
3月10日-打ち合わせ/ Meeting, 10th of March

1) 来訪 / Visiting



Yuki Saisu, the gallery owner visited my house in Kamakura, although it was poring. While I showed her my works, I talked about the space in the gallery and the work I planned from today. And also I explained that I had not yet decided on some details. Then she gave me advice about them. She selected some works and suggested how they might be framed.
Finally I feel I am at the starting line and I am relieved.
Thank you very much, Yuki!

Bisque Samples and Apple Book Samples about my trip in Britain 2010.

After small changes, I would order new ones.

お土産 / Presents from Her

2) 支えられる個展 / My Exhibition is Supported
A. Golden Green
いつも美味しい野菜を作ってくれているゴールデングリーンさんのHPで私の個展のことをお知らせしてくださっています : 当サイトのRSSを購読

Golden Green : they make delicious and healthy vegetables, their HP introduces my exhibition :当サイトのRSSを購読 in Japanese.
Thank you very much!

B. 皆さ〜ん! / All of You!
たくさんの方々 (特に今回はリトグラフの先生) にお世話になり、家族や友人達やBFのRに応援されながら、私の個展はできあがってゆきます。個展は、個人の作品の発表であるけれど、多くの方々に支えられているのです。

I think my exhibition is getting ready with the support of many people (especially my lithograph teacher) and encouragement of my family, friends and BF: R.
This is my individual exhibition, although it is helped by so many people.
Thank you so much all of you!

3) 雨の鎌倉 / Kamakura in Rain
の中の中の雨の中の白梅 / Hakubai, a Japanese White Apricot in Rain

雨の中の中の雨の中の紅梅 / Kobaibai, a Japanese Red Apricot in Rain

雨の中の雨の中の雨の中の雨の中の水仙 / Daffodil in Rain

竹の雨どい/ Bamboo竹の雨どい/ Bamboo Gutter

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