
❾ 2019年11月13日 那智山青岸渡寺 - 熊野・南紀旅行 / Seiganto-ji Temple, Kumano and Nanki Trip, 13th of November 2019

11月12 - 14日

Kumano and Nanki Trip
12 -14th of November

Kii Peninsula Trip

第2日目予定 / Schedule for the Second Day

目次 / Contents
1) 那智権現 / Nachi-Gongen
    A. 西国三十三所 / Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage
    B. 青岸渡寺 / Seganto-ji Temple 
2) 復活 / Resurrection
3) 下山 / Down the Mountain

1) 那智権現 / Nachi-Gongen
A. 西国三十三所 / Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage
現在、熊野三山 は、 
熊野本宮大社 (クマノホングウタイシャ)
熊野那智大社 (クマノナチタイシャ
熊野速玉大社 (クマノハヤタマタイシャ)

ですが、元々は、この3つの神社と、1つのお寺、那智山青岸渡寺 : が含まれていました。

"仁徳天皇の時代 (257 - 399 / 在位:313 - 399)インドから(882年頃) 那智に渡来した裸形上人 (ラギョウショウニン/ ?-?) が、那智滝の滝壺で、如意輪観世音 (ニョイリンカンノン) 像を見つけ、本尊として如意輪堂(現・青岸渡寺)を作り、安置しました。

花山法皇 (カザンホウオウ / 968 - 1008 / 在位:884 - 886)  が三年間滝篭りし、このお寺を第一番として西国三十三所観音を巡礼しました。"



この花山法皇の観音巡礼が、現在でも継承され、日本で最も歴史がある巡礼行になり、"西国三十三所巡礼"は、33か所 : 観音信仰の

青岸渡寺は、"西国三十三所" の第一の巡礼場所なのです。


 (968 - 1008 / 在位:884 - 886)  
"花山寺の月" の一部(版画)
月岡 芳年 (ツキオカ ヨシトシ / 1839 - 1892) 画

Emperor Kazan
 (968 - 1008 / regin:884 - 886) 
Part of "Moon of Hanayama Temple" (print), 1890
by Tsukioka Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
The Emperor looks sad....
画像は下記より/ This from below

Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage
Currently, Kumano Kodō are pilgrimage approaches to 
"Kumano Sanzan'Three Grand Shrines of Kumano', below,
(The group, Kumano Sanzan, is the head office of more than 3,000 or 4000 Kumano shrines spread all over Japan.)

However, originally, these three shrines and one temple :  Nachisan Seiganto-ji Temple were included.

According to the temple,
"In the era of Emperor Nintoku (257 - 399 / reign: 313 - 399)
Ragyō Shōnin ; Saint Ragyō (?-?) who came to Nachi from India, found a statue of Cintāmaṇicakra如意輪観世音(Nyoirin-kannon) 
in the basin of Nachi Falls, and built a hermitage : 
Nyoirin-kannon Hall (now, Seiganto-ji Temple) and dedicated to the Statue in this place.

Emperor Kazan (968 - 1008 / reign : 884 - 886) pilgrimaged to Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage with this temple as the 'First' after 'Thousand Days Training' ; Waterfalls Training."
('Waterfalls Training' is severe spiritual training under the waterfall)

Emperor Kazan was deceived into an early abdication in a political struggle in the palace, and was tried to be killed even after his abdication, and also his beloved wife died during pregnancy.

He became a Cloistered Emperor who was a Japanese emperor, abdicated and entered the Buddhist monastic community by receiving the Pravrajya rite.

The Cloistered Emperor pilgrimaged to the 33 Kannon sacred sites from Kumano and worked for training.

Kannon is the Buddhist bodhisattva associated with compassion. 

The principal image in each temple is Kannon, known to Westerners as the Bodhisattva of Compassion (or sometimes mistranslated as 'Goddess of Mercy').

This pilgrimage to the Kannon of Emperor Kazan is still inherited as the "Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage" which is a general term for the sacred sites of the Kannon pilgrimage in 33 places and is the oldest pilgrimage in Japan.

Seigantoji Temple is the first pilgrimage site of "Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage".


33 locations scattered in 6 Prefectures in the Kansai Region
and Gifu Prefecture

Kyoto Prefecture
画像は下記より / These from below

B. 青岸渡寺 / Seganto-ji Temple 
明治政府 (1868 - 1912) 神仏分離令・修験道廃止令・廃仏毀釈によって、各地の寺院や仏具の破壊が行われました。

寺と神社の神仏融合である'那智権現'も、その法令によって、1871年に 、"熊野那智神社"となり、仏教・修験道を排した神社となりました。

1874年、古くからの信者らによって熊野那智大社から天台宗の寺院として独立し、新たに"青岸渡寺" と名付けられて復興しました。

寺号は豊臣秀吉が母大政所 (オオマンドコロ / 1516 - 1592) 菩提を弔うために建てた高野山青巌寺 (セイガンジ) に由来すると言われています。


Kumano Nachi Taisha Shrine and Nachisan Seigantoji Temple 
are next to each other.

画像は下記より / This from below


 Gate ; Sanmon of Nachi Taisha Shrine
The Gate between Seiganto-ji Shrine and Nachi Taisha Shrine

Seganto-ji Temple 
Due to the Meiji government (1868 - 1912)'s decree on Shinbutsu bunri ; the separation of Shinto and Buddhism, the abolition of 
Shugendō and Haibutsu kishaku, temples and Buddhist altars were destroyed.
["Shugendō is a highly syncretic religion that originated in Heian Japan. 
Practitioners are called Shugenja or Yamabushi."(from Wiki)]

By the law,  'Nachi Gongen' was a fusion of the temple and the shrine became "Kumano Nachi Shrine" eliminated Buddhism and 
in 1871.

In 1874, it became independent from Kumano Nachi Shrine as a temple of the Tendai sect : Tiantai by old believers, and was reconstructed under the new name of "Seiganto-ji Temple".

The temple name is said to be derived from Seigan-ji Temple on Mount Kōya, which was built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi to mourn for his mother, Ōmandokoro (1516 - 1592). 

本堂は、1590年に豊臣秀吉 (1537 - 1598) が
"西国三十三所" の第一のここは破壊されずにすみました。

Main Hall
The main hall was rebuilt in 1590 
by Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1537 - 1598)
after the burning by Oda Nobunaga (1534 - 1582) .
Temples were destroyed in various places by the Meiji government, 
but the 'First' of "Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage" was not destroyed.
In July 2004, it was registered as 
part of the World Cultural Heritage Site 

Red Circle  : 
Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range
33°50′13″N 135°46′35″E
画像は下記より / This from below


Precincts Guide Map in Japanese

(Only in Japanese)
I didn't have time to walk around the entire site.
画像は下記より / This from below

Three-stories Pagoda and Nachi Falls

2) 復活 / Resurrection
儒教仏教道教陰陽五行説など) にもとづく名が与えられていたものを"那智四十八滝 (ナチシジュウハチタキ)"と呼びます。

役の行者 (エンノギョウジャ / 634 – 701) が、'第一霊場' と定めて、

下記の那智七仙徳が千日行を遂げたと『熊野山略記』(1430) に伝えられています。
1) 役の行者、
2) 青岸渡寺開山 (882年頃) をしたと伝えられる、裸形上人、
3) 日本の天台宗の開祖、最澄 (サイチョウ : 伝教大師 / 766頃 - 822)、
4) 真言宗の開祖、空海 (クウカイ 弘法大師 / 774 - 835)、
5) 天台寺門宗 (寺門派の宗祖、
                                               円珍 (エンチン 智証大師 / 814 - 891)
6) 睿豪 ( エイゴウ: 叡豪 1038 - 1112) : 高僧であった以外のことが
7) ? 


熊野は古来から本地垂迹 (ホンジャクスイ) の場として多くの参拝者が訪れていました。


こうした状況で、青岸渡寺・副住職であった高木亮英 (1972 ~) 師は、1987年に青岸渡寺住職であった父、高木良孝 (? - 1987) の遺品の中から山伏の装束一式を発見し、熊野修験の再興への父の思いを





那智滝の滝自体が御神体 (ゴシンタイ)です。

Nachi Falls
The waterfall itself of Nachi Falls is a 
Goshintai : God.

I feel Animism that respects nature can be felt in that belief.
I like Japan, where that kind of belief continues.

About visiting Nachi Falls,

The 48 waterfalls in Mt.Nachi are used as places for waterfalls training, and the ones that have been given names based on various religions ;
mainly Shinto
are called "Nachi Shijuhachitaki":  '48 Waterfalls Training' .

En no Gyoja (634 – 701) was the founder of Shugendō, a mountain worship decided that Mt.Nachi was the 'First Sacred Place' and completed a 'Thousand Days Training'.

It is reported in "Kumanoyama Abbreviation" (1430) that 7 Nachi High Virtues, below who had completed 'Thousand Days Training'.
1) En no Gyōja
2) Saint Ragyō (?-?), the founder of Seiganto-ji Shrine,
3) Saichō (Dengyō Daishi / 766 - 822), the founder of the Tendai sect  : Tiantai in Japan ,
4) Kūkai (Kōbō-Daishi  / 774 - 835), the founder of the Shingon Buddhism sect,
5) Enchin (Chisho Daishi / 814 - 891),  founded of the Jimon school of Tiantai,
6) Eigo ( 1038 - 1112) : I don't know anything other than being a high priest.
7) ???

Even if the denominations are different, I think it is interesting to choose Kumano as a place for training and to purify the mind and body, and they all do the same 'Waterfalls Training'.

Since ancient times, Kumano had been visited by many worshipers as a place for Honji Suijaku which is considered the keystone of the Shinbutsu-shūgō (harmonization of Buddhist deities and Japanese Kami : Gods) edifice.

However, once again, due to the bad law of the Meiji era, the Shinbutsu bunri decree, the Shugendō abolition order, and the abolition of Buddhism, the belief in the Shinto and Buddhist rituals that supported the 'Waterfalls Training' was lost, the 'Waterfalls Training' was abolished, and the location of  '48 Waterfalls Training' became unknown. 

Under these circumstances,  Ryouei Takagi (1972 ~), who was the deputy chief priest of Seiganto-ji Temple, worked on the reconfirmation of 48 waterfalls using old documents as clues.

Ryōei Takagi wanted to revive  '48 Waterfalls Training', because he understood his father's hope on the revival of the Kumano Shugendō ;  Kumano Training when Ryōei discovered a set of Yamabushi costumes from the relics of his father, Ryōkō Takagi (? - 1987) who was the chief priest of Seiganto-ji Temple in 1987.

I feel the culture of Shinbutsu-shūgō in which even though the late Ryōkō was the chief priest of the temple of the Tendai sect, kept the costume of Yamabushi, and Ryōei wanted to revive the Kumano Training of Yamabushi with his father's will.

In addition, many Japanese people do not feel any contradiction in the fact that Ryōei, the deputy chief priest of Tiantai, revives the training of Yamabushi in the mountain worship, I think this is because we have Shinbutsu-shūgō, a Japanese culture that has been around for a long time. 

3) 下山 / Down From the Mountain

At the bottom is the Gate :
Sanmon of Seiganto-ji Temple

山門 / Sanmon ; Gate

 A-un (阿吽) Nio Staues 
The image of A-un's Nio statues are for a temple, 
though the guardian dog statues also have A-un, which is for a shrine.
After all, 'Shinbutu bunri' : the separation of Shinto and Buddhism 
does not suit the Japanese culture.

According to Wiki about A-un 
"The original Sanskrit term is composed of two letters, the first and the last (Anusvara) of the Sanskrit alphabet
Together, they symbolically represent the beginning and the end of all things.
In Japanese Mikkyō Buddhism, the letters represent the beginning and the end of the universe."

Even after passing through the gate, we still walked down.
The open space is comfortable.


We went near the Three-stories Tower 
while worrying about the time.
It seems to be well maintained and looks like a new building.


It was burnt down in 1581 due to the war caused
by the conflict between the lords of the Warring States and
Shake ; family of Shinto priests serving a shrine
on a hereditary basis
, but was rebuilt in 1972.


I felt closer to the Nachi Falls than when I was higher up.



I wanted to see the waterfall a little more, but the meeting time was approaching.

I hope we are fine, can come here and can climb up again.

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