1) パブ/ Pubs
私達は"The George Inn"で28日の晩に食事をしました。
We had dinner on 28th at "The George Inn".
Here are mixed photographs I took of them, 28th night and 29th daytime.
"The George Inn" パブと宿泊所をかねた所は、イン/ Innと呼ばれます。 ここは、14世紀(1397)に既にインとしてのライセンスを得ています。 この上と下の写真は翌日(29日に撮影) The Above and the Below were taken 29th. |
パブでは無料での見比べをさせてもらえます。 日本人は、なかなか言い出せないかも? 少なくとも、私はRなしでは、申しだせません。 Pub gives us tastings, however, for Japanese it is difficult asking for these. At least I could not ask without R. |
パブでは席に着く(食事の)前に、飲み物を注文します。 People usually order drink before going to the table or ordering the meal. |
席は暖炉の前 自分たちで飲み物を持って、席につきます。 Our table was in front of the fireplace. We carry our drinks to our table ourselves. |
外はまだ明るい... 午後7時くらいにはなっているのですけれどね。 It was still bright outside, although it was about 7 o'clock. |
暖炉周りの小物 Things are around the fireplace. |
鴨料理は私のメイン、美味しかった〜! My main dish was duck, this was delicious! |
Rのデザート/ R's sweet. 私はデザートはなし。 I did not have any sweet. |
After our dinner, it was already dark outside, about 10 o'clock.
"The George Inn" の向かいのパブ 外見は素敵だけれど、食事はあまりよくないのかも? 満席に近いThe George Innにくらべ、お客さんはあまり入っていない.... This Pub is opposite "The George Inn" The pub looks lovely, although their meals might not be so good. Compared to "The George Inn" which was close to full, there were not so many customers. 下の写真は29日撮影 Below photograph taken, 29th. |
A. "Chestnuts": Tea Room
お茶のみ/ Just Drinking 朝食で、まだおなかがいっぱい! We were still full from our big breakfast! |
おそらく、すずめだと思います。 垂直に壁にとまっているのを初めて見ました。 Probably they are sparrows. It was the first time I saw them alight perpendicularly on the wall. |
庭の花々 Flowers in the Garden |
花/ Flowers |
店内 ほかの店内写真がぼけぼけちゃんで、これのみです。 Inside Other photographs inside had no focus, so only this. |
こちら側が表。 This side is their front. |
ウィンド ディスプレイ Window Display |
3)ホテル / Hotel
夜のホテル /HOTEL : "DEANS PLACE" in the night
私たちはここには泊まっていません。 でも、なかなか、素敵に思えました。 We did not stay here. However, I felt there looked lovely.
The Gate to the hotel