Series below too.
1) 最終巻 / The Last Volume of Cadfael Series
At last I finished reading the last volume of the Cadfael series.
I feel sad........
My mind travels to Britain in the 12th Century...... |
A.きっかけ / Story Setting
第1話 'ウッドストックへの道 (1985)' では、
英国に '無政府時代' (1135-1153)をもたらした
'ホワイト シップの遭難' (1120) とを、上手にからませています。
'ホワイト シップの遭難'で、世継ぎのウィリアム王子が亡くなり、
この争いの期間が '無政府時代' (1135-1154) になります。
ホワイトシップの遭難(1120) The White Ship sinking.(1120) 画像は下記より / Picture from http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/ホワイトシップの遭難 |
Story Setting
The last book is 'Collected Short Stories (1985)' and the stories are set before the first book of the series, "A Morbid Taste for Bones."
The first short story is 'A Light on the Road to Woodstock.'
This story explain how Crusader Cadfeal became 'Monk (Brother) Cadfeal' following on from the sinking of the 'White Ship'(1120) and
the ensuing 'The Anarchy'(1135-1153).
The Cadfeal series finished before the end of 'The Anarchy'.
The wars about the right of succession were usually between blood relations.
We know it happened in a lot of countries which have a long history, don't we?
B.お話と歴史 / Story and History
グッドリッチ城は、グロセスターの西にあり、カドフェルの修道院があるシュルーズベリ: Shrewsbury から100km ほど南に位置します。
詩人のウィリアム ワーズワース(1770-1850)が
「ヘレフォードシャー(Herefordshire) で、最も高貴な遺跡」 と賞賛しました。
My Photograph in 2006It was praised by William Wordsworth (1770-1850) as the "noblest ruin in Herefordshire" |
Story and History
Cadfael's son, Oliver was caught in a castle which was set between Gloucester and Cirencester.
'Goodrich Castle' stands to the west of Gloucester, 100km south of Cadfeal's Monastery in Shrewsbury.
★You can see the setting of the castle in English Heritage website: below
The castle has been there since 1101, and it has been repaired more than once.
This castle was related with 'The Anarchy' in real history.
Robert, 1st Earl of Gloucester (before 1100 -1147) was the half-brother of Empress Matilda and he had stood on her side in 'The Anarchy.'
He held 'Goodrich Castle' at that time.
I hope the Gloucester castle in the story is 'Goodrich Castle'!??
C. 私の話 とサイレンシスター
My Story and Cirencester
私事ですが、私の作品が、グループ展 : Setting Out 2008に
Setting Out 2008は、ロンドンとサイレンシスターで開催されました。
●Contemporary Ceramics Gallery in London Feb. 2008
●New Brewery Arts in Cirencester Apr.2008
これはロンドンでの写真。 残念ながらサイレンシスターでの 写真はありません。 Contemporary Ceramics Gallery in London Feb. 2008 Unfortunately I do not have photograph in Cirencester. |
My Story and Cirencester
This is my story, in that my work was selected for
●New Brewery Arts in Cirencester Apr.2008
So when I found 'Cirencester' in the book, I felt I miss there.
2) グッドリッチ城 / Goodrich Castle
当時私はイングリッシュ ヘリテッジ/ English Heritageの会員でした。
会員費を払った後、English Heritageのサイトは無料になります。
今もグッドリッチ城はEnglish Heritageによって管理されています。
Goodrich Castle
I took these photographs when I was a student in Britain and visited there in 2006.
It was a sunny day, so it looked like Summer, didn't it?
However, when you look at the trees around the castle they do not have leaves, so you can see it was winter.
At that time I was a member of English Heritage.
After paying annual membership fee, entry is free to all English Heritage sites.
Goodrich Castle is still managed by English Heritage.
楼門と舗装道路を通って守備塔(ゲートハウス)に到着します。 The gatehouse is reached by an exposed causeway covered by the barbican. |
砂岩が露出、その上にお城が建っています。 The castle stands on a rocky sandstone outcrop. |
廃墟は時として陰鬱な雰囲気があったり、 居心地が悪かったりしますが、ここは違いました。 Sometimes ruins have a gloomy atmosphere and can be uncomfortable, although here was different. |
内部 『ハリーポッター』の動く階段を思い出します。 Inside It reminds me of the moving stairs in "Harry Potter." |
お城の教会 (チャペル) のステンドグラス Stained glass window in the Castle Chapel. |
東側 East Side |
River Wye : ワイ 川を臨み、砂岩が露出している高台に
グッドリッチ城は建っています。 Goodrich Castle stands on a high rocky sandstone outcrop overlooking the River Wye. |
From Goodrich Castle to River Wye |
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