
❷8月31日 ~ 9月4日、ウィーン旅行、初めてのウィーン / Vienna Trip, My First Visit to Vienna, 31st of August to 4th of September , 2015

目次 / Contents 
1) 初めてのウィーン / First Visit Vienna
2) 音楽の都と川 / The City of Music

1) 初めてのウィーン / First Visit Vienna



2014年にローリング・ストーンズ / 
The Rolling Stones のコンサートがウィーンであり、Rはそこに、弟カップルとともに出かけました。











First Visit Vienna

R had visited Vienna twice although it was the first time I visited there.

His sister in law is Austrian and came from Vienna.

In 2014, The Rolling Stones had a concert in Vienna and R and his brother couple went to it.

I prepared for my exhibition so I could not leave Japan.

I had wanted to visit Vienna for a long time and finally now I made it.

Theatres's websites and sightseeing pamphlets have Japanese, so I could guess Vienna is very popular with Japanese.

R's brother said he sees many Japanese in Vienna and many have violins.

Actually when I visited there I understood why there is popular for Japanese. (However, it is not just Japanese.)

I feel buildings are refined as well as the things associated with the buildings for example, window frames and railings.

Moreover, their meals are delicious, most places are clean and the tap water is safe.

If I compare the buildings and fittings in Vienna with British ones, British ones tend to be more straight-forward and less decorative, with fortitude and vigour for me.

Even British R feels like that.

2) 音楽の都と川 / The City of Music and River 




歴史的建造物がある中心地 (ウィーン歴史地区) に歩いて行け、他の交通機関も容易に利用できるホテル、'ホテル ・べートーヴェン' / Hotel Beethovenを選びました。


音楽家のベートーヴェン /  Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827) は、ウィーン郊外の
ハイリゲンシュタット / Heiligenstadt に住んでいたことがありました。

'ハイリゲンシュタットの遺書' に書かれています()。

『ウィーン謎解き散歩』(武田倫子著、角川書店、2015) P.156には、







第六交響曲<田園>』小川のほとりの情景 :「小川の流れ」/ 



見ることができず、とても残念に思っている他のものに、ドナウ川 /  Danube があります。

ドナウ川 (ダニューヴ) のさざなみ』[ヨシフ・イヴァノヴィチ (1845-1902) 作曲]。

美しき青きドナウ』[ヨハン・シュトラウス2 (1825 - 1899) 作曲]よりもこちらです。




2001年宇宙の旅』[1968 / 監督: スタンリー・キュービック(1928 - 1999)]



ドナウ川 (ダニューヴ) のさざなみ』はワルツではありますが、含まれません。

東欧色が強く、軽やかさよりも、哀愁が漂うのがドナウ川 (ダニューヴ) のさざなみ』だと思います。

ウィーンの語源は'ヴェドニア'という古いケルト語で、意味は ’森の小川’。

語源になったその川は現在でも、街を流れ、ウィーン (川) と呼ばれています。



因みに、オーストリア  / Austria Österreich (エスターライヒ) は、ドイツ語で

Österreich がラテン語化されて、Austria になりました。

赤線 : ドナウ川 / Red Line : Danube
画像は下記より / T
his from below

The City of Music and River 

Vienna is called the City of Music, so I should be able to experience at least one orchestral concert, chamber music concert, ballet, opera or concert by 'The Vienna Boy's Choir' here.

I thought it would be enough if I just saw 
representative sightseeing places this time.

There are many high status and gorgeous hotels in Vienna, although they are very expensive for us who stayed for four nights.

We selected a hotel: 
Hotel Beethoven, we could walk to the city centre, there are many historical buildings or museums or galleries and easy to get transport.

(The city centre was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.)

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827) lived in Heiligenstadt for a while.

Beethoven became hard of hearing and he wrote '
The Heiligenstadt Testament' in 1802.

According to a Japanese Guidebook to Vienna 
(by Noriko Takeda, publisher : Kadokawa Shoten, 2015/ p.156)
"Beethoven wrote his feeling about his problems  in  'The Heiligenstadt Testament, he seemed to be refreshed, get power for life and composed Symphony No. 6 in F major, Op. 68, Pastoral Symphony.

He described about the Symphony that 

'It does not represent  'Pastoral', the music represents my hope for living'.

When he walked along a path in Heiligenstadt, he had the idea about the Symphony.

The path was close to his house and along a brook.

Second Movement: Andante molto mosso :  Scene by the brook  in Pastoral Symphony shows the brook."

(I translate the summery)

Unfortunately I could not visit Heiligenstadt, of course I haven't seen the brook.

However, I can listen to the Symphony, below

SymphonyNo. 6 in F major, Op. 68Pastoral Symphony ; Scene by the brook→ 

According to Wiki About Scene by the brook,

"Toward the end of the movement there is a cadenza for woodwind instruments that imitates bird calls. Beethoven helpfully identified the bird species in the score: nightingale (flute), quail (oboe), and cuckoo (two clarinets)."

I didn't see many places and I regret not seeing the Danube

For me, speaking of 'Danube' is "Waves of the Danube
by Ion Ivanovici (1845 - 1902) rather than 
"The Blue Danube" by Johann Strauss II (1825 - 1899) .

The music evokes memories with my piano teacher.

In general "The Blue Danube" might be more popular, mightn't it?

This is beautiful music too isn't it?

"2001, A Space Odyssey" [1968 / Director: Stanley Kubrick(1928 - 1999)] uses this music impressively

Vienna is famous for Viennese Waltz and "The Blue Danube" is one.

"Waves of the Danube" is a Waltz, although it is not in Viennese Waltz.

I think it has a strong East Europe sound which has pathos more than light.

Vienna's name has Celtic origins, meaning Forest Stream.

The stream still flows in the city today, it is called the Vienna (River) / Wien (River).

I love things Celtic and most of my ideas come from water which is linked with Vienna, I am pleased.

After I knew this information about Vienna, I love Vienna even more.

By the way, the German name for Austria, Österreich, meant "eastern realm" in Old High German.

"Austria" is a Latinisation of the German name.
ウィーン (
私たちが泊まった'ホテル ・べートーヴェン' の近くにも流れていますが、
その地域は暗渠化( アンキョカ)されていて川は見ることができません。

Vienna (River) / Wien (River)
We stayed in Hotel Beethoven which is close to the river,
although some is a culvert, so we cannot see it in that area.
画像は下記より / This from below

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