目次 / Contents
1) 友人のいるカーディフ / Friend in Cardiff
2) 初対面 / The First Meeting
3) Cの仕事を見学 / Look at C's Job.
4) 仲良しの妹 / Close Sister
5) カフェ / Cafe
1) 友人のいるカーディフ / Friend in Cardiff
Rの友人、Cを訪ねてカーディフ/ Cardiff に行きました。
本帰国後、英国を訪れる度に、彼女を訪ねてカーディフ/ Cardiff に行きます。
イディ•アミン / Idi Amin Dada Oumee (1925頃 - 2003)
イディ•アミン / Idi Amin Dada Oumee (1925頃 - 2003)
Friend in Cardiff
We visited R's friend, C who lives in Cardiff.
Friend in Cardiff
We visited R's friend, C who lives in Cardiff.
They have known each other for a long time and R, C and me had an Ireland trip in 2006.
2013 visit, below.
C is Indian and was one of the refugees expelled from Uganda.
She, her family and many people were exiled from the country and their properties confiscated by the dictator, Idi Amin Dada Oumee (c1925 - 2003).
She has worked hard since she came to Britain.
Then I could say that she has been successful.
When some people suffer a small setback and see a spoiled kid, the people tend to attack the kid, although a person who has a real hard-time can be calm and composed and keep watch over the kid, I feel like this from C.
私のプレート 美味しかった〜〜!ありがとうございました。 My Plate Delicious! Thank you very much! |
2) 初対面 / The First Meeting
Cは8人の姉妹と1人の弟がいます。 長いつきあいのRでさえも、すべての姉妹には会ったことがありません。 今回、私達が泊めていただいた家は、9人姉妹の一人の家でした。 私達は、そのご夫婦とは初対面でしたのに、快く迎えてくださいました。
C h as 8 sisters and one younger brother.
Even though R has known her for a long time, he hasn't met all her sisters.
We stayed in the house of one of her sisters.
They welcomed us warmly
even though this was the first time we had met the couple. |
インド風朝食 のひとつ スナック類も手作りです。 An Indian Style Breakfast Snack food is handmade, too. |
庭にあるギャレージ Rはギャレージと言うのですが、車庫ではないのですよ。 私は納屋とか倉庫とかになると思います。 Garage in the Garden R said the garage, but is not for cars. I think shed or store. |
Chili Scotch Bonnet : ★ 激唐の唐辛子 |
お世話になりました。ありがとうございました。 車はRの、今のお気に入り。 They were so kind to us. Thank you very much. The car is R's favourite now. |
3) Cの仕事を見学 / Look at C's Job.
I went to see C's job, even though this is one of her jobs.
5) カフェ / Cafe
増改築中 改築を初めて1年半、英国ではまだまだ序の口... 彼女が増改築の計画進行をしています。 Extension and Structural Alteration of Building It started one year and half ago, it has just begun in Britain...She is an organizer. |
家も大きい、庭も広い〜〜! The house is big, and the garden is wide~! |
まだまだかかりそう... Well, still more, or much more time needed..... |
シンバ、ゴメンネ! 巨大犬のシンバ、いつも好きに家の中も庭も歩いているのに、 私が彼の大きさにびびったので、閉じ込められてしまいました。 シンバとはスワヒリ語で、ライオンという意味です。 クンクン鳴いて、「なんでだよ〜!」と訴えかけられて 私も辛かった! シンバは図体は大きいけれど、きっと子犬の精神なのだと後になって思いました。 Simba, Sorry! A huge dog, Simba, always he walks around in the house and the garden as he likes. However, I was surprised and I lose my nerve by his huge size, so he was kept in a room. Simba means a lion in Swahili. He whined pitiably, appealing "Why?" "Why?" "Why?" "Why?" so I was painful, too!Later I thought Simba has a large body, although his mind probably is a puppy. |
4) 仲良しの妹 / Close Sister
Close Sister
If we have 9 sisters, we could have a closer sister.
C has a close sister, too.
Actually we were supposed to stay in this house.
However, the sister suddenly had things to do and then the plan was changed.
We visited here before, although they had improved so much, so the house and the garden look like different places.
大好きなフューシア(フクシア) / My Favourite, Fuchia |
ガーデンショーにあるような庭です。 It looks like a garden in a garden show. |
妹さんは留守でいず、会えませんでした。 Cは仲良しなので、家の鍵をもっています。 The sister left the house so we couldn't see her. C is close to the sister, so she has the key of the house. |
美しいキッチン / Beautiful Kitchen |
5) カフェ / Cafe
ブラヴァ / BRAVA
We had lunch in a cafe with C.
When we came here before we had breakfast.
私のランチ / My Lunch |
手前がC、奥がRのランチ Front dish is C's lunch and behind is R's. |
C made a lot of ginger pickles and gave them to me because I like it.
But maybe I might not eat all this time, because the quantity was unusually large.
I feel Indian food culture. That can't be true! The 8 sisters made them each way.(laugh)
She always welcomes us with her warm heart and to show us out... I feel.
Always thank you very much!
She told R that sometimes she looks at my blog and enjoys reading it.
C is really kind, with gratitude.
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