12月14日 / 14th of December
We are busy looking for property and had lunch in Sông BÈ Cafe.
R has many problems about food, but he can have delicious meal here. |
R はグリーンカレー。 R has Green Curry. |
いつも私はここでは、フォーを食べますが、今日はごはん。 何故なら、カフェはご飯を5分つきに変えたというので.... 以前、ご飯を食べていないので、くらべようもありませんが、 美味しくいただきました。 I usually have their Pho, although I have a rice bowl, because they now use whole grain rice. However, I could not compare with before, because I hadn't had their rice. Anyway this meal is pleasant. |
The cafe sells things.
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