
4月15日、丸山健二の『雨のドラゴン』 / "Rain Dragon" by Kenji Maruasma, 15th of April, 2016

目次 / Contents
1) 丸山 健二 / Kenji Maruyama
2) 雨のドラゴン / "Rain Dragon" 
     A. 大人の童話か? / Is the story a fairy tale about Adults?
     B. 住宅地 / The Residential Area
     C. 救いと希望 / Help and Hope

1) 丸山 健二 / Kenji Maruyama

三浦しをん (1976 -) 丸山 健二 (1943 -) を好きだと、"作家の読書道" (2004を読んで知りました。

丸山 健二は、芥川賞を夏の流れ(1967 / 文藝春秋受賞、このとき彼はまだ23歳でした。


「孤高の作家」と呼ばれてきましたが、近年、変化が見られる様子で、ブログ立ち上げたり、丸山健二文学賞 (2015) を創設したりしました。




三浦しをん が丸山 健二作品を好きになったきっかけの本が
『水の家族』(1989 / 文藝春秋→ 2006 / 求龍堂で、
私の作品制作のテーマは "なので、好奇心がぐっとわきました。

丸山健二は『雨のドラゴン』(1973 / 河出書房新社 →1979 / 角川文庫も書いていて、私の好きなドラゴンがタイトルであり、雨も水と関連しています。


Kenji Maruyama

I found out a novelist, Shion Miura (1976 -) likes another novelist Kenji Maruyama (1943 -) : from her interview :  only in Japanese.
About Shion Miura' s works below.

Kenji Maruyama received the 'Akutagawa Prize' for one of his novels, "Summer’s Passage" :  "Natsu-no-Nagare" in 1966 at the age of 23.

Though his later works have been considered for some prizes, he refused all because he hated the commotion  around the 'Akutagawa Prize' , since then he has had distance from the centre of Japanese world of letters.

Although he has been called the 'Solitary Novelist', recently he seems to be changed a little, he has his blog :  only in Japanese, he founded the 'Kenji Maruyama Literary Prize

Since 2005, he started republishing his old works, lately he put his heart into gardening and publishing books about his gardening, I feel he still has his great power.

I feel he hasn't been influenced by the mainstream, he has kept his own independent thoughts which seemed to have had some changes. 

For me, he naturally assumes some superiority of men over over women.

Miura came to like Maruyama 's works by chance reading of "Water Family": "Mizu-no-Kazoku"(1989 / Bungeishunjū → 2006 / Kyuryudo) and the theme of my work is "Water", so my curiosity suddenly excited.

Maruyama's another work is "Rain Dragon" : "Ame-no-Dragon" (1973 / Kaowaideshobo- Shinsha→1979 / Kadokawa), the title includes my favourite creature, a dragon and 'Rain' related to 'Water' too.

I borrowed the two books from Kamakura Library and first I read "Rain Dragon" .

丸山健二 (1943 -)
1973 / 
河出書房新社 →1979 / 角川文庫
装丁: 多田 進 (タダ ススム / 1937 -)

"Dragon of Rain" 
by Kenji Maruyama  :  (1943 -)
1973, Kawaideshobo-Shinshya  
→1979, Kadokawabunko
挿画 中林 忠良 (ナカバヤシ タダヨシ / 1937 -)
中林 忠良は日本版画界の重鎮。

Title Page
Illustration (Print) : Tadayoshi Nakabayashi (1937 -)
Nakabayashi is a leading printmaker in the print world in Japan.

2) 雨のドラゴン / "Dragon of Rain" 

A. 大人の童話か? / Is the story a fairy tale about Adults?



主人公は、若い男性で、一人称の 'ぼく' と作中表現されています。


これは、'ごっこ遊び' に似ています。


子供の頃、自分でルールを決めて実世界の中に短い空想世界を持ち込み楽しんだ遊びを 'ごっこ遊び' と呼びますよね?




主人公 'ぼく'の場合は、空想世界は、時として妄想世界に変化し、私にはその境界の判定は難しいのですが、'ぼく'の 'ごっこ遊びが、'遊び' の歯止めがきかず、犯罪行為に走ってしまうところでは妄想世界だと感じます。




Is the story a fairy tale about Adults?

My first impression about the story was a fairy tale about Adults.

The sentences are short and rhythmic which was one of the reasons for thinking of fairy tale.

The main character is a young man, 'I', and the novel is written in the first‐person.

He goes back and forth between a real world and his imaginary world.

This is similar to 'Pretend Play'.

This point was my first impression. 

When we were children and did the Play in which we made rules by ourselves, briefly brought our imaginary world into the real world ; it is called 'Pretend Play', isn't it?

For example, we decided a rule, the white areas of zebra crossings were lands and black areas were bottomless swamps, and then if we dropped into the black we must die.

And also we got ideas that an empty house is a haunted house or an odd neighbour is a ghoul.

I think some adults still have some imaginations in their real world like that. ( I am one of them.)

The main character, 'I' has his imagination which sometimes changes to paranoid thoughts, the judgement is difficult for me, however, he could not put the brakes on his plays and he made criminal acts, then I felt he was in his paranoid world.

At that time I realized my first impression was wrong.

For me a fairy tale is in an imaginary world or a fantasy world.

I think the tale or the fantasy world could be classified separately  from the real world and a paranoid world is mixed with the real world, the said person cannot recognize the borderline.

B. 住宅地 / The Residential Area






主人公 、'ぼくは、住人たちを俗物と見下し、彼らの生活にウンザリしています。


作者の目は厳しく、俗物の人々の一員でありながら、多少自分は違うのではないかと思っている人 (この物語では主人公) を、俗物の住人よりも貶めて書き出します。










丸山 健二という作家が、当時 (1978) の社会をどのように捉えていたかを感じます。


The Residential Area

The main character, 'I' lives in a residential area of 365 houses.

The number of 365 relates with a year of 365 days.

It implies one block consists of 365 things and I think the residential area symbolizes one element of the world. 

I mean the residential area is not only there but also it symbolizes a common Japanese society or community.

The people live in the area who have near-identical lives, similar values and people commute between their houses and their working places every day, go somewhere at weekends and sometimes they ferment by gossip. 

The main character looks down on them as being snooty and he is choked by their lives. 

However, he looks down himself too, he has blocked feelings and is easily disgusted. 

The novelist's eye is unsparing in that the writing describes about someone who thinks he is a little different from others and more humble than the snobs. 

The novelist's writing does not omit his weak points.

 In my view, people, including me, live in a society who are more or less similar to their negative points.

There are 364 houses of one storey and only the main character's house has a second storey. 

The main character is a sickly young man so his parents built the second floor for his individual room and at that time that was too special so the residents or the mass media criticized the second storey with the official reason about the sunshine rights and so on. 

He does not have any job, just lives and his hobby is observation from his room or the observation is his life and from his room he spotted a fire which prevented a big fire.

Therefore the critical residents became quiet. 

Later the story lightly tells us that the fire was set by him and only he knew about it.

In the case of the mass media, when they saw him in the house, he is very thin, laid down on a settee and happened to be choking and then they have gone quietly. 

The novelist questions the trustworthiness of the mass media and the errors of critics in society

I feel that this is how the novelist, Kenji Maruyama thought about them at that time (in 1978). 

The main character would like to leave although he cannot get out of there by himself. 

C. 救いと希望 / Help and Hope







'ハト' は、主人公を明るい気持ちにする存在で、小さな希望でした。



これももしかしたら、(若い) 男性にありがちな面なのかもしれません?

主人公は、'ドラゴンには 'ハト' より多くの救いと希望を抱き、ぼくとって彼らは重要な存在にもなり、ぼくは、いつか 'ドラゴンが住宅地を出て行くときに一緒に連れて行ってもらおうとします。

'ドラゴン' は、ぼくにとっては、救いと希望の象徴です。


男性であるぼくは貢物が必要であるけれど、女性である 'ハト' は、彼女自身が貢物となるのだと知った時、ぼくはそれをずるいとも思わずに納得します。

と同時に、'ハト' への失望と'ハト' へのライバル意識を持ちます。

私は、ここに丸山 健二の女性観とは、男性にとって、体だけという考えを感じ、悲しい気持ちになります。


最終的に、'ドラゴン' とともに海から脱出しようとしたぼくの願いは、大雨とともに去ってしまいます。

すべてが水に流されてしまいますが、海に浮かぶ、 (ドラゴンの) 筏 (イカダ) の残骸のように、彼の中には希望のかけらが漂っているように感じました。

彼が彼の夢を実現するには、他人を攻撃するでもなく、頼るでもなく、自分の力で住宅地を出て行き、新天地で一 (イチ) から始めることかと思いました。



A door is on the sea which you open with your hand
and you must go to a different world yourself.

Help and Hope

One day with the rumbling of thunder, a young man who is as tall as a street light took his big dog for a walk. 

They appear out-of-place and strange. 

The residents and I felt scared even though the stranger and his dog do not do anything wrong. 

I nick-named them 'Dragon' and 'Kiba' for his dog, Kiba means fang in Japanese. 

I's next-door neighbour has a young daughter nick-named
 'Hato' by him, Hato means 'Pigeon' in Japanese. 

The reason is simply that she keeps a pet pigeon, although I guess the novelist thought of a pigeon with wings which cannot be apart from the owner : her parents. 

'Pigeon' made him a little brighter and was his small hope. 

And also the main character is a young man so she was his target of femininity. 

He seems to understand a little of her personality, although later he could not accept that part of her.

Perhaps it is common in young men? 

He can imagine a 'Help' and a 'Hope' in 'Dragon' much more than in 'Pigeon', 'Dragon' became important for him and he desired that when 'Dragon' leaves the area, he would be taken by 'Dragon'. 

Then 'Dragon' became symbolic of his 'Help' and 'Hope'. 

I felt custom of a petty bourgeois when he depended on 'Dragon' and prepared tribute for him, and I had complex feelings. 

When realized he is a man so he needed tributes, though 'Pigeon' is a woman she did not need tributes because she could be tribute for 'Dragon', did not think she is a cheat, he accepted her way. 

At the same time he was disappointed by her and he had a strong sense of rivalry with her.

Here, I feel the novelist Kenji Maruyama's view of women is that a woman is just a body for men and I am sad. 

I feel the novelist is great, however, I have his view of women in my mind which has stopped me from saying I like him or his work. 

Eventually the main character's hope of escape from the residential area with 'Dragon' on the sea has gone with a heavy rain. 

All is lost, although I feel some pieces of his hope are floating like the debris of a raft-wreck on the sea. 

I think if he is to achieve his dream, he should not attack others nor depend on somebody, but collect his hopes, leave his residential area by himself and start from a new place.

If he cannot do it, he must stand firmly there. 

In my view, the novelist would say that if you want something to change, you should not just criticize, you should make the new way by yourself.

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