
⑤ 2022年5月23日 龍口寺 ・七面堂 / Shichimen-do Hall in Ryūkō-ji Temple, 23rd of May 2022

目次 / Contents
1) 伝承と伝説 / Folklore and Legend
2) 仏舎利塔へ / To Stupa
    A. 左の道 / Left Path
    B. 七面堂 / Shichimen-do
        a) 七面大明神 / Shichimen Daimyojin
        b) 日蓮の伝説- 七面大明神 

1) 伝承と伝説 / Folklore and Legend
本日、私と夫Rは、腰越の 'Art & Dining Spaceたぶのき' で開催されている絵本原画展が目的で外出しました。

会場近くに、江ノ電もなかの扇屋や龍口寺 : があるので、そちらを先に見学しにゆきました。

龍口寺 (リュウコウジ) : は、日蓮宗のお寺で、
龍口山 (リュウコウヤマ) にあります。

'龍口' : '龍ノ口' の由来は、'江島縁起' に代表される
五頭竜 (ゴズリュウ) 弁財天の伝承にあります。


龍の口にあたる場所は、鎌倉時代 (1185 - 1333) から室町時代 (1336 - 1573) に刑場として使用され、龍ノ口刑場 (タツノクチケイジョウ) と呼ばれました。

鎌倉時代の僧、日蓮 (1222 - 1282) は、幕府によって、龍ノ口刑場で、斬首されそうになりますが、江ノ島からの光の玉 (球電) によって助けられる伝説 :  龍ノ口法難 (タツノクチホウナン)があります。

1337年に、日蓮の弟子・日法 (?-?) がこの地に、
敷皮石 (シキカワイシ) 自作の日蓮像を安置し敷皮堂というお堂を建立しました。

仏舎利塔 (ブッシャリトウ)、七面堂 (シメンドウ) などがあります。


龍口寺境内 (Google Map)
Ryūkō-ji Temple Precincts in Japanese

画像は下記より / This from below
Folklore and Legend
Today, I and my husband R went out for the purpose of the picture book original painting exhibition held in 'Art & Dining Space Tabunoki' in KoshigoeKamakuraKanagawa prefecture.

There is Ryūkō-ji Temple (龍口寺near the venue, so we went there first.

Ryūkō-ji is a temple of the Nichiren Shū (Nichiren School / Nichiren sect, located on Mt. Ryūkō.

'龍口' has pronunciation Ryūkō, Tatsunokuchi and another writing is 龍ノ口 : Tatsunokuci.

All mean 'dragon mouth'.

The origin of 'Ryūkō' is in the folklore of Benzaiten and
 the five-headed dragon (Gozuryu) represented by 'Enoshima Engi'.

The five-headed dragon, who had been devouring children while storming the neighbourhood, was warned by Benzaiten, whom he fell in love with, and changed, reforming himself.

Tatsunokuchi was used as a place of execution from 
the Kamakura period (1185 - 1333) to 
the Muromachi period (1336 - 1573) and was called Tatsunokuchi Keijo.

Nichiren (1222 - 1282) was a Japanese Buddhist priest in  
the Kamakura period who was about to be beheaded by the shogunate at the Tatsunokuchi execution site, but was saved by 
a ball of light from Enoshima : Tatsunokuchi Persecution.

In 1337, a disciple of Nichiren, Nichipo (?-?), built a temple called Shikikawa-do on this site, enshrining a pavement stone : 'Shikikawaishi' and his own statue of Nichiren.
[The pavement stone is the stone on which Nichiren sat when he was about to be decapitated. ]

In the precincts, there are the  Tatsunokuchi Persecution site, main hall, Japanese Five-storied PagotaShichimen-do Hall, stupa, etc.

This section is primarily about Shichimen-do Hall.

2) 仏舎利塔へ / To Stupa
A. 左の道 / Left Path
本堂左の赤い鳥居が並ぶ経八稲荷堂 (キョウハチイナリドウ) に興味をそそられて近づくと、その脇に龍口山へ登る道を見つけました。


Red Torii Gate : Kyōhachiinari-do 

It's an intriguing path to what lies ahead.
Left Path
I was intrigued by Kyōhachi Inari-do Shrine with red torii gates on the left side of the main hall and found a path to climb Mt. Ryūkō on the side of the Inari-do Shiren.

About Kyōhachi Inari-do, below.
Ryūkō-ji Temple Precincts in Japanese
画像は下記より / This from below


There is an information board for the stupa (⬅︎)
and the five-storied pagoda (➡︎) in front of Shichimen-do Hall.

B. 七面堂 / Shichimen-do Hall

Shichimen-do Hall
When I photographed the Shichimen-do Hall, 
I didn't have much interest in it and it was just a record.
However, when I started researching,
there was a very interesting background.
a) 七面大明神 / Shichimen Daimyojin 
身延山久遠寺 (ミノブサン・クオンジ) : です。

日蓮は、龍ノ口法難後、佐渡国 (サドノイクニ) に流され、1274年に流刑をとかれ鎌倉に戻りました。

甲斐国 (カイノクニ/ 現在の山梨県) 地頭 (ジトウ) の
南部 実長 (ナンブ サネナガ / 1222 - 1297) は、一堂:妙法華院久遠寺を建立し、日蓮を招き寄進しました。


七面大明神 (シチメンダイミョウジン/ 七面天女) は、日蓮の伝説の
1つを由来 (b) の頃を参照)とし、久遠寺の守護神として信仰され、
標高1982mの七面山山頂に敬慎院 (ケイシンイン)に祀られています。


標高1982mの七面山山頂に敬慎院 (ケイシンイン)に祀られています。敬慎院は、神様を祀っているので、神社ではないかと思いますが、

神仏習合 (シンブツシュウゴウ) を感じます。


七面大明神 (七面天女) 
本光寺 (千葉県) の七面大明神

Shichimen Daimyojin 
(Shichimen Great Goddess / Shichimen Maiden)
Shichimen Daimyojin Statue
in Honkoji Temple in Chiba Prefecture.
画像は下記より / This from below

Shichimen Daimyojin
Today, the head temple of the Nichiren Shū is

Nichiren was exiled to Sado Province after the Tatsunokuchi Persecution, and returned to Kamakura in 1274 after being exiled.

Nanbu Sanenaga (1222 - 1297), a Jitō of Kai Province (Kai-no-kuni / present-day Yamanashi Prefecture) built the Kuon-ji Temple and invited Nichiren and donated the hall to him.
 [Jitō (地頭) were medieval territory stewards in Japan, especially in the Kamakura and Muromachi shogunates.]

In 1282, Nichiren died of illness and was buried in Mt. Minobu according to his will.

His grave has been protected by successive chief priests to this day.Shichimen Daimyojin (Shichimen Great Goddess / Shichimen Maiden) is derived from one of the legends of Nichiren (See b) section), and was worshiped as the guardian deity of Kuon-ji Temple, after that, the Nichiren Shū spread to various places, and it came to be enshrined in Nichiren Shū temples.

As the Nichiren Shū spread throughout Japan, the  Goddess came to be enshrined in Nichiren Shū temples.

The Goddess is enshrined in Keishin-in on the summit of Mt. Shichimen at an altitude of 1982m.

Keishin-in enshrines the Goddess, so I think it is a shrine, but it may be a temple for the Nichiren Shū.

Ryūkō-ji Temple has the Kyōhachi Inari-do Shine and the Shichimen-do Hall where the Shichimen Daimyojin is enshrined.

We are used to this and don't feel uncomfortable with it, but I think people who believe in monotheism have a very strange impression.

I think that deep-rooted syncretism of Shinto and Buddhism is one of the cultures that Japan should be proud of.
山梨県 (甲斐国) / Yamanashi Prefecture
画像は下記より / This from below

b) 日蓮の伝説- 七面大明神  
    Legend of Nichiren - Shichimen Daimyojin



"「私は七面山 (シチメンサン) に住む七面大明神です。


日蓮の意向を六老僧の一人、高弟の日朗 (ニチロウ / 1245 - 1320) が叶えます。


これが七面山奥之院の開創で、現在では、敬慎院 (ケンシンイン) が本社となり、摂社として七面山奥之院があります。

龍口寺の以前の公式サイトでは、龍口寺の七面堂は、江戸時代初期に身延山久遠寺から勧請 (カンジョウ) されたという内容が書かれていたように思います。

 (拡大図: )

Map of Kuon-ji Temple Precincts in Japanese
(Enlarged View : )
Mt. Minobu with an altitude of 1153m is the top middle.
Mt. Shichimen : Shichimenzan, 1989m is on the upper left.
画像は下記より / This from below


Map of Kuon-ji Temple Precincts in English
Mt. Minobu  is the center.
Mt. Shichimen : Shichimenzan is on the upper left.
画像は下記より / This from below
Legend of Nichiren - Shichimen Daimyojin
Nichiren was preaching to believers on Mt. Minobu.

Among them, a woman whose identity was unknown often showed up.

The stranger was actually Shichimen Daimyojin, who lives on Mt. Shichimen in the form of a dragon.

According to Japanese Wiki, (translated by me)
" 'I am Shichimen Daimyojin, who lives in Mt. Shichimen. 
I hold the Ura-kimon : southwestern direction of Mt. Minobu and protect the Minobu area.
In the last world when the Buddha's teaching is obsolete, I will protect those who cultivate and spread the Lotus Sutra until the end of generations, and will relieve their suffering and give them peace of mind and satisfaction.'
As soon as the Goddess finished saying that, the Goddess flew high to the top of Mt. Shichimen. "

[According to the official website
"Odaimoku is a special chant containing the complete title of the Lotus Sutra : Myoho Renge Kyo. 
Chanting all the syllables of “Namu Myoho Renge Kyo” with absolute belief (Namu) in this supreme sutra is considered key to all merits given by Shakyamuni Buddha."]

Nichiren thought, "One day I will climb Mt. Shichimen and enshrine Shichimen Daimyojin,'' but it did not come true during his lifetime.

Nichiren's wish was granted by Nichiro (1245 - 1320), a leading disciple, one of the Six Major Disciples.In 1297, Nichiro climbed Mt. Shichimen, built a shrine, enshrining Shichimen Daimyojin.

This was the founding of Shichimenzan Oku-no-in, and today, Keishinin serves as the head office, and Shichimenzan Oku-no-in exists as a subsidiary shrine.

I think that the previous official website of Ryūkō-ji Temple said that 'the Shichimen-do of Ryūkō-ji was solicited from Kuonji Temple in the early Edo period'.

This is thought to have been solicited from Keishin-in of Kuon-ji Temple or Oku-no-in of Shichimenzan.
川瀬 巴水 (カワセハスイ / 1883 -1957) 画
川瀬 巴水は、新版画を確立し

"Mt. Minobu Kuon-ji Temple"
By Hasui Kawase (1883 -1957)
Hasui Kawase established Shin-Hanga : 
the new style of printmaking and has been called 
a "Poet of Travel", "Printmaker of Travel", 
and "Hiroshige of the Showa era".
He seems to have a higher reputation overseas than at home.
This is the first time I've heard of this printmaker.
画像は下記より / This from below

注連縄 (シメナワ) があるのですから神社でしょう?

Keishin-in on Mt. Shichimen
Keishin-in Shrine or Keishin-in Temple?
There is a shimenawa, so it's a shrine, isn't it?
Shimenawa are lengths of laid rice straw or hemp rope used
for ritual purification in the Shinto religion.
画像は下記より / This from below


Dragon in Front of Shichimen-do Hall
Though I didn't know when I photographed, 
this is a dragon-shaped Shichimen Daimyojin, isn't this?
I was convinced that the chubby impression was that kind of thing.


Towards the Stupa
We aim for the stupa and climb the mountain.
The atmosphere is captivating.

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