
❷東北旅行 / Tōhoku Trip - 2) 松島; 瑞巌寺 / Matsushima ; Zujigan-ji, 27th of April, 2015

Map in Japanese

左 : 日本語版パンフレット/ 中:英語版 / 右:チケット
瑞巌寺について:  / 松島町のサイト : / 公式HP:

Left : Pamphlet in Japanese / Middle : in English / Right : Ticket
Zuiganji →  in English

 瑞巌寺 (ズイガンジ) は、正確には、臨済宗妙本寺派 松島青龍山 瑞巌円福禅寺
(ショウトウセイリュウザン ズイガンエンプクジ)で、禅寺です。

パンフレットによると、平安時代 (794 - 1185 または1192) は、天台宗延福寺(テンダイシュウエンプクジ)であり、鎌倉時代 (1185 - 1333)に圓福寺(エンプクジ)と改称し、建長寺派の禅寺に改められました。

戦国時代 (15世紀末から16世紀末)末期には妙心寺派に入り、現在に至ります。
Pamphlet in Japanese

Zuiganji's a formal name  is Shoutouseiryuzan Zuiganennpukuji and it is Zen temple.

According to their pamphlet,
'In Heian period (794 - 1185 or 1192) , this was Tendai Buddism temple: Tendaishu Enpukuji ; 天台宗延福寺.

In Kamakura period (1185 - 1333), it converted to a Zen temple ; Kenchouji sect and the name was changed to Enpukuji ; 圓福寺, however, just the Kanji characters were different the pronunciation the same. 

In Sengku period (the end of 15th century to the end of 16th.), eventually it was taken over by the Myoshinji sect : 
the Myohonji Sect of Rinzaishu Buddism Seiryzan Zuiganji Tmeple. '
Pamphlet in English


妙心寺は鎌倉にもありますが、本山 (大本山妙本寺)は京都です。→妙心寺派: ★


Official website:

Kamakura has Myohonji, too although their head temple is in Kyoto.
Official website in English:

Both are Rinzai school, I do not know what is different and how important the differences are, only that their head temples are in different places. 

参道に向かう/ Towards to Sando : the approach

門の前の看板 / Sign Before the Gate
江戸時代 (1603 - 1868) 初期に、仙台藩初代藩主、伊達政宗 (1567 - 1636) が

瑞巌寺はミッシェラン旅行ガイド「MICHELIN Voyager Pratique Japon」

Pamphlet in English
Early in the Edo period (1603 - 1868), 
the first Lord of Sendai DomainDate Masamune (1567 - 1636)
completed the present big Buddhist Zen temple buildings ; Garan.

However, we can not see the main building now, 

because they have been repairing : 'Heisei Big Reparing'
 will continue 
until about spring 2016.

This temple got three stars on「MICHELIN Voyager Pratique Japon」2007.
I think here will be better in spring 2016 than at that time.

伊達政宗 (1567 - 1636) 
土佐光貞 (1738 - 1806) 筆


Date Masamune (1567 - 1636) 
By Tosa Mitsusada (1738 - 1806)

画像は下記より/ This from below
Wikipedia : 

Statue of Masamune in Houmotsu-kan (treasure hall)

According to Wikipedia about Date Masamune,
"Date Masamune (伊達政宗, September 5, 1567 – June 27, 1636) was a regional strongman of Japan's Azuchi-Momoyama period through early Edo period. Heir to a long line of powerful daimyo in the Tōhoku region, he went on to found the modern-day city of Sendai. An outstanding tactician, he was made all the more iconic for his missing eye, and Date was often called dokuganryū (独眼竜), or the "one-eyed dragon"

他の政宗画像→ / Other Masamune's pictures 

これも東北震災 (2011)のためかしら?と思いつつ歩きました。

 Looking Towards to the Temple
Many trees have been cut.
I guess they were affected by
 'The 2011earthquake off the Pacific coast of Tōhoku'.

門 (松島湾) に向かって / Towards the Gate and Matsushima Bay

切り株 / Treestump
It might be a tree seedling or other plant's ones...whatever I feel pleased.

大木 / Great Trees 

                                        境内 / Inside

特別公開中 ; 庫裡(クリ) 

Now Special Opening instead of the Main Building
 Kuri, the Temple Kitchen.
It was designated as a national treasure in1959.

"本来実用本位の建物に唐草や花肘木 (ハナヒジキ)の彫刻が施されたことに

According to the pamphlet
"The design was criticized for being impractical.
It was carved with arabesque patterns and used flowered struts.
It is a fine example of Masamune's sense of beauty."

池 / Pond

I was surprised by this idea!
There might be rooms or stores carved out of rock.


 From the side

There is the pond to the left.


There were Japanese Natural Monuments : two trees ;
Married Couples Japanese Elm Trees which were 800 years old.
However, now.....

Gassho : Añjali Mudrā

They became dangerous trees and they were released
as Natural Monuments in 2014, and then

they were cut in May, 2014.

We passed through this mini tunnel under the tree stumps.

Climb up here and then..

We saw this view....
左: 日本語版パンフレット / 右: 英語版パンフレット
パンフレットにある陽徳院御霊屋 (ヨウトクインオタマヤ)に行き着きます。
政宗の正室、愛姫 (マゴヒメ / 1568 - 1653) の墓堂です。


Left : Pamphlet in Japanese / Right : in English
We arrived at Yotokuin's Mausoleum which is in the pamphlet.

She had been called Megohime (1568 - 1653).
She became a nun in this temple and  was named Yotokuin 
after her husband, Date Masamune died.

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