
❾-3 旅行/ Trip-Warwick Town 15th, July

❖ウォリックタウン巡り / Warwick Town Trail❖
1) 西ゲートの前に / Before the Westgate
2) とにかくお茶を!/ Anyway Tea!
3) トーマス オーケンズ ハウス / Thomas Oken's House
4) 地獄から天国へ: バラックストリート 〜
4) 地獄から天国へ: バラックチャーチストリート
4) Hell to Heaven: Barrack Street - Church Street
A: 地獄のドア / Hell's Door
B: 天国へ / To Heaven
5) 'ティンカタンク'って何? / What is 'Tink-a-Tank'?
A: 気にかかる小道 / The path was on my mind
B: メタルプレート / Metal Plaques
C: 品の良い老婦人 / An Elegant Lady
6) 楽しく歩く/ Enjoyable Walk
A: 英国らしいもの / Very British
B : 好きな景色 / My Favourite Views
C: 赤のシリーズ / A Series of Reds
町の地図 / The To町の地図 / The Town Map

1) 西ゲートの前に / Before the Westgate
We walked from Park Cottage into the centre of Warwick through 'The Westgate'. Before the gate, there are many Tudor buildings. The town had 'the Great Fire of 1694', when many thatched timber buildings were destroyed . However, there are still many timber period buildings outside the gate.
Many Tudorrチューチューダー時代の建物がいっぱい!
時代の建物がいっぱい!Many Tudor Buildings

2) とにかくお茶を!/ Anyway Tea!
西ゲートと西ゲートと礼拝堂 & レイセスター卿病院
The Westgate and Chapel & The Lord Leycester Hospital
Don't miss here! It is a very famous tourist spot. However, we only went to the cafe in this building, although it was the first tourist site for us in the town. Oh! Dear!
Room'Brethren's Kitchen'-Warwick Historic Tea Room

In the cafe

British cakes are simple

Before the cafe, we said that we should have tea anyway, even though R had cafe au lait and I had cafe latte.

3) トーマス オーケンズ ハウス / Thomas Oken's House

オーケンハウスの後ろから / From the back of the house
The house was built was by Thomas Oken in the late 15th century. It is a little bit younger than Park Cottage. Thomas Oken was a mercer and donated some properties to the Corporation of Warwick.
He did not have children, so he gifted money and properties for the benefit of poor people and education. He is still honoured in Warwick.
Today, it is a tea room.
It is so lovely and looks like a fairy tale house, doesn't it?

4) 地獄から天国へ: バラックストリート 〜
4) 地獄から天国へ: バラックチャーチストリート
4) Hell to Heaven: Barrack Street - Church Street
A: 地獄のドア
A: Hell's Door
私達はその建物の中に入らず、建物沿いのバラックストリートを通っただけでした。ですが、その通りに古いドア (写真 上) がはめ込まれていました。説明板にそれが刑務所で使用されていたものだとあり、びっくり!ここでは想像を巡らしたくはなかったのですが、どうしてもいろいろ思え、見えてしまいます〜 〜 〜 ! もうそこでは地獄にいる気分!
Hell's Door
The former county goal for women was established in 1676. It was damaged by the Great fire, although the underground dungeon survived, because there was very damp. They say that felons were chained in the dungeon at night. I wonder how they were during the fire.
It was rebuilt in 1779, and was the goal until 1860. In 1932, there became County Council offices. The underground dungeon from 1676 and the ventilator top can still be seen in the first courtyard.
We did not go there, we just passed alongside the building in Barrack Street. However, we found the door (above photograph), which was a prison cell door. I was so surprised. I would not use my imagination here, although I could not help it,〜〜〜! I had a feeling of hell there. could地獄か地獄から天国ヘ / Hell to Heaven

B: 天国へ
B:To Heaven
この教会は大火にあいながらも観光スポットになっています。ここもまた私達は眺めただけ。次回は中を見ましょう。昔の郵便局 / The Old Post Office
教会へ続く道にかわいらしい昔の郵便局があります。この周辺も大火災にあり、再建築されていますが、ヴィクトリア時代 (1840~1900) のものなので少なくとも110年以上の建築物。
To Heaven
It takes three steps from the hell door to a corner. Then you can see St. Mary's Church.
It is a tourist spot, even though it was damaged in the fire. We just looked at the outside, next time we will go in. There is the old Post Office before the church. Around here had the fire too, although the building was built in the Victorian period (1840~1900), so it is at least 110 years old. Today it is empty, even though it keeps a bright atmosphere, the reason might be its lovely decoration...?....I think.
郵便局のとなりのビル / Next door to the old Post Office
昔はターヴァ(Tavern : 居酒屋と宿泊所) であったようです。
右の写真: 外壁の装飾→
Right Photograph : Decoration on the wall→
Next door to the old Post Office is lovely. It was used to be a Tavern. It seemed to be a Coffee House too.

5) 'ティンカタンク'って何? / What is 'Tink-a-Tank'?
A: 気にかかる小道
A: The path was on my mind
今日、この小道の前は一度通り過ぎていました。何か気にかかる小道でした。なので、そのときに写真のみ撮りました。あとになって、"町巡りの地図" (WARWICK TOWN TRAIL) に 'ティンカタンク' (Tink-a-Tank) という面白そうな名前を見つけ、それがこの小道の向こうにあるのがわかりました。
The path was on my mind
We passed here once today, somehow it was on my mind. Later we found Tink-a-Tank on the Town Trail : the town walking map, and it is further along the path. 'Tink-a-Tank' sounds interesting, doesn't it?St. Mary's ChurcSt. Mary's Church from the path

We went down this path. I looked back to the church, then I took this photograph of it. The path is alongside the church yard. In the day it is quite bright. However, I wouldn't walk here at night.

B: メタルプレート / Metal Plaques
待ち巡りの地図には参考ルートが載っています。そのルート上にはメタル製のプレート (写真: 下) が道路にはめこまれ、順路を示してい示していまMetal Plaqueque
私達はこの地図を持ちながら待ち巡りをしていましたが、順路は無視していました。ヨークシャーデールの中を歩く時は基本ルートに忠実でした。ヨークシャーデールでは方向を間違ってしまうと、ひ弱な私達は大変なことになってしまうからです。ですが、ここではちょっと間違っても町の中、たいしたことはないでしょう? と臨機応変に行動していました。The path ia-Tankティンカタンクと呼ばれる小道
ティンカタThe pathTThe path is called Tink-a-Tank
Metal Plaques
'The Town Trail' shows us a sample walk which is marked by metal plaques (See photograph) let into the pavement. While we were walking, we had 'The Town Trail', although we sometimes ignored their sequence. In the Yorkshire Dales, we followed their routes faithfully, because if we got lost in there, it could be a serious problem for us who are so weak. However, here in the town, I thought even if we made a mistake about direction, we could still be in the town and it would not matter, then I could do whatever the situation calls for. So finally when we found 'Tink-a-Tank' , we saw our first metal plaque. Each number on the map matches the number on the plaque. I was impressed by their system and I think the system protected the views in the town as well as the plaques make for a more historical atmosphere.

C: 品の良い老婦人 / An Elegant Lady
そのプレートの近くに石のドアのような何か (下の写真) が道にはめこまれていました。
これは何?と不思議がっていると品の良いご婦人が偶然通りかかり教えてくださいしました。彼女は私達と反対側 (ザ バッツ通り / The Butts) からやって来ました。
An Elegant Lady
The plaque is close to what looks like a stone door (above photograph) in the path. I wonder "What is it? " "Is it a door?" " Was it a door?"
By chance, an elegant lady was coming from the Butts (a road), then she explained about there,
❖If people walk with hard shoes, it makes echoes. It became the name 'Tink-a-Tank'. The reason is not the high walls but also here is a tunnel. A tunnel runs below the path. That door was opened and you went down into the tunnel. When we had the war, weapons were in the tunnel and when people needed them, people used the door.
She looked as if she would tell us more about there, although it started raining, so we must say Good-bye.
I think historical towns have a few hidden mysteries. I still wonder where the tunnel starts and ends, and why did they build it.
Does the lady know?

6) 楽しく歩く/ Enjoyable Walk
A: 英国らしいもの
A: Very British
Jacket Potato Oven on wheels

Tiny Toby Jugs on a window-sill
As Toby jugs go they are quite elegant, so I like them.

The Eastgate
Existed in the 12th century.
We took shelter in the gate from heavy rain.

B : 好きな景色
B : My Favourite Views

Tailors ( restaurant )
Tailors ( restaurant )
I felt the meal was modern British.

C: 赤のシリーズ / A Series of Reds

A Series of REDsA Series ofA Series of REDs

The Art Kitchen (The ArtThe Art Kitchen (タイレストラン)

After eating, I dished up
a red hot chill with mint.

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