The National Gallery, London
今回はチャーリングクロス駅(Charing Cross Station) から歩いて行きました。
The National Gallery, London
I visited the National Gallery as well as a few different approaches.
This time, I went to there from Charing Cross Station on foot.
I tried to take photograph from different angles of the front.
It was cloudy, so my photographs are a little bit dark, aren't they?
This time, I went to there from Charing Cross Station on foot.
I tried to take photograph from different angles of the front.
It was cloudy, so my photographs are a little bit dark, aren't they?
ダンキャノン ストリート Duncannon Street |
before crossing the traffic lights |
信号機を渡ってから after crossing the traffic lights. |
ネルソン記念柱を後ろから Nelson's Column, from behind |
2)第四の台座 / The Forth Plinth
A : 作品のタイトルは"ボトルの中のネルソンの船"
The title is "Nelson's Ship in a Bottle"
The title is "Nelson's Ship in a Bottle"
"The Forth Plinth, 2010" is Yinka Shonibare's work.
A replica of Nelson's Ship "Victory" is in the bottle.
B: アート? / Art?
例え、"ゴミ"であっても、そこに最もなコンセプトが付けばアート作品になり、技術的に高いものであっても、オーソドックス, 型にはまった、または伝統的なものならアートとは呼ばれず、工芸と呼ばれる傾向にあると思います。
In my view, this is not art work, although it is quite interesting as a display in a tourist site.
I think it worked well, and I enjoyed it.
Nowadays it is difficult making a decision about what is art or not, isn't it?
Even though it might look like rubbish, if it is with a concept, it could become art.
On the other hand, if it looks as though it has high a skill and
a technique, if the way is orthodox, conventional and traditional, then
it tends to be called craft.
Even though it might look like rubbish, if it is with a concept, it could become art.
On the other hand, if it looks as though it has high a skill and
a technique, if the way is orthodox, conventional and traditional, then
it tends to be called craft.
I love my favorite craft works and artisan's works, although I do not think these works suite this plinth.
Back to the bottle work, it worked for a tourist site as part of a show.
3) 慎重に鑑定: 模造品、誤認、そして発見
Close Examination: Fakes, Mistakes and
A: 拍手/ Applause
The below pictures come from the Gallery's Website
In spite of all their efforts about judging and winnowing the true from the false, they made a few mistakes.
However, they could make this exhibition from their failure, and I would give them good applause.
I felt they are great!, because they showed people the failures as their processes improve and they throw their chest out.
B: 弟子作は師匠作よりも高い!
The work of pupil was more expensive than
the work of master
the work of master
あるボッティチェリの作品 ("ヴィーナスとマルス"1485年)をよりも
加えて彼らはルーブル美術館でも贋作である疑いがかかるアレゴリーの作者が描いたであろう絵("Venus and Three Putti"15世紀後半作)を
だまされたのはフランス人もだぞ〜って? 笑
これらの絵が全く関係していなかったということもないようで、ボッティチェリの工房で制作された (弟子の作品) と考えられているようです。
ヴィーナスとマルス Venus and Mars |
アレゴリー An Allegory |
The work of pupil was more expensive than the work of master
This exhibition announced they were caught by fakes.
For instance, they bought "An Allegory (about 1500)" : now they have a highly questionable work by Btticelli or not, more expensive
600 pounds than the true work of Botticelli :
"Venus and Mars (about 1485)".
In addition, they explained Musée du Luvre, paris, has got
"Venus and Three Putti (late 15th century)"
as Botticeli work, although the National Gallery curators think it was painted by the same hand.
I think they mean the Luvre was also caught by the fake, so French have been had too, haven't they?(Laugh!)
"Venus and Three Putti (late 15th century)"
as Botticeli work, although the National Gallery curators think it was painted by the same hand.
I think they mean the Luvre was also caught by the fake, so French have been had too, haven't they?(Laugh!)
Apparently these pictures are related, probably the pictures produced in the work shop of Botticelli, it means they painted by Botticelli's pupil(s).
C: ミステリアス / Mysterious
昔は Formerly |
There were other examples that the fakes were discovered by modern technologies.
On the other hands, there were genuine pictures which were discovered from pictures which had been thought to be fakes.
There were also other interesting examples. (See Photographs!)
I felt excited while I was looking at them.
The episodes about the pictures and ways of judging pictures gave me feelings of mystery.
The episodes about the pictures and ways of judging pictures gave me feelings of mystery.
今は Now |
I guess this will not become a traveling exhibition and other Galleries can not follow suit.
This exhibition was quietly situated underground in the Sainsbury Wing, so I thought the space really suited this exhibition which showed the mysterious worlds.
I think officially they would show the curators are behind supporter for the Gallery and the main stars are the genuine artworks.
I think officially they would show the curators are behind supporter for the Gallery and the main stars are the genuine artworks.
I was lucky, I could see the exhibition.
4)ポートレイトギャラリー / Portrait Gallery
'テイトモダンのフランシス•アリス展, 2010年'については下記。
フランシスアリス / Francis Alÿs
Portrait Gallery
In Tate Modern I watched "The Nightwatch (2004)" by Francis Alÿs: the film is a fox walking around in this Gallery.
'Exhibition Francis Alÿs in Tate Modern 2010':below
フランシスアリス / Francis Alÿs
So I wanted to visit this Gallery.
In reality, I visited there and I was interested in the Gallery more than
I thought, even though they are conventional styles of portrait.
Other floors have less photographic styles of portrait of people who are newly famous.
I thought, even though they are conventional styles of portrait.
Other floors have less photographic styles of portrait of people who are newly famous.
Moreover, I felt the display has a good idea.
Unfortunately I visited there one hour before closing time, so
I could not look at them for as long as I wanted to.
Unfortunately I visited there one hour before closing time, so
I could not look at them for as long as I wanted to.
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