Today was the first time I walked to Shichirigahama Beach from my new house.
鎌倉山の木の家 おとぎ話の世界のよう... Wooden Tree House in Kamakurayama. It looks like a fairy tale world. |
この階段をおりて、七里ガ浜の住宅地へ行く。 Down these steps to Shichirigahama Residential Area. |
七里ケ浜 / Shchirigahama
地下道を通って浜へ Through a subway to the beach. |
海はいいな〜! たとえ浜が駐車場に侵されてしまっても、 海はいいな〜! Sea is Good! Even though the beach has been invaded by a car park, the sea is goo~~d! |
江ノ島へ行った時のブログは下記。 Below : Visiting Enoshima in my blog |
結婚の記念写真をここで! They took their memorable marriage photographs here! |
一休み 浜で気に入ったカフェを見つけられず、住宅街の中にある カフェ:'OSA LAB' で一休み。 このカフェ近くにカレーで有名な珊瑚礁本店があります。 Rest Time We could not find a good cafe for us, we decided on this cafe : 'OSA LAB' in the residential area. It is close to a popular curry restaurant Sangosho-Honten. 新しいお店で方向性がゆらいでいるような、 何かを探し求めているような....。 若い彼らの戸惑いが感じられるカフェでした。 The cafe is new, it seems as if they are still looking for something. I felt young people's puzzlement in the cafe. おしゃれなポイントカード Stylish Point Card |
Walking Residential Area of Shichirigahama
鎌倉山は開発が進行中で、木々がどんどん切られています。 In Kamakurayama, development is in progress, and trees are cut steadily. |
私にはきつい坂! It is quite a steep hill for me! |
湘南の海が見えます! We can see a Shounan Sea! |
大きくなった盆栽のよう? It looks like a Bonsai tree becomes bigger doesn't it? |
モダンな家の前の桜 Cherry in front of a modern house. |
お茶はたくさんの選択肢があります。 There is a lot of choice of tea. |
私はスパークリングワイン ワインの選択肢は殆どありません。 カフェですものね。 I had a sparkling wine. We do not have any choice about wine. Here is a cafe, isn't it? |
Rはポットの紅茶とバナナパウンドケーキ 「花は飾りで食べられません」 R had a pot of tea and a piece of banana pound cake. "Flowers are only decoration, do not eat!" |
When I have a chance, I would go to this cafe again.
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