1) 結末で / The Ending
Half-way through reading this book I thought it was an ordinary story, though the pictures were lovely.
I was surprised by the ending.
I felt the book and its story must have come from overseas.
『どこいったん』 (クレヨンハウス 2011) ジョン•クラッセン(1981~): 作/画 長谷川 義史(1961): 訳 "I WANT MY HAT BACK". (Edition in English and Japanese 2011) Jon Klassen(1981~) : author and illustrator Yoshifumi Hasegawa : translator 裏表紙↓ The back cover. ↓ |
The bear asks various animals about his (probably 'his') missing red hat....
Below: "I Want My Hat Back" by Jon Klassen- Book Trailer
2) 関西弁 / Kansai Dialect
翻訳者、長谷川 義史氏に拍手!または彼を選んだ編集者に拍手!
I understand why it is in the 'Kansai Dialect'.
I think the reason is that it creates a humourous atmosphere and then the reader can accept the end more easily.
The above film uses humourous music.
However, the bear's eyes and body appear weird.
The ending has black humour, so they suit it!
3) ふたつの結末 / Two Endings
Kansai Dialect
In the Japanese publication of this book, they use the 'Kansai Dialect'.
If people have a feeling that something is less good about the 'Kansai Dialect, maybe they cannot easily accept the translation, however,
I think it suits this picture book.
In my opinion, the Japanese title is better than the original, because the original is just 'I want my hat back', but the Japanese represents the process and the ending ; 'Where is it?' / 'Dokoittan'.
Applause to the translator, Mr. Yamada! or the editor who selected him as the translator!
I understand why it is in the 'Kansai Dialect'.
I think the reason is that it creates a humourous atmosphere and then the reader can accept the end more easily.
The above film uses humourous music.
However, the bear's eyes and body appear weird.
The ending has black humour, so they suit it!
3) ふたつの結末 / Two Endings
『三びきのこぶた 』(福音館書店 / 1963:下の画像 )
『三びきのこぶた 』は、大人には、残酷に感じる?結末ですが、リズミカルな文章で、読み手に受け入れやすくしていますし、特にこどもには受け入れやすいようです。
私が『三びきのこぶた 』を思い出したのは、『どこいったん』が関西弁で、語り口調、『三びきのこぶた 』は活字でなく、話によって伝えられてきた(民間伝承をもとに書かれた)ものであったために、似た色合いを感じたこともあるからかもしれません。
'三びきのこぶたの物語' は、口承であるが故に、結果を言葉にしなければなりませんでしたが、『どこいったん』は絵本であるが故に、
『三びきのこぶた 』(福音館書店 / 1963:下の画像 )
『三びきのこぶた 』は、大人には、残酷に感じる?結末ですが、リズミカルな文章で、読み手に受け入れやすくしていますし、特にこどもには受け入れやすいようです。
私が『三びきのこぶた 』を思い出したのは、『どこいったん』が関西弁で、語り口調、『三びきのこぶた 』は活字でなく、話によって伝えられてきた(民間伝承をもとに書かれた)ものであったために、似た色合いを感じたこともあるからかもしれません。
Two Endings
This ending reminds me of "Three Little Pigs". (see below picture)
The end of "Three Little Pigs" might give the impression of cruelty for adult reader, although the writing is rhythmical, so the reader can accept more easily, especially children.
Moreover, "I WANT MY HAT BACK" reminded me of "Three Little Pigs", because "I WANT MY HAT BACK" is written in a 'Kansai Dialect' narrative style, and "Three Little Pigs" is written in an oral traditional style, therefore I feel their atmospheres are similar.
'The story of Three Little Pigs' is an oral traditional story (like a brothers Grimm fairytale), therefore it had to tell 'the ending' by words, although "I WANT MY HAT BACK" is a picture book, so its ending can be told in pictures.
I think modern people more easily accept the ending of "I WANT MY HAT BACK", than the "Three Little Pigs".
In my view, ending a story visually, rather than directly in words, might suit modern people better.
Even though I felt there is a similarity between the two endings, the representations of the endings are different: between the story planned as a picture book from the beginning, and the other story founded in the oral tradition.
『三びきのこぶた』 (福音館書店/ 1963) 瀬田貞二 (1916-1979):訳 山田 三郎 :画 "Three Little Pigs" (Edition in Japanese, Fukuinkan Shoten 1963) Teiji Seta(1916-1979) : translator Saburo Yamada : illustrator 画像は下記より / Picture from below http://www.fukuinkan.co.jp/bookdetail.php?goods_id=293 |
I decided I would buy this book in the original English. (Below)
洋書:どこいったん/ The Original book : I Want My Hat Back.
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