
今期初めての配達/ First Parcel This Season

1) ゴールデングリーンの野菜
1) Vegetables, From Golden Green



彼らの農場は、北八ヶ岳の標高1000m の場所にあります。

野菜の他に料理方法や、畑での苦労話などの 'ゴールデングリーン通信'も同送されてきます。

Vegetables, From Golden Green
It is the first time this season, vegetables arrived here from Golden Green.

My friend's couple sell their vegetables through their Internet shop 'Golden Green'. 

They do not use an agricultural chemicals, they only use organic fertilizers, and they cultivated vegetables themselves. 

They are in Kita - Hachigatake, altitude is 1,000m. 

They harvest and send us the vegetables on the same day. 

The vegetable box includes 'Golden Green News' which tells us ways of cooking the vegetables and stories from their farm.

ゴールデングリーンの説明は下記の中の2) ゴールデングリーン / Golden Greenにもありあます。

You can read about Golden Green in 2) ゴールデングリーン / Golden Green of

ゴールデングリーン HP/ Golden Green website in Japanese :

2) 彼らの小麦で作ったうどんも入っています。
2) This box included udon made from their wheat, too.

3) オールキャストです / Here, Full Casts!



Here, Ful Casts!
Does the success of their play depend on my skill?

Even though my skill is not so good, the casts are very good, so there should be high possibility of the plays being enjoyed.

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