I thought we would go Rye and returned to London, however, I found Kitesurfing on our way to Rye, my mind was changed, so we had quick look.
この後、ライ散策をしてロンドンに帰りました。 '庭と汽車の旅' は、これで終わりです。 ブログにアップするのに、時間が随意分かかってしまいました....。 Later we had a walk in Rye and returned to London. This was the end of our 'Trip for Gardens and Trains'. It took me so much time to do this section of blog.
I was surprised by this, because there is Dungeness Nuclear Power Station. Maybe NNS might be human's atonement for their sins for animals and plants in Dungeness. Maybe the idea comes from my negative feeling about Nuclear Power Stations.
I understand that visitors must not bring and take other animal, plants, water, soil, stone and so on. (I guess residents might be different.)
Strictly speaking even a handful soil or a stone must not be brought or taken.
It depends on the sense of the individual in reality.
When I was a student in Britain, I tried drawing with branches instead of brushes or pens.
However, the staff stopped me from taking my branches into 'Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew', although they were very thin.
At that time, I did not notice that they would influence other plants in the gardens.
I learnt an innocent person might act in a negative way.
I had experience that sometimes the innocent is guilty. ( Is this overdoing?)
時間がなくて散策はできませんでした。 海を見られなかったのは、残念でした〜。
We did not have time for walking there. I could not see the sea, that's too bad!
灯台の詳細はここで(英語のみ)→★ Detail about lighthouses here. →★
Lighthouses Around there has been busy with shipping since the 15th century, so a wooden lighthouse was built here in 1615. Later, the shoreline retreated and others were built and the building of the power station interrupted the light of the then lighthouse, accordingly today here are only two lighthouses. One of them (above black one ) does not function as a lighthouse, although sometimes it opens then you can climb to the top and see views.
Derek Jarman Derek Jarman(1942 - 1994) was a film director, stage designer, writer, and gardener. In 1986, he was diagnosed as HIV, in 1994, he died by AIDS. When he was alive, he came out publicly that he was gay. I did not know about him before I visited Dungeness. However, I knew that a Japanese friend visited some famous garden in Dungeness, although the friend did not know the Nuclear Power Station and the small locomotives. It shows that the garden is very important for people who have high level of awareness for that area. When I found an article in the pamphlet of ROMNEY, HYTHE & DYMCHURCH RAILWAYabout the garden of 'Prospect Cottage', I realized this was the garden.
[Postscript, 2017] Now we cannot see the film, sorry.
"The Garden" (1990)
After I visited Dungeness, I watched one of his works ; film "The Garden" (1990) (above picture) [Postscript, 2017] Now we cannot see the film, sorry.
The locations of the film were in his garden or in Dungeness.
I thought art works did not relate to whether somebody is a gay or not, however, this was changed by the film.
I think "The Garden" is about gays having been persecuted in history.
Art should be self-expression, so if a person is gay that person's work would be influenced by being gay.
The film is represented with contrasting ideas and symbolic images.
And also in the film, women are in gays's environment who have mixed feelings, there are many people who have pain, so it was hard watching for me.
I think Jarman was highly rated in the art world, although he was exhausted by oppression from general society to him as gay.
Moreover, he was suffering with HIV.
I feel I understand his feeling, selecting the last house in his life which looks like quarantine, although it does not have a cooped-up feeling. In addition, I thought the land has a Nuclear Power Station symbolic of science and the latest engineering, however, it's destiny is to be decommissioned and he loved here including things ike these, and then I feel sad. "The Garden" suggests that the oppressed beat a path to his last place here. (Well, I must say it tells us.) Ultimately he could trust only love as gay and his mind was only at peace there. I think his life carried out his pure mind. Maybe if I have experiences of his other films or books, I could understand him more although I do not have enough energy for them for now . Anyway, I felt that his film has power to give people impressions, appeals and memorable feeling or images. I feel it is art, so I respect his talent as an artist and his efforts and so on.
Prospect Cottage You can see Dungeness Nuclear Power Stationon the left of the Cottage. The cottage is private, so I could not be close. My camera's zoom helps for me. While I wondered who looks after this cottage, I wandered around it. Later, I found that Keith Collins (1966 - ) looks after the cottage, who was the partner of Jarman for a long time, is a main character in "The Garden" (1990) and is a commentator in a documentary "Gardener's World BBC". Mr. Collins, if I made you uncomfortable, I am sorry.
もとは漁師小屋であったという.... The cottage used to be a fisherman's hut...
彼の几帳面さを感じます。 I feel his methodical personality.
環境と融合した庭であると感じます。 コテージの右: 観光バスはここには止まりません。 I feel the garden coalesces with the environment. To the right of the Cottage : a coach does not stop here.
Wabisabi ? He must have loved decay... Well, this might be 'Western Wabisabi World'? If Jarman reached the 'Wabisabi World' by the end of his life, I could be deeply moved.
"壁の浮き文字は、英国の詩人、ジョン・ダン (1572 - 1631)の 詩:ソネット『日の出』の初節と最後の5行を表しています。 彼(ジャーマン)は、20世紀の象徴の一つとして長く賛辞されています。" (ロムニー•ハイス&ディムチャーチ鉄道 のパンフレット,2013年版より) 『日の出』の英文参照→ Gardenvisit. com 『日の出』の翻訳参照→★ 私は彼が20世紀の象徴なのかはよく理解できません。 ただ私が理解したと思っているのは、 ジャーマンがここでプライベートな生活を守りたかったこと。 また、一方では外部にむけての発信を 止める事をできなかった彼のアーティストとしての'さが'も感じられます。 According to the pamphlet of ROMNEY, HYTHE & DYMCHURCH RAILWAY, "The first stanza and the last five lines of (John Donne / 1572 - 1631)'s The Sun Rising are raised in relief on the end wall of the dwelling, a lasting tribute to one of the icons of the 20th century." (2013) You can read it in here → Gardenvisit. com I do not understand enough that he is an icon of the 20th century. I feel just I understand Jarman wanted to protect his private life here. On the other hand I feel his destiny as the artist that he could not stop wanting to give his message to the outside world.
D. 動画 / Film
A) は画像と音楽のみで、B) はBBC(英国の放送局)で放映されたもの: "Gardener's World" .
I introduce two films about this; A) Picture and Music, B) BBC broadcast : "Gardener's World" .