1) チケット購入 / Buying Tickets
2) 9月2日、オペラ『魔笛』 / Opera 『The Magic Flute 』2nd of September
A. 背景 / Background
B. フリーメイソン / Freemasonry
C. 感想 / Review
フォルクスオーパー・ウィーンの9月のチラシ Leaflet of Volksoper Wien of September |
1) チケット購入 / Buying Tickets
Rの弟カップル (義妹Eはオーストリア人でウィーン出身) から、オペラを勧められてようやくチケット取得に向かったのは、フライトの前々日でした。
フライト前日に、なぜかRが2回オペラを見ようと言い出し、同じ劇場ですが、前日とは違う公式サイト(★) を見つけ、それも日本語で(英語、ドイツ語もあります)、余分なチャージもなく、席も選べたのです。
9月2日、『魔笛』のチケット 人生で2度目のオペラ経験です。1度目は、日本のNHKホールでした。 Tickets for "The Magic Flute", 2nd of September It was my second Opera experience in my life. My first experience was in NHK Hall in Japan. |
Buying Tickets
When we decided on this trip, I hoped I could experience at least on orchestral concert, chamber music concert, ballet, opera or a concert by 'The Vienna Boy's Choir' here.
However, for some reason that R was not so keen to go to them, so we did not arrange until just before the trip.
R's brother, B, and his wife E, who was born in Vienna and is Austrian, recommended operas, at last R would go and we tried to buy tickets two days before our flight.
We bought tickets, from an agency using the Internet, to Volksoper Wien for the evening of 2nd of September : program ; "The Magic Flute", we could not select our seats and also it was with a charge, but we could not help it at that time.
In spite of them taking a charge, when we went to the theatre with copies of the receipt and booking number on the day, our booking was not there.
The copies were correct and the theatre gave us seats which were still empty on the day.
We never know why it happened, were we deceived by the website or was it a simple mistake.
After we got tickets, I thought maybe today's tickets were cheaper than the booking, they took a charge, this should not be....I grumble to myself....
However, once I entered the theatre I completely forgot any negative things.
Next night we went to the same theatre again.
The day before our flight I do not know why R said we should see another opera and I found their official website (★) which has English and Japanese ; we could select our seats and no booking charge, we bought tickets for the evening of 3rd of September : program ;『Die Fledermaus』.
Although I say we could select our seats, our choices of unsold seats were not so different from the 2nd of September, so our seats were not so different.
However, our booking was definitely there.
フォルクスオーパー・ウィーン 正面 この劇場は民衆層のための劇場なので、 あまり服装を気にすることもないようです。 女性も男性もそれなりに、'キレイキレイ'的な感じでした。 私はワンピースにジャケット、Rは、ネクタイとスーツでした。 ウィーンのオペラ劇場といえば、国立劇場が有名です。 ドレスコードが心配な劇場ですが、幸か不幸か私達の滞在中は何も 開催されていず、悩むことはありませんでした。 国立劇場は、女性の場合、最も高い席 (一生そんな機会はないかな?) でしたら 舞踏会用のドレス着用、そうでないなら、 イヴニングドレスやワンピースで良いようです。 男性はスーツでどの席でも良いようなので、 楽でいいな〜、羨ましいな〜と...思います。あっ、でも... 私が羨ましがる必要はありません、 なぜなら、そんなチャンスはないでしょうから。(笑) そうそう、日本人女性の場合、着物ならどこの席もOKなのだそうです。 着物、すごい! Volksoper Wien, Front This theatre is for general people, so we do not have to care about clothes. I felt women and men both wore neat clothes. I wore a dress with a jacket and R wore a suit and tie. Speaking of opera theatres in Vienna, Vienna State Opera is famous. I worried about their dress-code, luckily or unluckily they did not have any programs while we were there. If we were to buy the most expensive tickets for Vienna State Opera (I do not expect to have the chance in my life), women should wear ball gowns, if not the most expensive seats, women could wear evening-dresses or dresses. Men seem to wear suits in any seat, I feel they are easy-going and I envy them. I do not have to envy them, because I will not have the chance. (laugh) Oh! Yes! For Japanese women, Kimonos would be fine in any seat. Kimono, Great! フォルクスオーパー・ウィーン、横から 1898年に皇帝フランツ・ヨーゼフ1世 (1830 - 1916 / 在位1848 -1916) の 即位50周年を記念し創設されました。 その後、劇場名が変わったり、運営方法が変わったり、 一度は閉館し、再び開館したりといろいろな面で変化しました。 現在見られるたくさんの文化施設は、ヨーゼフ1世が関わっているのですね。 彼が「国父」と呼ばれる訳を実感します。 Volksoper Wien, From Side It was built in 1898 as Kaiser's Jubilee Civic Theatre for Franz Joseph I (1830 - 1916 / reign 1848 -1916). Later, the theatres' names, managements changed a few times, they closed and reopened. Nowadays we see many cultural buildings were related to Joseph I, weren't they? I really feel why he is called 'Father of the Nation'. 木版画 ; 1899年1月出版 "ライプチッヒ誌"上 Xylography published January 1899 in "Leipziger Illustrierte" 画像は下記より / These from below ★ & ★ & ★ |
ウィーン・フォルクスオーパー / Volksoper Wien
『魔笛』の席は2階(バルコニー)で 最後尾列、舞台の正面でした。
後ろは照明、音響をコントロールする部屋でした。 Our seats for "The Magic Flute" were in the centre of the last row of the balcony. Just behind us was the Control Room for lighting and sounds.
3日の『こうもり』を見たときは、2階席 (バルコニー) の最前列。
手すりが少々邪魔で、知っている人は最前列を避けるのではないかと思いました。 When we watched 『Die Fledermaus』on 3rd of September,
seats were in the centre of the front row of the balcony
I think if people knew it they would avoid the front row.where the railing disturbed our view, |
2) 9月2日、オペラ『魔笛』
Opera 『The Magic Flute 』2nd of September
A. 背景 / Background
演目は、オペラ『魔笛』、夜の女王 (ソプラノ) が
と繰り返し歌う歌 (アリア『復讐の炎は地獄のように我が心に燃え』) が有名な、
あの『魔笛』です→★ : Wiki / ★ : ★ : Youtube
と繰り返し歌う歌 (アリア『復讐の炎は地獄のように我が心に燃え』) が有名な、
あの『魔笛』です→★ : Wiki / ★ : ★ : Youtube
エマヌエル・シカネーダー / Emanuel Schikaneder (1751 - 1812)
が自分の一座のために書き、初めて"鳥刺しパパゲーノ" :『魔笛』の登場人物 も演じました。(下の写真)
エマヌエル・シカネーダー / Emanuel Schikaneder (1751 - 1812)
が自分の一座のために書き、初めて"鳥刺しパパゲーノ" :『魔笛』の登場人物 も演じました。(下の写真)
彼は、アン・デア・ウィーン劇場 / Theater
an der Wien も1801年に設立しました。
/ Hotel
Beethoven の真向かいには、
アン・デア・ウィーン劇場 の'パパゲーノ門' (下の写真) がありました。
We became lost on our way from our hotel to Volksoper Wien.
I had researched by Internet and a hotel receptionist had explained to us how to get there with a map, nevertheless we became lost.
We left the hotel with enough time although we only got to the theatre just when they opened.
There seemed to be a mixed crowd, from children to old people, women and men, tourists from around the world and local people.
The program was "The Magic Flute", the Queen of the Night, a soprano, sings
「Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Aha Ahaa ~~」(this is not laughter)
and repeats, this IS "The Magic Flute".→ ★ : Wiki / ★ : ★ : Youtube
It was composed by Mozart (1756 -1791) , is Singspiel or Opera and the first performance was in September, 1791 and Mozart died in December of that year.
It was first time I knew of Singspiel.
Originally opera's subjects were Greek Drama, Tragedies, although Singspiel has comedy, romance, magic, fantastical creatures and no tragic subjects.
"The Magic Flute" was Mozart's last opera and they say it is now his most popular opera.
Emanuel Schikaneder (1751 - 1812) made the libretto for his company.
Schikaneder was was an impresario, dramatist, actor, composer and the first Papageno (see above) , who is one of the characters in "The Magic Flute"
Schikaneder founded 'Theater an der Wien' in 1801.
We stayed in Hotel Beethoven directly opposite the 'Papageno Gate' (see above) of 'Theater an der Wien'.
B. フリーメイソン / Freemasonry
彼らの奥義 (?) がシンボル化されたり、3という数字が重要であったりし、私のファンタジーと通じる点がいくつかあります。
私の抽象磁器作品も複数の脚 (ブログ左に写真) がありますが、実際に作品を支えているのは、3本脚だけなのです。
私のファンタジー世界は、フリーメイソンのような政治的意味も、宗教からの解放 (または宗教の自由) の意味も関係ありません。
余裕があるなら、フリーメイソン を踏まえて見ると、また違った面白さがあるのだと思います。
I was surprised that "The Magic Flute" is related with Freemasonry.
This seems to have been well known, just I did not know about it, who am ignorant.
Mozart and Schikaneder were both members of Freemasonry.
For me, the impression of Freemasonry is a questionable and captivating secret society.
Their arcane rules, use of symbols, their significance of the number three which have some elements in common with my fantasy world.
In my case, the number 3 is important which was influenced by Celtic culture in which three is the strongest number.
There are many somethings in relation with the number three all over the world.
Originally three is the minimum safe number for supporting something.
My abstract porcelain work has many legs, in fact only three legs ever support
a piece. (See some of my works on the left of my blog)
My fantasy world does not have political meaning and is free from religious meaning, like Freemasonry.
In the beginning Freemasonry (maybe even now) did not seem to welcome women who would join.
Their thoughts are built on the dominance of men over women or the dividing of men and women, which stands apart from my fantasy world.
However, I still am drawn to some part of it, why am I?
According to Wiki about Freemasonry,
ウィーン・フォルクスオーパー / Volksoper Wien
C. 感想 / Review
"The Magic Flute" consists of 2 Acts.
Their language is German so I do not understand anything.
However, anyway I understood the story before the performance, and most of thier conversations depict melodious songs, so that I really enjoyed watching it.
The stage set, costumes, live orchestra, and actors were superb.
They gave me a special world which was different from daily life.
In summary, the story is 'Recapturing a Princess'.
Half way through, the right and the wrong reverse.
The Prince is Tamino, his attendant is Papageno.
The location Egypt, period is unknown, although originally this is a fantasy world or fictional universe, so I did not feel Egyptian colour so much.
I felt Papageno plays the role of a Trickster and I thought maybe the real main character might be Papageno.
Generally speaking, Papageno plays the role of a buffa, although when I watched the Opera I did not know 'buffa', so I felt he is the Trickster.
Papageno and Papagena (Papageno's companion role) sing「Pa-Pa-Pa-Papagena! 」and others were very fun! →★ / ★
We become happy and refreshed after looking at an Art, the art is magnificent!
Hooray! Popular entertainment! Well, but nowadays we cannot say popular entertainment, can we?
Indeed, operas are now a higher hurdle than films.
However, operas are alright in their own right.
If I can have experiences of them I would feel thank you for them and that chance.
次のセクションは9月3日に見た『こうもり』/ 『Die Fledermaus』です。
Next section is about『Die Fledermaus』on 3rd of September.
アン・デア・ウィーン劇場 の'パパゲーノ門' (下の写真) がありました。
/ Theater
an der Wien
Papageno Gate The statue of Papageno is set up above the side entrance to Theater an der Wien. Papageno is one of the characters in "The Magic Flute".
an der Wien started operas in 2006,
which was
the 250th anniversary of Mozart's
then it became third opera theatre in Vienna.
However, Theater
an der Wien is different from the others in that
Theatre does not have their own company and plays do not change every
carry on with the same program for a while.
パパゲーノ / Papageno
画像は下記より/ This from below
モーツァルトの記念切手にパパゲーノと初演のプログラムが デザインされています。ドイツの切手です。 Papageno and Playbill for the premiere are designed into a Mozart commemorative stamp. This is a German Stamp. 画像は下記より / This from below ★ |
We became lost on our way from our hotel to Volksoper Wien.
I had researched by Internet and a hotel receptionist had explained to us how to get there with a map, nevertheless we became lost.
We left the hotel with enough time although we only got to the theatre just when they opened.
There seemed to be a mixed crowd, from children to old people, women and men, tourists from around the world and local people.
The program was "The Magic Flute", the Queen of the Night, a soprano, sings
「Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Aha Ahaa ~~」(this is not laughter)
and repeats, this IS "The Magic Flute".→ ★ : Wiki / ★ : ★ : Youtube
It was composed by Mozart (1756 -1791) , is Singspiel or Opera and the first performance was in September, 1791 and Mozart died in December of that year.
It was first time I knew of Singspiel.
Originally opera's subjects were Greek Drama, Tragedies, although Singspiel has comedy, romance, magic, fantastical creatures and no tragic subjects.
"The Magic Flute" was Mozart's last opera and they say it is now his most popular opera.
Emanuel Schikaneder (1751 - 1812) made the libretto for his company.
Schikaneder was was an impresario, dramatist, actor, composer and the first Papageno (see above) , who is one of the characters in "The Magic Flute"
Schikaneder founded 'Theater an der Wien' in 1801.
We stayed in Hotel Beethoven directly opposite the 'Papageno Gate' (see above) of 'Theater an der Wien'.
魔笛のための舞台デザイン、 1815年頃
Stage design for The Magic Flute
by Karl Friedrich Schinkel (1781 - 1841)
They say it is with Masonic symbols, although I do not find them
Where are they?
画像は下記より / This from below
★ |
B. フリーメイソン / Freemasonry
『魔笛』が フリーメイソン / Freemasonry と関わりを持っていたなんて、驚きました。
彼らの奥義 (?) がシンボル化されたり、3という数字が重要であったりし、私のファンタジーと通じる点がいくつかあります。
私の抽象磁器作品も複数の脚 (ブログ左に写真) がありますが、実際に作品を支えているのは、3本脚だけなのです。
私のファンタジー世界は、フリーメイソンのような政治的意味も、宗教からの解放 (または宗教の自由) の意味も関係ありません。
余裕があるなら、フリーメイソン を踏まえて見ると、また違った面白さがあるのだと思います。
夜の女王登場のシーン, 1815年
カール・フリードリッヒ・シンケル による舞台セット
The arrival of the Queen of the Night, 1815
Stage set by Karl Friedrich Schinkel.
画像は下記より / This from below
I was surprised that "The Magic Flute" is related with Freemasonry.
This seems to have been well known, just I did not know about it, who am ignorant.
Mozart and Schikaneder were both members of Freemasonry.
For me, the impression of Freemasonry is a questionable and captivating secret society.
Their arcane rules, use of symbols, their significance of the number three which have some elements in common with my fantasy world.
In my case, the number 3 is important which was influenced by Celtic culture in which three is the strongest number.
There are many somethings in relation with the number three all over the world.
Originally three is the minimum safe number for supporting something.
My abstract porcelain work has many legs, in fact only three legs ever support
a piece. (See some of my works on the left of my blog)
My fantasy world does not have political meaning and is free from religious meaning, like Freemasonry.
In the beginning Freemasonry (maybe even now) did not seem to welcome women who would join.
Their thoughts are built on the dominance of men over women or the dividing of men and women, which stands apart from my fantasy world.
However, I still am drawn to some part of it, why am I?
According to Wiki about Freemasonry,
opera is also influenced by Enlightenment philosophy, and can be
regarded as an allegory advocating enlightened absolutism.
The Queen
of the Night represents a dangerous form of obscurantism or,
according to some, the anti-Masonic Roman Catholic Empress Maria
Theresa, or, according to others, the contemporary Roman Catholic
Church itself, which was also strongly anti-Masonic."
According to Wiki about 'Mozart and Freemasonry',
figure (number three) appears in Mozart's opera The
Magic Flute in
the overture, suggesting the opening of the Masonic initiation."
I enjoyed the actual performance, without Freemasonry.
While I watched it I knew it related with Freemasonry, although I forgot completely about Freemasonry and I was purely amused by the Opera.
In other words I did not have enough composure to think about Freemasonry.
If I have enough serenity for thinking of it when I look at the Opera, I think I might have different interesting ideas.
I enjoyed the actual performance, without Freemasonry.
While I watched it I knew it related with Freemasonry, although I forgot completely about Freemasonry and I was purely amused by the Opera.
In other words I did not have enough composure to think about Freemasonry.
If I have enough serenity for thinking of it when I look at the Opera, I think I might have different interesting ideas.
ウィーン・フォルクスオーパー / Volksoper Wien
始まる前に / Before the Opera
このカタス / KATTUS ワインは、1857年に創設され、
KATTUS Oficial Website: ★
オーストリアン・ワイン; カタス : ★ (日本語)
Vienna Wine
We had Viennese sparkling wine.
It is light and refreshing, a toast to the taste of Vienna~!
KATTUS was founded in 1857 and their winery is still in Vienna!
We had it on the 2nd and 3rd, both nights before the Operas started.
KATTUS, Official Website: ★
The Black Bottles are KATTUS.
バーの壁の装飾 / Decoration on Wall in Bar |
C. 感想 / Review
舞台は時代不詳のエジプトですが、もともとファンタジー世界 (架空世界) 設定なので、エジプト色はそう強くはありませんでした。
comes from South
graduated from Chung-Ang University
and in 2008, he moved to Munich to study with
Prof. Josef Loibl at the University of Music and Performing Arts.
he does participate actively.
voice is very fantastic~~!
he might be tall and portly, he looked suitably grand on the
is an Oriental, although he works well in the Opera world
which is Western culture, so I have a sense of respect.
wish for more success for him.
本日の出演者一覧 / List of tonights' performers
"The Magic Flute" consists of 2 Acts.
Their language is German so I do not understand anything.
However, anyway I understood the story before the performance, and most of thier conversations depict melodious songs, so that I really enjoyed watching it.
The stage set, costumes, live orchestra, and actors were superb.
They gave me a special world which was different from daily life.
In summary, the story is 'Recapturing a Princess'.
Half way through, the right and the wrong reverse.
The Prince is Tamino, his attendant is Papageno.
The location Egypt, period is unknown, although originally this is a fantasy world or fictional universe, so I did not feel Egyptian colour so much.
I felt Papageno plays the role of a Trickster and I thought maybe the real main character might be Papageno.
Generally speaking, Papageno plays the role of a buffa, although when I watched the Opera I did not know 'buffa', so I felt he is the Trickster.
Papageno and Papagena (Papageno's companion role) sing「Pa-Pa-Pa-Papagena! 」and others were very fun! →★ / ★
We become happy and refreshed after looking at an Art, the art is magnificent!
Hooray! Popular entertainment! Well, but nowadays we cannot say popular entertainment, can we?
Indeed, operas are now a higher hurdle than films.
However, operas are alright in their own right.
If I can have experiences of them I would feel thank you for them and that chance.
チケット/ 本日の出演者一覧表 / パンフレット パンフレットには日本語であらすじの説明が載っています。 私はにわか勉強で一応ストーリーは覚えていったのですが、 Rが記念に買ってくれました。 Tickets / List of tonights' performers / Pamphlet The Pamphlet has a summary of the story in Japanese too. Although I had read a summary of the story and remembered it from before, R bought it as our memory. |
次のセクションは9月3日に見た『こうもり』/ 『Die Fledermaus』です。
Next section is about『Die Fledermaus』on 3rd of September.
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